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Nick Blanc

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Everything posted by Nick Blanc

  1. I didn't know you couldn't vector warp (shows how much I will miss that function). Seems weird that you couldn't. I mean, 90s WordArt could do that. Am i missing something here?
  2. I don't do a lot of design. Actually, I don't do design at all. I don't count adding text to an image to be design. So for a non-advanced user like myself, I don't know what would be the benefit of upgrading. I don't feel like watching hours of upgrade videos. Can someone here explain what the key upgrade features are?
  3. Perhaps some of the Ostinato's will be amongst the freebies, like last year? But for anyone waiting for a better deal: "PLEASE NOTE: THESE LIBRARIES WILL NOT BE ON SALE IN THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS 2022 SALE"
  4. I was hoping upgrades were free. I seem to remember something like that. Or did they circumvent this by releasing a version 2?
  5. This, on top of an unexpected bonus at work, is the best financial news I got all day. Be safe!
  6. Sounds like a good deal! The Nubass is 187 at Thomann, normally 209 at Amazon with a deal right now which makes it 167. So yeah, I will count that as a discount. But Amazon UK often has other deals than the rest of Europe. I try to get at least part of my hardware 2nd hand. I saved 50% on a Fender Champion 40 recently. I got my Novation Peak for 350 less and a Roland TR8S for 200 less.
  7. I suspect some combination of those 2. I expanded my hardware studio quite a bit recently and prices where almost the same across the board. Sometimes a synth is 10 cheaper at store 1, but another is 10 more expensive. It just evens out. This is pretty normal, I'm used to brands dicating their own price levels and discounts for resellers. What I have not seen however, is this level of seemingly unwillingness to discount products ever. If you do a price comparison between Bax, Thomann, Musicstore, Tonecontrol, Dijkman, I4Studio etc. you can save some money on just the retail prices. Never a discount though.
  8. Indeed, at most you can get a 5-10% discount somewhere on the entire stock. Which is still nice if you buy a 2000 synth. But it is weird there are so few. ?
  9. I like Mosaic Voices. The whole Mosaic series for that matter. It has a limited range where you can use it, but in that range it sounds great. Pharlight is such a heavy hitter on the CPU that I only started using it recently since my PC upgrade. They are pretty different. Pharlight is imo more aimed at soundscapes and atmospheres where Mosaic is more useful for leads or upfront textures.
  10. Big Clipper is imho one of the best (sounding) clippers on the market. Absolutely worth the €27.
  11. All the newer stuff I would want (like Vocalise 3) is still pretty expensive. Or, not at the lowpoint others seem to be. I have to check my wishlist, but I think I will pass on most of it, if not all.
  12. If you didn't read most of this topic you would almost think they teased an "American History X" edition. And if that meant I could write such a beautiful score as Anne Dudley did, I would buy that in a heartbeat.
  13. That reminds me. There's this meat initiative here in The Netherlands where you can 'buy a cow'. They select farmers which selects a cow (or multiple) and then they sell the meat. You can opt-in, and the moment enough people do that, the cow goes to the butcher and you get fresh beef. I've done that once and it was absolutely delicious and not that more expensive than in the store or the local butcher. And with the holidays coming up, they have wagyu. For 159.95 you get rougly 3,5 kg (which is around 11,5 lbs). So it's the Pulsar Mu bundle + Echorec or 300gr steaks for 11 people.
  14. Me, nowhere ? I got the one I was looking for, at 5 minutes from my house. I needed a specific model with the water reservoir accessable from the right side (most are from the back). And about 1/5 the retail price. Which doesn't really matter because they discontinued this model. Now I can finally make some coffee without holding the machine in a weird angle which spilled water everywhere and starting 3 times over because it got stuck in an error mode.
  15. Oh and a new coffeemaker. But the model I want isn't in production anymore so I'm condemned to the secondhand market. Which isn't too bad to be honest. A first glance at the prices and it will save me about €60.
  16. I have a pretty large wishlist, it's just not only for BF. In fact, I don't have the money to buy everything at once. Some i'm happy with postponing for the next year or a next sale. Some are on the wishlist more as a reminder to check them out (some Klevgrand precussion stuff for example, or the D16 delay). Some are just some cheap sample- or preset packs. Some are generic ("some Spitfire stuff if the freebie is cool"). Some are redundant (I don't really need both Rabae ánd Corey Wong from Neural DSP, I have no real use for Mathew Lane Dr. MS, I have enough alternatives for Overstayer MAAS, etc). Some are way too expensive and I will probably not get them even if they are on a steep sale (Slate + Ash Kontakt bundle, Spectrasonics Keyscape (which also goes in the redundant category)). Some will never be on sale (Valhalla plate, room and übermod, so no rush in getting them). Some are 'nice to have' but no priority (XLN Addictive drummer). The Komplete upgrade is on the wishlist but I think (hope?) that will go on a real sale during next summer). I can go on. And the end of the day, I won't be surprised if I get almost nothing this year. Software that is. On my hardware list are: PWM Malevolent, Ampeg RB-108, SOMA Lyra8 and the Hologram Electronics Microcosm. I don't expect a deal on those, but I do want them and they have priority.
  17. Ok, I did the normal MPS upgrade (no UE), and in my shopping cart it changed automatically to the universal edition for the same 149. Had a 10% coupon somewhere, so I'm pretty happy. I had this thing at over 200 at the lowest this year so far. Also upon checkout it did say I upgraded from Ozone 10 Advanced, which I don't have (I'm on 9). This has been a confusing ride.
  18. Thanks, found it. Still leaves me a bit baffled. What is the difference between the regular and the UE? A couple of Brainworx plugins? Because the latest versions of Ozone, RX and Nectar are already included right? If there's no catch, I'm gonna bite.
  19. I have the 249 option in my account, but i can't find this 149 offer. I have MP4. Oh and for people who aren't used to this (I'm certainly not), these prices are EXCL tax.
  20. I don't think I can name a different product with this kind of ongoing development.
  21. At Audiodeluxe for $119. Use code HOLIDAY22 for an extra 15% off which makes it $107 instead of the retail $299. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/virtual-instruments/eastwest-hollywood-backup-singers
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