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Nick Blanc

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Everything posted by Nick Blanc

  1. Don't sleep on the preset packs, especially bundled. Fancy yourself some late 90s trance? Spire has got you covered.
  2. The obvious MS Paint graphics on the website make me question copyright legality.
  3. I believe this is true, but I also get VERY annoyed by it. I don't know in front if a company is US based. So let's say that 80-90% of the websites I buy from have tax included in their prices. I know what I will pay. So you think there's a good deal, but suddenly you're faced with a 20% increase upon checkout. It put me off buying the Microcosm pedal. Websites should be VERY clear about this. Izotope and IK Multimedia do prices ex tax, but are also pretty clear that their prices are shown ex tax I think.
  4. From €120.00. Now €84.00. Specs Requires full version of Kontakt 6.60 or free Kontakt Player 6.60 (or higher) Downloads handled by Native Access 11 100 samples 21,2 GB (NCW 24-bit), 26,8 GB uncompressed (WAV 24-bit) 443 sound sources 217 noise samples 492 presets https://thephonoloop.com/products/tapes-01
  5. I think I spotted a new beatmaker too. 'Hot'. Or is that out a while? I can't find a video on it and it is on an intro price.
  6. Code = BF22 and also applies to bundles.
  7. With loyalty discount it is 99. And my first impression is that this is just the brass sound I was looking for. I believe the technical term is "prrrwoap".
  8. I've never understood these. The price that is. I was interested in FiDef JENtwo but that doesn't seem to get included in the sale. Only slightly interested though, because for Gulfoss or Soothe2 money I (wrongly?) want that kind of noticeable effect. But it does something interesting.
  9. Not yet, I haven't purchased it either. Yet. As usual, his synths are vastly underrated but great. Blue III sounds very good. But good idea, I will do that.
  10. Same for me. And I purchased Delsane in the meantime.
  11. Do anti trans low drums sounds different? And if so, are we allowed to say that? No, joking aside, I'm (perhaps dangerously) of a different opinion then it seems to be held here. But it's just an opinion, don't shoot me. The one thing I can agree with is "vote with your dollars". Don't like his views? And you want to take action? Don't buy. But don't judge people who do buy. I'm not that involved in the trans issues. I acknowledge that there are issues. But for me personally, I could go 365 days a year without ever encountering them (if I ignored (social) media). So where do we draw the line? Do we stop buying from companies who have employees who have prejudices? Or is the line at CEO's? Founders? And does this count for 'pleasure' as well as essentials? Do you stop using your shower if the CEO of the water company turned out to have strong opinions about, let's say gay marriage? Christian can keep his views and can keep them to himself or not. I'm not friends with the guy. For me personally it is of no consequence whether or not I buy from Spitfire. My Albion One still gets the same use (barely any ?).
  12. Empirical Labs Mike-E Comp €199, now €105. I think this is the lowest I have seen it go. But all this 'early and limited time only' stuff is not to their advantage, for me at least. Maybe some people can't resist the GAS. But I'm really looking out for the Tube-Tech CL1B. Buuuut, if that one doesn't go lower than 125, I'm not buying. Then I would have liked the Mike-E comp for 109. But then I can't get it anymore, so they lost out. Perhaps they will do a final "all deals are back" thing.
  13. For all you beatmakers, drum sample lovers or loopmakers, The Drum Broker is having their BF sale, starting in 1 day. 50% off everything. https://hiphopdrumsamples.com/ I'm eyeballing the Beat Butcha Dangerous Filth bundle. That should get me through for a couple of months.
  14. Upgraded to V9 from V8. That's another one from the list gone.
  15. Corey Wong, here I come. And maybe Rabae.
  16. The main difference is that Audiolens is not a VST. This is more akin to Insight. I pulled the trigger on these for exactly the reason you point out; fomo ?
  17. I think I saw 362GB. Could be uncompressed. It's certainly a lot.
  18. Here's the walkthrough. It is an insane amount of content. It's not just the finished drones, every ingredient is included as a solo option. So you get cello, bass, a choir, guitars, etc.
  19. And spoil the fun of watching progress bars advance? No thank you! That's the best part.
  20. I'm getting this! It will add a 4th license to my account. I've heard rumours that if you combine 5 licenses, it will summon Captain Clipper who will help you defeat the evil and bankaccount-draining Dr. GAS.
  21. Since the only thing AA on my wishlist is that Motown EQ, I will surely wait. It is on sale right now, but I guess it will be again or still in about a month.
  22. The ultimate drones collection Created with experimental musician Alexander Hacke, this collection offers a phantasmagoria of complex, playable drones. Largely chromatic, intuitively playable, and very very long, these drones are a perfect foundation for scores, atmospheres, meditation, and rituals. Available now at a special intro price of just €129 (regular price €189). Offer ends November 24, 2022. https://www.orchestraltools.com/store/collections/drones Runs in Sine.
  23. Free with purchase over 140. I will wait for an e-mail. Althought I'm only at the 20% level.
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