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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. full disclosure I paid for the backstage ticket specially when they said 30 percent off was as good as it gets 104 so now I have a year of sonar, and backstage name tag still can't eat at the buffet, but do get to stand in line to get a fist bump from the bass player I record with cbb or sonar nearly everyday I understand you all have your vibe and what not so then there was a thread about AI I'm going to post everything I have recorder to that backstage thing don't really care I could use 2 boom boxes and headphones for a mic and it will alll be the same, when i can't even affford that I'll just sing anyway but yes I get it change, FI oh, and my next song in the song forum is a collaboration with Freddy
  2. Elvis Presley and Nancy Sinatra - Ain't nothing like a song.
  3. only a true Wookiee would know, because the only way you get from Kashyyyk to Earth, is by being existentially warped. hey Wookiee, what is your favorite snack?
  4. hey TOM here is a funny story about jerry gerber I sent him a PM to ask if he would do a "collaboration," he declined. I asked Kenny to do a collaboration, he declined too.? can't say I don't understand?
  5. My parents who begat me baptized me as a catholic now as I journey on I know that anyone who gives me a sincere smile or an honest hand is a child of the universe https://www.bandlab.com/post/06b8e602-4c28-ef11-86d2-6045bd2cd6bc if only I could shut up
  6. Well, as you all know, Kashyyyk is Wookiee's home planet. I was visiting there, and everybody knows who he is. I would have stayed longer but it was the same season all the time, nice, but I prefer variability. I have to believe that AI will have a hard time making sense out of my expressions. Well, he did it via mental telepathy while I was listening to his last piece. Thanks all. Well, yes, Kashyyyk is a very very long way from earth, now if by weird you mean supernatural, then yes, it is weird.
  7. @pwal³ McVC==artney had a big big bubble Thanks for that, I have never heard those before. wtf ftw
  8. bjorn made me do it https://www.bandlab.com/post/483ec7f8-7427-ef11-86d2-6045bd2cd6bc
  9. There are so many excellent artists on this forum, and your group continues to shine! Gehalte Volmaaktheid Vreugde ?
  10. The whole point of this thread is to share opinions on the most unique "collaborations" in music. I start with this one. Paul McCartney, David Gilmour on guitar. David Gilmour solos but most notably at 3:19
  11. maybe some new york horns like walls and bridges
  12. Jesse Screed


    as always celestial cool you coax some awesome visuals out of my imagination with your music
  13. link did not work for me
  14. nice vocals, great voice love the lyrics If you want my critique, not sure if it gets lost in the middle but it could use a a little something, the timing seems off around 1.23 and other places too, like a lag or something as you say, this is your rough mix but I do think it is a very good song with a great start, lots of good stuff going on.
  15. I'm still waiting for infrastructure week.
  16. Okay, after reading my response to jack c, I see how I may have come off as a sad sack little vamp. I blame jack c for positing the query.? Look, honesty and confidence go hand and hand, like chosen words and perceived meaning. I believe in my expressions, I am not afraid to bare myself. I also so much love to hear all the expressions by others. If you post, you're the most. I am the proto artist and you are too, so hack away!
  17. Can anyone recommend a good toaster? The one I have now just won't toast. Also, I use Audition sometimes. jibber jabber prattle blather chatter babble gibber gabble twaddle witter drivel jabber patter blether prate gossip gab natter twitter talk jaw rabbit shoot the breeze yabber yackety-yak yap yatter chat yak yammer chunter go on gas cackle gibberish nonsense ramble run on speak gabber chinwag converse communicate chitter-chatter chit-chat garbage tittle-tattle rubbish mag powwow run off at the mouth twattle visit confabulate claver clack blither maunder codswallop double talk blabber slabber engage in conversation chew the rag chew the fat catch up have a confab have a conversation rattle on rattle claptrap balderdash n. bulls hit piffle stuff and nonsense deceit doublespeak mumbo jumbo burble shoot the bull blab applesauce cod's wallop hog swallop hog's wallop hogswallop *****-and-bull story rap talk nineteen to the dozen make conversation have a chinwag have a chat tattle jargon tripe bull bunk gobbledygook
  18. Wow. that's really nice. Nice work on the harmonies. Very nice mix and arrangement. I have never heard modern blues, so this is what it sounds like. Very nice arrangement too, the comings and goings of the instruments. The vocals stand out.
  19. Yes, very nice. The mix tutorial certainly worked as the results are evident. High quality in my opinion.
  20. To me, this is a song that relates to my life. Stepping out, wading through life, and avoiding all the pitfalls. If only I had wings and could fly like a gull, that would be nice.
  21. Я не понимаю лирику Я понимаю прекрасный голос и фортепиано Пожалуйста, возвращайтесь снова☮️
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