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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. kevin professed, tom verified remix below https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14344688 Yes, thanks for challenging me it might be half, some more, some less. creative quite possibly well, I did still curios if this is a little more tickles the uvula https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14344688
  2. Hi Tom, it is kind of a wreck isn't it? oh well, back to the drawing board
  3. Thank you Kevin, excellent critique. i will revisit this and use your impressions as a guide.
  4. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14341575 is this mix any good, please help here is the remix https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14344688
  5. there is a reason you are blue my son and there is a reason for the Pho know brain? eRRRR but you knew that and I see what you did
  6. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14336227
  7. I couldn't help myself just so you know your ?'s cause me to pause, and say hey, get back at it
  8. Honestly Freddy, this wasn't ready We're going to work something up that will be different than that stay well my friend
  9. I'm So in my opinion, your rig is more cluttered than thatrig and you need to seek help now p.,s. I do not want to see your rig it take a good rig to sail a boat
  10. Yes, that is detailed, thank you, and I hope for you to be healed, and to get your remodel job done before the deadline. Let us know how it goes. "Gas is not just relegated to software plugins." ===attributed to--- jerzee Sampson
  11. we are all the masters of something hopefully we are the masters of our self
  12. you must swim before you may crawl you must crawl before you may walk you must walk before you may run you must run before you may fly you must fly before you can reach the sky and then you crash into the sea again-----ornette coleman this was like a 12 hour jam, I just cut some out, sometimes we imbibed, and we did get Indian food takeout, but mostly we jammed
  13. There is no unconscious, only stubbornness aight Tom, I really appreciate your role in this forum, any advice you produce is well taken.
  14. how crazy is that i just made a scorpion song too you hit the main vein I should have checked out
  15. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14333749
  16. I ordered a 3 month supply and just started taking it yesterday. Everything I read said it takes about 8 weeks to see any real results. I'll keep reporting back here every week. Well, it's been nearly 4 weeks now. Just curious because I am mostly deaf in my right ear. Thanks Shane for being the guinea pig? Seriously, inquiring minds want to know.
  17. so now you better go https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14333258
  18. Now will the powers that be care to suss it out. Me thinks it would behoove them too, unless AT5 is soon to become abandon ware....like Win 7, and Spalt.? but on second thought, maybe it's me, probably
  19. Tried to choke it on my measly system 4 instances of AT5 one drag audio to AAS player midi convert bass, drums https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14332264 I know this doesn't mean squat, but this is that
  20. OK, the cow is milked, and here are the results of my test with multiple instances in my DAW. First the particulars, which may be pertinent. Intel i7 Core 920 @ 2.6 12 GB Ram Win 7 Sonar Platinum Cakewalk VS 100 interface AT 5 version 5.2.0 I do have a different machine that is only 7 years old, but that is at a different location so can't test on that one. I do not have the X Gear pedals....yet, but they do show up in the collections tab, they're locked. I am not connected to the internet. ______________________ Open new Basic Project Insert instance of Jamstix with a big kit Insert Instance d SI Bass, set to play a loop Add Audio track, and insert AT5 into effects bin, it took 40 seconds to load. Duplicate track 3 times, it duplicated in less than 1 second, so now I have 4 instances of AT5 loaded. Then, just to check, I added new audio track, and inserted a new instance of AT5, it took 6 seconds to load. Now I have 5 instances of AT5. Recorded guitar onto each track, using a different amp, and stomps on each one. I recorded without a hiccup. CPU usage around 50%, but maybe that is because the CPU is 15 years old? and Ram usage around 5 GB on playback 24%. Then load ST 3, which has to rebuild the database, and takes 2 minutes to do that...aaargh Load in 24 violins patch, record audio to track, all goes well. With Splat project still open, I decide to open AT5 in standalone mode. It took 20 seconds to load in stand alone mode. So that's that, I hope this is what you meant when you asked about multiple instances of AT 5 in my Daw. I feel your pain if you people are having issues. Maybe a cutting edge computer isn't what you need afterall /s? Peace
  21. Point taken, I was chiming in concerning Kenny's 15 minute load time, and Steve's mention that it take very long to load on his Super Duper Jim Roseberry machine. I will let you know how it fares with multiple instances in my DAW on the machine, but that will have to wait until later because right now I am milking the cow.
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