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Michael Fogarty

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Everything posted by Michael Fogarty

  1. Yes, so. I could be wrong. Definitely not new for me. In Omnisphere and other programs I get the meaning of latch. But what I want in Cakewalk is for the program to search back and find my last trigger of the note and play it. I'll try to be clear. Let's say I am doing ambient music and one note of a pad or effect lasts for 40 measures. I don't want to re-trigger the synth every few measures (it's not a drum loop) because in some cases it doesn't bring the best result to hit the note again. So, I am at measure 30 working on a mix, stop to tweak something, and then various pads disappear and I have to go back to where they were first triggered to hear the song in its entirety. I thought it was called latch back or something. I haven't needed to use it in ages and don't even remember what to look for or what to call it. (duh). It still exists?
  2. well, I run Cakewalk on an i5/16gb RAM with a Babyface interface at 64. I also have one of the latest MOTU interfaces that works almost as well. I have multiple songs of various genre I am working on now with 50 tracks. Omnisphere fully loaded, East West Play full loaded, Izotopes and Waves plug-ins on many busses and sidechains, Komplete kontrol wurlitzer, rhodes, Ivory, and Ravenscroft on the same song. CPU intensive plug-ins. I have to move that up to 128 when mixing with all this going on. Very stable. I don't think Reaper is superior. Computer system problems are hell. I don't think Cakewalk is the problem.
  3. Does this work for people? I was hoping to get email notifications so I can know when my posts have been responded to but receive nothing. Or is this feature no longer available? I have to frequent the site to and look under notifications to find out?
  4. says it all. I want to shift the entire song 20 measures forward to add an instrumental intro but scads of tempo changes later on in the song.
  5. thanks to both of you. I read it in the manual and tried it but it didn't work. I read your post, tried it, and it did. Hmm. I'm a little slow sometimes.
  6. I can't figure out how to do this. I had it set up like his before but switched to an SSD drive sometime back and lost the hotkey somehow. I want to be able to hit a hot key and switch from the volume envelope back to clips. I must do this hundreds of times when mixing but to choose it by mouse and its a pain. I have looked all over the manual but can't seem to find how to bind it. Toggle -automation volume -toggle -back to clips. Thank you
  7. beautiful guitar tone. Easy to listen to.
  8. I particularly like the group Haevn - their symphonic versions. The warmth, contemporary sound, and slow moving. I am making many instrumental/themes and would like to work with an orchestrator. Some finances involved. Just basically want to get the ball rolling.
  9. yes, I’m surprised its never mentioned. Its such a great program.
  10. gosh, I really don't think this is a Cakewalk issue. I have never had this problem or any of my colleagues. Most likely wifi/graphics/tweaking of your system. You have set to the default configurations and done all the audio tweaks that are suggested?
  11. Hi. Thank you. Yes, I just want to be able to get direct sound from computer, preferably through cakewalk into OBS instead of using my phone sound audio. I am using my phone camera into my computer with a program called IV Cam, but want the sound to come from my DAW. I have tried so many things and it is all so complicated -or flakey. I have tried Voxengo, Voice Tweet Banana, Asio Pro something or other and am back to square one.
  12. I am trying to use OBS with my MOTU Ultralite MK 4 or RME Baby face or... Is somebody successfully doing this? I want to broadcast through Cakewalk onto Facebook Live. I have downloaded and installed ASIOLink Pro but don't see it showing up anywhere in my Cakewalk preference settings. I see ASIO, the name of my interface, and the ASIO panel to change the latency. What am I missing and is someone successfully streaming their DAW with OBS and Facebook, Youtube?
  13. Trying so many things, reading so many tutorials but haven't gotten the hang of it. Trying ASIO link Pro but doesn't seem to show up in Cakewalk.
  14. Hi everyone. My head is spinning with tutorials. I am trying to get the best solution for live streaming using my Babyface or MOTU Ultralite MK4 as the audio source and an iPad Pro or iPhone 7plus as the video camera with my PC. Seems many people are using OBS on the PC and download NDS app for the IOS device. Apple make an app as well for $20. But then after watching the whole thing I (and others) notice an audio lag (latency) on the tutorial that is being made. Bam! No go! Does anyone know the very best way to do this using your studio quality gear and your IOS camera at 4k for live streaming? I know you wouldn't be able to take the time to write all the steps out here,. A tutorial is fine. I just don't want to spend money doing this and end up with lag. Does it work to use your IOS camera in tandem with your PC? Would I be better off using the apple camera kit with a powered adapter and stream it from the iPad Pro? I really need to do this soon. Much appreciated. PS. If anyone knows why I am not getting notifications from this forum that would be a boost as well. I have notify me of replies clicked below but nothing comes to my email. I have to keep checking back. I just found this tutorial. Maybe this will work. I will try. At least its only a few minutes long and he doesn't have a 15 minute intro talking about himself, etc.
  15. Max -will check out your songs tomorrow. Have a nice day (12:47 am Sunday here). Event in the am -"who is that masked man."
  16. very well done. You seem to understand very well what the various instruments would play if all real instruments. Performances very good all around. Maybe a little more attention to the shaping of the sounds to make them a little warmer could be nice, but was impressed. I couldn't do that.
  17. I very much like the smoothness of the track. I like it when things don't jump out too much. Very well done. Some other instruments introduced here and there could be a plus, but what is there is well mixed. I didn't watch the whole video because I was scrolling down to read the various comments.
  18. Hey David. Yes, I like the way you put that. Thanks.
  19. I care what you think. Yes, it was an AKG tube mic. The power with which one has to play to create that much excitement can tend to cause it to be a bit raw sounding maybe? As for dry, yes, that would be a preference. The song is called Road to Ruin so didn't want anything to sound too posh#plush#. Another thing could also be, the CD release was moved a week closer suddenly and I had one day to mix 10 songs. The mastering was also rushed, and yes, I didn't care for the mastering job. A friend of the artists (and mine) did it quickly. Too bright, brittle. I was actually quite upset to have done all this work and have him over treble-ize (word) it. The acoustic guitars (and of course violin, lead vocal) kind of took a beating, and my keyboard parts kind of fell into the background, Glad you liked the rest. I can send it to you to remix if you would fancy it. Want to give it a go? I know my forte is tracking, composition, keys, backups, arranging.
  20. Andy, I totally agree with you. In this particular production however the violinist is the one with the chops.
  21. thanks Douglas. The intro is an African Djembe my son brought me back from the Ivory Coast.
  22. here is a unique one I feel. All recorded in my one room Home Studio. Local Tokyo musicians. Mike Marrington -drums Simon Koperu -bass Aimee Blackschleger -composition, vocal Michael Fogarty -production/arrangement/back-ups/keys Song Il -violin Tama Tsuboi -nylon guitar
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