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Everything posted by RexRed

  1. RexRed


    Thanks Kevin, I have a wide range of styles and content I make, hope you find something you like!
  2. RexRed


    Awww, that is a nice compliment on, "Eternity", it is very flattering Lynn! I live for those kinds of compliments! Best to you buddy!
  3. RexRed


    Hey Jack, I make different styles so I can have the flexibility to experiment with other genres. ??
  4. RexRed


    Here is my new dance song called, "Desire". Hope you like it Cakewalk peeps! Best to you! RexRed
  5. I am looking for a VST audio effect that I can add to the effects bin that will allow me to record track envelopes and apply filters to the track sounds as a synth would. Things like resonance filters, LFO and modulation that I can click the write button and the track audio waves will be synthesized and controlled by recorded envelopes.
  6. Haha yes, he is a keyboard wizard!
  7. https://www.vengeance-sound.com/plugins.php?sub=Vengeance Producer Suite Avenger In my humble opinion this is currently best synthesizer in the world, I got it for around 200 bucks! Huge library of sounds, presets and sequences to start you off. Unlimited possibilities and enormous amount of documentation on YouTube for it. No, I don't work for them, I am a new and avid fan though. This guy is wild too!
  8. Thanks for the kudos on my dance tune! Looking into your suggestions too! Cakewalk forever!
  9. Here is a new techno dance song I made. Hope you like it Cakewalk peeps!
  10. I use controllers but I have never used articulation maps, I will look into that, thanks for that tip MsMcleod.
  11. Is it possible that Kontakt's keyboard colors be passed on into Cakewalk PRV keyboard?
  12. Thanks for the help Scook. I needed to find out it was not already a feature in Cakewalk before requesting it be added. My Yamaha TG500 tone generator had patch/drumkit note names in Cakewalk almost 20 years ago. I just figured Native Instruments would also be along those lines.
  13. I would like this NI Kontakt keyboard designation pattern to magically show up in PRV. Kontakt related note names would be fine, colors would be better.
  14. Is there a way to have Cakewalk piano roll mirror the keyboard layout/setup note functions/colors of individual Kontakt instruments?
  15. RexRed

    Love is Love

    Thank you for the beautiful comments!!! You are awesome, I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and leave your comments and critiques! Cakewalk rules! (and we all here know it) ?
  16. RexRed

    The Way Love Is

    I fixed the guitar solo, it is not perfect in sync but it is more up front. I added some back up vocals and a harmonica. Made the overall stereo field of the song a bit wider too. Got more to do but I feel better about it now.
  17. RexRed

    The Way Love Is

    New tune, still in its infancy. I need suggestions on this one Cakewalk peeps! Thanks for any help on this! Best regards! Rex
  18. RexRed

    Love is Love

    Thanks David for the comment.
  19. RexRed

    Love is Love

    Working on it right now will add a cello thanks for the suggestion Noynekker.
  20. RexRed

    Love is Love

    Awww, thanks for the hate, you are awesome Andrew. ?
  21. RexRed

    Love is Love

    Here is my new song, "Love is Love" Hope you like Cakewalk peeps! (Still a work in progress) ??
  22. RexRed

    Share Some Time

    Thank for the critiques I will revisit this song and try and address the problems. Best to you all!
  23. I see what you mean about the headroom with 32bit. That does not seem to be that big of a thing considering one can just set the meter at a reasonable place in the middle. But is the 32 bit wave file more robust, it would have less noise but would it also be clearer and less distorted by noise? I am wondering if the MicPre 3 II has loop back too for gaming and podcasts. If I purchased a MixPre-3 II would that run with Cakewalk in 32bit and would Melodyne work with those floating point files? Is it just 32bit inside the MixPre-3 II or would the audio interface part pass this ability on to Cakewalk? ASIO4All appears for be 32 and 64 bit floating point... I am going to try and see if this works.
  24. I think you are right MSMcleod, I closed my project and reopened it and now it is reading 24bit. Also, windows device sound properties does not say 32bit... It seem like this is some sort of marketing gimmick to get people to buy the interface.
  25. My Steinberg Audio Interface UR22C is 32bit/192khz I think the problem has been the the same amount of bits get distributed across the frequency range. Higher bits get me a better editing resolution. I switched to 32 bit and last night notice the sound quality immediately in my first vocal take. The formants are still a bit fuzzy when edited in the extremes but on first observation I think they are about 50% better. If I now switch to 96khz then that amount of bits will be distributed over a better frequency range. I am afraid though it might spread the bits thin again. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/UR22C--steinberg-ur22c-usb-audio-interface Notice right under the product name it says 32bit. Cakewalk handled this new project of 32bits perfectly and Melodyne opened the 32 bit vocal waves also. I think I am really going to need to lower the resolution of effects if I got to 96khs I will come here and ask for assistance when I go to downsample my effects. I don't think I need 96bit reverb. This current project I am going to spread the 32bits over 48khz. And then on the next project I will try moving up to 32bit 96khz. It has not really been the frequency range, when left alone that frequency range is great. It has been the ability to edit those frequencies like pitch and formant where the character of the sound degrades considerably there are not enough bits to hold up the integrity and character of the waves when shifted. From gearslutz.com The benefit of a full 32-bit playback path is greater CPU efficiency - to totally oversimplify, you're able to grab 32-bit packages of data from the DAW and pass them directly to the DAC chip without the CPU needing to rearrange them into 24-bit packages first. The benefit of the 32-bit data stream in the DAC chip itself is improved filtering (resulting in lower noise and distortion), and superior-quality digital attenuation. Comment: I have noticed my CPU meter bars barely budge, I thought they were not working at first.
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