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Michael Fogarty

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Everything posted by Michael Fogarty

  1. so many things I don't know, or at least question. Though recorded in mono, the drummer just sent me all his multitracked snare, snare bottom, hi-hat kick, etc as stereo tracks. If I import them as mono and delete one side, am I getting a true mono signal as pure as the original? Or should he re -send?
  2. Hi Jack Stoner. I wrote in the header it was solved and the explanation. I thought you had to be online because its hosted through a browser. But yes, need a computer. I'm ok with that. Yes, the 5 looks nice as well. Wonderful units.
  3. have you tried uninstalling, installing drivers? Do you have a stand alone VST you can try the keyboard with?
  4. I need professional help, and preferably somebody who has already been there, done that. I am recording an orchestral pedal harp soon and though of course have read much on google, wanted first hand experiences how to avoid the pedal shifting, yet getting a warm, full sound. My only available mics are two AKG SE300B/CK91 combos, and a Blue Woodpecker. The Woodpecker is figure 8 and lovely on voice and acoustic instruments. Anyone actually done this?
  5. yes, this is what I do as well, or copy one measure before and paste one measure before then you don't need to know -it will line up automatically. I am just wondering though, and I could be off here, but is there any chance you didn't record with a metronome?
  6. nobody on the forum has a MOTU interface? Or being offline was never an issue? Am checking the MOTU site.
  7. deleted my post. I misunderstood what you are looking for.
  8. thank you. Yes, my Babyface has it and very useful. Would love to hear more about your OBS experience.
  9. the Babyface is fine. The question is about the MOTU. But thanks for chiming in. The Babyface Mixer works fine oofline.
  10. thanks for your feedback. I personally never liked the action on it. It was good for organ but not good for rhodes, wurlitzer, other keys. I realize that is up to the users preference. I seem to lean toward Yamaha keyboards. Interesting they don't make controllers. The new owner, as your self, is very happy though he had difficulty at first. By saying "only USB3" I guess I should have said "available" as he has a Thinkpad YOGA and plugs his RME into the USB 2 port. The internet is full of stories of users that had problems with this keyboard. Yes, I tried support. As a side note, I do not own any Focusrite products. I am sincerely happy you are happy with it. I wanted to be. And oneofmany, in my case the powered USB hub didn't help me with my problems. I would be in the throes of recording a part and it would randomly reset itself. I started this thread in November 2019.
  11. Did a gig the other night and played with a very good player but he had some make-shift microphone that would feedback easily and he couldn't compete with the band's volume - though the band was acoustic with soft drums and bass, accordion, organ. Can anyone suggest a good pick up -mic type that you or someone you know uses successfully that gives a rich full sound?
  12. controlling everything with "web app" equals internet me thinks. There will be no internet.
  13. (Edit: So, it is hosted in a browser yet it does not need to be online to work. That was revealing.) I am going on location June 4 to record a harp. For portable devices I have a Babyface or a MOTU Ultralite Mk4. I would prefer to use the MOTU because t has dedicated analog inputs and I can use my Grace M101 with it. Rumor has it (RME Representative) that the Babyface pre-amps do not colour the sound and it would be ok to hook up the Grace without double pre-amping (is that a word?) the sound. Hmmm. I would also prefer the MOTU because I know it real well, and can use 3 mics that way. I could use 3 mics with the Babyface but don't want to have to bring an ADAT unit. The main question. Can you use the MOTU offline? I haven't been able to find a way to access the mixer without being online. Why did MOTU do that? Or am I missing something?
  14. Hey there. That’s an old photo. The Harman sub and 4410 JBL’s are now in the closet.
  15. Hi. This has been a question for a long time Using a Thinkpad with a Yamaha keyboard and running VST's live. It doesn't seem to be a problem to run 4 instances of Komplete Kontrol (Scarbee Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Vintage organ (B4), Gentleman Piano or UVI Ravenscroft. It seems to work fine, but is it safer, better that I take my Babyface? Traveling to Tokyo by train (55k) and want to be light. Worth it isn't it? How good are these Yamaha Interfaces for conversion, latency? Latency is oxygen at these live gigs. I am running at 128 with the built in interface but maybe all the way better to take the Babyface. MX61. The other keys are provided by the hall. (long live these kind of gigs. They be very far and very few.) I would love to see tips how to do this live the best way in Cakewalk if someone could refer me to a thread. I do it all in Cakewalk. I trigger the organ with the 61 note organ touch keyboard and use it only for that with Input echo on - latency is happy. Play left hand on a Clavinova and it is only routed to the Rhodes, Piano, Wurlitzer. I select back and forth - use mouse and thinking to use it in tablet mode - Yoga -on the grand music rest. Get the picture. Is it going to be happy in tablet mode? It won't get hot will it? If you make it this far, thank you. I appreciate your device (advice). . Long live the kind members of this forum. Edit - big problem. If I am active on left hand keys and right hand organ playing full chords and melody, am I using to many notes or something? -it has hung 3 times- not the program, but the organ only. A cluster of many 2 or notes hang after I stop sometimes. Since it is the controllers interface, you think it would lighten the load if use the Babyface for one midi input, and the other be the keys usb midi only (no audio) to the DAW.
  16. just checking, but I have had issues before. What seems to help, and it is suggested, is to actually split the part that you want to do the region FX on (and do Melodyne only on that), and to raise your buffer while editing.
  17. as I mentioned I'm not much help. I never used it for that. I suggest you get a dedicated digital interface.
  18. Not much help here. I have the Zed 10FX -for 9 years. But only use it for playback. I do know the routing is a bit to get around if you use it for playback and tracking. And yes, only a stereo out.
  19. manual and two tutorials and got it.43 tracks in sync and sounds great- but time signatures a bit out of whack. Must have missed a small detail. Finished main tracking so no worries. Possibly what I might have done is after making the major ripple, I made one edit without turning off the ripple edit toggle. But I'll never know. Still wished there was a slide special.
  20. Hour long piece in 6, 9, 5, 4.. Was considering using the arranger but I have literally scores of markers as to save my eyes I often write my chord changes as markers. I want to move the last section I did further back into the song. I tried sliding to make space for it, but my time signatures went out of whack. You can copy/paste special and it includes all that but I don't see a Slide Special. But I don't see lots of things.
  21. Hi. Just doing tests to see whether the RME or MOTU Mk4 has better latency. Cakewalk reads them both, but the RTL utility won't give me a reading on the Babyface. Says it might be up to 50% off, do it again, and then a different prompt shows up. I am testing at 96buffer. Both will record down at the low levels but it seems the Babyface likes it better. I usually record at 128 once things are up and running and tracks are filling up and only need these low latencies (96 or 64) when I am comping digital pianos. Not worrying about the RTL utility here, can I pretty much bet that the onboard Cakewalk utility is accurate? Why is it when something is stand alone or only does one thing we give it more credence?
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