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Nick Blanc

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Everything posted by Nick Blanc

  1. Great price, for now. It was at this pricepoint about a year ago? It recently made a huge jump.
  2. https://www.audiotent.com/samples/patterns/ Normally €51, now €42. "Patterns is our largest drum sample library to date! Featuring over 1000 meticulously programmed drum hits and loops. All recorded at 122 BPM." What you get inside the pack 127 x Modular Perc Loops 74 x Foley Loops 74 x Low-End Loops 97 x Percussion Loops 37 x Rhythmic Textures 74 x Drum Top Loops Download 1.51 GB 222 x Drum Loops 67 x Kick Drums 67 x Hi-Hats 67 x Claps 67 x Snares 97 x Percussion
  3. New week, new jam. I was having a lot of MIDI issues I couldn't really figure out (I also didn't take the time). Although the Novation Peak is on another MIDI channel than the Moog Subsequent 37, when I was changing parameters on one, the other would react. Very weird behaviour. Perhaps some signals were on an "all" channel? Changing presets was fun. I had made a good one on the Sub37, changed the preset on the Peak and gone was my Sub37 sound. So I ended up just not using the Peak and sticking to Moog. I have to fix this MIDI mess I created for myself. Anyway, used a new camera but I'm not happy with the quality. It could be that it just sucks going against the light (normally I have the curtains closed), so I have to fiddle with the settings and lighting a bit. Editing was (again) a real b*tch. Somehow I keep messing up things in Davinci Resolve so I have to invest some time into that and make my own tutorial. It took me hours while it should only take about 30 minutes or so. All in all, a bit frustrating jam, also because I messed up the filter settings on the Matriarch which resulted in a huge difference between left and right. I had to overdub the take. Oh and I had a bit of a hangover, that didn't help. At least I look pretty in pink, so that is nice. ?
  4. I see people worrying about these kind of mergers, but I have to wait and see. In other lines of business, a merger can have consequences for quality because there is almost always some 'streamlining' to be done. I wonder how and if this is the case in the music software business. I think it is a pretty unique market. There are A LOT of independent developers who keep on making amazing products, rivaling the big names in popularity. The couple of big names became this way by delivering quality. And they can't drop that. Image Line can't drop the ball, because the switch to Ableton is made overnight (and a month or so to get up to speed). NI can't drop the ball because Orchestral Tools is right behind them. Izotope can't drop the ball because there are a bazillion other products which do the same. Every UVI product has an amazing counterpart. But they all co-exist because we can use them all together. And we do. I see people use FL for making beats, using Ableton the next day for a live setup and in the weekend they are in protools mixing and mastering. I can use Falcon in project A and Omnisphere in project B.
  5. As a very recent impulse buy, I'm absolutely loving the MS-20 mini. I knew Daft Punk used an MS-20 on Da Funk, so I tried something similar. The cadence is pretty much the same (melody, bass and those stabs). I still have some gainstaging issues when I sum the TR-8S and the Arturia Drumbrute Impact, but that's for another day. Lighting is updated with ledstrips under each crossbar of the stand so I can see what I'm doing, BIG improvement. Still figuring out the camera angles, the one from the front (sort of) is a test, it's better than before where everything was from the back/side, but it still leaves things te be desired. I'm checking out a new cam for that angle because this is a 10 year old, at that time already budget-, action cam. Let me know what you think!
  6. The Newfangled Audio stuff (you mentioned Equivocate) gets a lot of use here. Saturate is my clipper of choice for tonal material, Elevate finds its way on my master more and more, Punctuate is great on some material and will fail on other and I'm just trying out Invigorate which I am growing very fond of. It has to go a bit higher in my TOMA, because now I tend to use it too much towards the end and the effect can be a bit much at that point. But still, at very low mix settings it adds a great edge.
  7. Thank you for watching and your comment. Appreciate it. Total gear list (just synths and drummachines): Roland SE-02 and TR-8S, Behringer TD3, Crave and 2600. Arturia Microfreak and Drumbrute Impact. Korg MS-20 mini and Minilogue XD. Novation Peak. Moog Matriarch and Subsequent 37. PWM Malevolent.
  8. I'm very happy to see you back. I like your videos and enthusiasm. I even watch when I have absolutely no interest in the product. Now I'm no IT expert, but it seems to me that just taking over cookies for acces to your account is not exactly watertight. In my opinion, a better solution would be that the "is this you?" email would require you to take action and not just "ignore if this is you". Then again, if they have your email, that would render it mute. Hmm ?
  9. Nick Blanc

    Acid livejam

    My first time out of the deals forum, be gentle ?. I recently rebuilt my studio to accommodate a setup more suitable for live jamming. I still have to hunch a bit, but ok. Also my first try at a multicam setup. I feel like the angles don't really complement each other so I will probably move one camera to behind the gear. Lighting is pretty ok, a bit 'kitsch' with the disco light and I know the led strip came loose. I'm overall pretty pleased with the result. Enjoy.
  10. https://www.functionloops.com/male-pop-vocals.html For 48 hours it is free. From their website: "We feel, there's a serious lack of male vocals for Pop, Future Rnb, Melodic Trap, Future Bass and commercial genres alike. That's why we deliver this new collection, loaded with 500MB of Male Vocal Loops, Drums, Basslines, Instrumental Loops, Music Loops and all the rest you hear in the demo. Vocals come as dry and wet versions, full acapellas and separated vocal loops, for maximum flexibility. Vocal content is original, recorded at top quality, 100% royalty-free. You will also find some cool vocal chops! On top of loops, we included MIDI files for all instrumentals, so you can create your melodies in no-time. You are also getting a comprehensive collection of One Shot Samples, including Drum Shots and Instrument Shots. You can load these into a sampler and have some fun! In total, this amazing pack is loaded with over 500MB of content, 186 files, 24-bit WAV format."
  11. https://www.samplescience.info/2020/12/thales-model-i.html?m=1 Thales Model I features the tones generated by the early sixties computers. The sounds have been sourced in public domain films, which means that they are not clean: tape noises and background hisses are part of the sound of this very special rompler. Because of this, Thales Model I's sound is reminiscent of the Mellotron and other tape-based keyboards of the sixties. Available as a VST/VST3/AU plugin for Windows 8.1/10/11 and macOS El Capitan and up (M1 chip compatible). Best of all, as a subscriber, you can get Thales Model I at 95% Off by using the code bell.
  12. A new product from Wave Alchemy, whose products I like and they have excellent service. Now it is time for THE 80s reverb. The RMX16. 25% off introductory offer. From £59.00, now £44.00. And you can get an extra 10% off with the code mbtvglow10. And you can knock more off the price when you have virtual cash in your Wave Wallet (I found i had about 5 bucks there). https://www.wavealchemy.co.uk/product/glow/
  13. My Softube products sound even better now!
  14. They shure are expensive. Voucher time is the only time I buy from them. Next year maybe Sigmod and after that I don't think the rest they have will add that much for the price I still will have to pay.
  15. Righto! The direct link posted here didn't work for me (I did complete the survey but clicked away the page). But now it does. AB Assist + Jotter + upgrade Stereoplacer is around €11 now.
  16. "Voucher can be used when basket exceeds €89". Any tips? I already have Stereoizer full, Monofilter full and Stereoplacer elements. The upgrade to Stereoplacer full is just 59. Any path to get me tot that threshold but not over 100? And on the subject of Aligner. This is basically a phase aligment tool which comes in pretty handy. I have Melda Autoalign and this does a pretty goo job also. It keeps my phase cancelation issues on bass heavy material to a minimum. I ALWAYS use this or the Melda one. Just in case. Align your bassphase people!
  17. Nick Blanc

    Good recorder

    I should really watch this. I'm at work right now so no sound so I will check later. But I'm seeing functions I didn't know to exist ?
  18. Nick Blanc

    Good recorder

    Haha no. I have it for a couple of months but besides some animals, weather, trains and some random foley stuff, I haven't recorded that much. But great if it does.
  19. Nick Blanc

    Good recorder

    I believe SD removal only. I have a card reader because I have more devices which work that way.
  20. Nick Blanc

    Good recorder

    For just recording outdoor sounds it will do fine. Keep in mind that it uses an SD card (I think most do). Only downside I noticed is when you record when it is really quite, the flimsy plastic body makes noise (like the buttons if you brush over them or if you shake it). That noises gets recorded too.
  21. Nick Blanc

    Good recorder

    So, the body is plastic. Which makes it very very light. The microphones are metal. There are 2 so you record in stereo. But since they are positioned richt next to each other, there is no real stereofield. But I think all recorders have this. It operates on batteries, and they go a very long way. You can change the sample rate for recording. I think you can use it in productions. Depends on your source ultimately. A friend of mine uses a H4n for professional use (interviews, radio and podcasts). See picture for a realistic view of its size.
  22. I know some of you can read, so maybe a deal on a book is interesting. Rick Rubin has a book out. Bestseller in creativity and philosophy. According to Amazon anyway. 15% off introduction price on Amazon. I don't know for how long. It's out for a week now. A Dutch retailer (bol.com) has it for for 30% off, but with a higher list price. Still a couple of euros cheaper than Amazon.
  23. Nick Blanc

    Good recorder

    I also use a Zoom H1N. Carry it with me in my backpack during the day. But it basically fits in my jeans pocket. I was pleasantly surprised. I feels cheap and plastic, but I recorded pouring a beer in a glass and you could hear it fizzing very clearly. Great.
  24. Me too. I'm also a bit disappointed because I own a Microfreak and this takes a bit of its 'shine' away. Ah well. Risk of the trade I guess. According to Musicradar.com "It’s also currently being given away for free to anyone who buys V Collection 9." I can't find this anywhere on the Arturia website. As an owner of V9 I think that would be weird. A new customer would buy the same product as me, but not really?
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