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Nick Blanc

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Everything posted by Nick Blanc

  1. Hmm could be? I got the bundle as soon as it came out, being a Moog fanboy, and I have ClusterFlux. Don't remember installing it seperately, but that's relying on my memory which I don't reconmend.
  2. Oh I'm in also. Have heard a lot of good things from Tegeler and a small leap of faith was warranted. So, no luck on that Creme of yours, that's gonna be mine.
  3. From their website: "On June 1st, Tegeler will launch their first sound-enhancing plugin and will celebrate it by giving away one (1) Creme per 100 pre-orders. We can only tell you what exactly it is on the release day. Why? Because usual product announcements are way too boring. You can preorder the plugin for 59,90€ (incl. VAT) until May 31st, 23:59*. After that, the price will increase to 99,90€ (incl. VAT) – and it won't change anymore. We're simply not fans of pricing digital products extremely high, only to cross them off 3 days a year and quote our actual price. Everyone is just waiting for Black Friday to buy the plugin they want, and get annoyed if they need it earlier and have to buy it overpriced. That's why we will continue to follow our policy: “fair pricing without any manipulative marketing tricks.” Here’s the coolest part, though: we're giving away one free Creme every 100 preorders, so you have a good chance to snag a free Creme with your plugin purchase. Shipping included. This is what we can say about the plugin: it’s incredibly versatile, genre-independent, and it comes with lifetime plugin support. That’s right, no countless subscriptions or forced upgrade purchases. Buy it once and the plugin is yours. Forever. You’ll be able to use it as often as you want in your session. You can put it in every track of your project multiple times. The only limit is your processing power, not your license with us." Soooo, buy something you won't know you need, or else it gets more expensive. I'm in! Edit: Link added https://www.tegeler.com/Blackbox
  4. It's not smart, but neither am I, so that's a match. But apparently this is a parallel EQ by design. Which I think neither Pro-Q3 or Kirchoff is. Then again, they have dynamic EQ and this one doesn't. It sounded pretty sweet/transparent in the demos I checked. But I'm still not sure I will use it. Of course I need it, I need every EQ. But using it...
  5. This is a very underrated synth.
  6. Oh bummer. Well that's the path I chose. I'm also on the 50% off sale trajectory, so I'm always behind. And I'm not buying NI products besides my Komplete upgrades to avoid doubles.
  7. It depends on the project I think. When I edit my studio jams, the music is the centerpiece. So I make shure that is optimal. Render it out and then put it under my video in Davinci Resolve. There I do my video editing so I can match it somewhat to the music. If it was the other way around (video as the centerpiece) I think I would go the route of rendering out the video and using my DAW to match the music to the video. But that also depends of course. I did an unboxing short recently and I just made a generic upbeat tune which I put under the video in Resolve.
  8. Thank you! To be fair, the Malevolent is a bit magical.
  9. Is that how you spell it? Afterlifey? Afterlife-eske? Esque? Anyway, some may know the style. Big synths, pulsating rhythms and those loud stabs. The 2600 proved to be a perfect candidate. Please enjoy!
  10. I was worried that the MS-20 and the Malevolent would have a lot of overlap, but although they have a similar purpose, they sound so different. I didn't regret getting either one.
  11. Ah yes, that's the Korg MS-20 Mini. If you play with the decay you can get a snappy or more sustained sound. It's always a fun parameter to tweak.
  12. I'm not sure which one you mean. Do you have a timestamp for me?
  13. So, I'm having fun, I found some samples of dirty basslines, mainly dubstep. So I thougt, well hold on, I have a MS-20 mini and a Malevolent, I can do better! And boy did they deliver. That Malevolent is just a box of evil and grit. When you thought it couldn't get dirtier than a resonance filled patch on the MS-20 mini, you haven't had a go with the Malevolent. There is a very fine line between 'great' and 'oh my god what is this'. At one point I cut out almost everything audible, by accident. but the spectrum analyzer goes crazy. It was the difference of 1 mm on the position of the cutoff knob. Insane. Anyway, enjoy. It's maybe not what people on this forum are particularly interested in, but I like it. This is maybe more of a sounddesign showcase.
  14. I like this! Very mellow. And the lyrics have some bite ?
  15. Exactly, pretty important distinction. Software gives me that finetuned 'precisely what I wanted' sound. Hardware gives me that "holy sh*t I didn't know that was an option' sound. Both great.
  16. Ouch, that sounds expensive. Repair costs? Thanks!
  17. Haha yes the knobs are a big plus. I believe that because of the physicality you can get to sounds you wouldn't have thought of using a VSTi.
  18. I don't really care, I'm still getting Clarity Vx at some point. And I'm gonna keep using what I paid for.
  19. Oh come on. This is getting out of hand. A trans panner? Is that a gain knob that identifies as a pan knob?
  20. Sounds interesting, might make it on my wishlist for Black Friday.
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