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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14371469
  2. The scroll wheel works fine in standalone versions, but when I open it in Cakewalk by Bandlab as vst, the scroll will not work, up down arrows will not work, hold mouse wheel scroll button down for drag scroll, it just ain't happening for me. I have searched internet and cbb forum, but no real hits, just that it should work. Thanks
  3. I wanted very much to try Reaper, but I use a 36" 4k television as a monitor and can't get it to appear correctly. The print and icons were so small I needed a magnifying glass. I tried to find a solution online, but none worked. I'm sure there was a work around, but I gave up after several tries. If I remember correctly, I had the same issue with Studio One 3, which I bought after the Gibson Sonar fiasco. Anybody ever have those issues?
  4. Jesse Screed

    A Dead Star

    for me 29th century beefheat without the verbal poetry not to say this is not poetry it surely is, (for discerning commoners.) I feel what you are feeling, and I hear what you are saying
  5. yo T not often I hear you lay it down I want you to know I'm picking it up very cool thanks, happy new year
  6. oxymoron very clean recording and yes, the synths sound very nice always quality creations from your studio
  7. there was a problem on the mixdown https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14355788 it's raining outside
  8. Jesse Screed


    you are a fish out of water and I mean that in the most positive sense fearless, peerless
  9. Jesse Screed


    love the way the backing vocals and the guitar mesh as one in place devils bag of tricks did you play the bass too? nice arrangement amigo
  10. cool like the base like it all the guitar very California cooool
  11. I think you heard exactly what you wanted the way you wanted I like the dense mix Freaking great post. Horns are hard, so I don't consider them horns but soundscape accompaniment, all sounds are acceptable. The guitars are always great.
  12. mis disculpas si esto ya fue publicado $9 Credit Gift From KV331 Audio Happy holidays from KV331 Audio! Since it is the Holiday Season, it's time for our annual Winter Sale: All our products are 50% OFF until January 2. and we have a special holiday gift for you exclusively: $9 credit you can use across our web store. This credit is available during our Winter Sale, and will expire on January 2.
  13. Jesse Screed


    Yep, most people wonder why. It just is, and it doesn't matter, really.
  14. Jesse Screed


    Nietzsche also said "peanut butter is gross and weird, but I don't mind a sharp mechaela."
  15. Jesse Screed


    I still do love Josiah, he is my pet tarantula, I let him sit on my shoulder sometimes when I go to the park, but he likes to crawl on my face; that scares people. I did not see the FLY, but it is on my bucket list.
  16. Jesse Screed


    I did not come to leave https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14354298
  17. I'm going to find out about this sometime later today. I went to PB, searched for Sacler. Scaler 2 showed up. I added it to my cart. After adding my 10 bonus cash the price was $30, and selected Orb for my free gift. When I selected the download the only version available was 2.5. It is downloading now. Like @Starise notes in this thread, the default download is Mac, so slow down on checkout. If @paulo is right, and it is buggy on Cakewalk, I will chalk it up to GAS, and D'oH, GAS can be like playing 5 card monty, sometimes.
  18. David, I can hear your Mother singing through this. Her name was Frances? Did her closest friends and family refer to her as that? This has brought you closer to her; I imagine she knows.
  19. I watched the last segment this morning, and had some time to reflect as I organized my sock drawer this afternoon. The Beatles were common blokes who met by happenstance and coalesced into an Act with visions of grandeur, like us all but they were still common blokes they had pain, joy, distress, ecstasy, anxiety, and love they were just like you and me with a twist and a shout at the right time enveloped in their love for one another bolstered by their talent fortified by enablers, disablers, and the luck of the draw conjuring up a magical stew a lodestar for anyone curious Smile this could be your day but you know it won't come easy
  20. Douglas, nice work on the album. I didn't have 90 minutes to listen to the whole thing, but did get a chunk of it in. Great guitar tones! The lyrics are great too. You have done some excellent work there.
  21. I can agree with with most of that. When they worked together as a team they were excellent. Lots of tidbits in this revealing just how "fragile and awe inspiring their collaborative process was." Bapu, did you notice the part where they were discussing whether to pay, or how to pay Billy Preston? I thought that was interesting. I like Peace and Love people, but also recognize that just because someone seems difficult doesn't mean they don't have great ideas. Whether or not one chooses to live with it is the hard part.
  22. Do, or will Cyborgs be eligible for Social Security?? I did upgrade to FF Volcano 3, finally upgraded to FF L2 and Q3, but I was eligible for the Education Discount, so it was a pretty good price IMHO. FF plugs are very good, and play nice on my syste. I also got a cross grade for Kontakt at $119, not sure if that is a good price, but I wanted to be able to get some licensed libraries if there are any good sale down the road.
  23. This Beatles thing is very interesting to me. Watching this band coming undone. Seeing how each member begins to move away from the center. Several things stand out right now. 1. Ringo, he slogs through all the while seeming to wonder what the hell is going to happen. 2. How the "lads" were on their best behavior when Billy Preston shows, or when George Martin arrives, (although the sessions fall apart as the session goes on.) 3. Glyn Johns getting the room set up, and the sound dialed in.
  24. Has anyone told you this is a song Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music could easily cover. Excellent work! I see someone alluded to Peter Gabriel, but I think Bryan Ferry would be better suited for this. Alas, it is Kevin Walsh, and as such, those others would probably butcher it. It was worth the wait. What else are you hiding in the vault of deep cuts?
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