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Michael Fogarty

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Everything posted by Michael Fogarty

  1. Has this been covered? Would appreciate a link.
  2. thank you. Looks like a plan. Amazing what I miss over here.
  3. Good day or evening wherever you are at in the world. Tomorrow I will be receiving a used pair of Dynaudio BM6A MK1’s. They only only have XLR inputs. I run various sets of speakers in my studio using an Allen and Heath ZED10 fx through monitor out and record out. The record out goes to an amp and that goes to speakers A (JBL4410) and B (Auratones). The monitor out used to go to Yamaha HS50’s or JBL LSR’s. The only way I can see without getting a splitter of some type to get the sound to the BM6’s is through the Allen and Heath main out which is XLR. However, since it is the main out that presents a problem I assume as I have no way to switch the sound off to the BM6A’s to route the sound to the other speakers. I do have an AT Headphone box which would work if I used TRS to XLR cables, but of course the problem is the signal is being compromised by going through the headphone amp. Is there a simple XLR splitter? Before offering for me to make one because its simple, it wouldn’t be simple for me. Any links for something inexpensive that would work? For now, I have two xlr to trs adapters I will use.
  4. yes, there are many ways to do it all but I will explain why most people use 100% wet for their reverb bus. If it is not set to 100% wet, then you are actually hearing 3 things: 1. your dry channel 2. your reverb return 3. dry coming via return which is delayed for the reverb unit's AD/DA latency... which means you are hearing your dry signal twice which could result in comb filtering.
  5. let me preface these links with its not a very good test. Some of these libraries are very tweak able but I am only giving you one piano from each library and the dry version at that. Much more can be done. So, it may or may not help your decision. https://drive.google.com/open?id=17zlLDmfs7NYC3FEQGFdpmzZpL38Aqs
  6. it's not going to work. Not only is the piano quantized, but the velocity is set to 90 on both tracks. Just play something and send it to me. Never heard back - see post below.
  7. Set up a buss with different reverbs - one for snare, etc, another for vocals or overall. Name the 1st bus verb whatever and 2nd bus verb longer whatever. One a little lusher than the other. On the reverb itself set your mix level to 100%. On each of your tracks if you right-click there is a "send" option. Add that to your track (not the buss) and route it to your bus. Add the amount that you deem necessary. Put a hi pass filter on the reverb or an eq. to cut the lows so that the song doesn't start swimming in low-frequency mush.
  8. so I will send you four files of 4 top piano makers in an hour or so. I'm in Tokyo so 7:30 pm here.
  9. hi again. My question was is that you playing on the midi file you sent me?
  10. yes, will do this evening ( in2 hours) after clients leave. Cheerio mate. I'll run it through a couple of others as well. Did you play the piano on the midi file?
  11. ok - I guess you are looking for a bright setting. We are at opposite ends of the spectrum except for the depth part which is the main thing I am looking for. I thought the Waves Rhapsody was terrible. Should I just use the flat untweaked sound so you can hear it as is? Have you tried Ivory?
  12. as mentioned above I have libraries from all the major players. I have always had high hopes for a decent digital piano. I bought the Ravenscroft IOS instead of the Ivory and though I only used it a couple of times (not for recording) I was impressed by the actual sampled sound. So, as anybody in the music field who does this for a living and therefore these are not toys but tools, I have to really watch my expenses. But after much thought (of course, always hoping that you could demo it like the waves plug-ins) I decided to buy it. I liked it just tweaking around with the mics (first of all load the 275 - not just one of the mic versions) a bit but went digging for a manual that didn't seem to help much. THEN, I somehow managed to find the hidden pages where you can have multiple FX, wood ambiance plug-ins, etc. Up to this point, I was a/b ing Ivory second-guessing myself a little for spending the money. I then took off all the plugins (which you can do with a bypass switch hehe) and I still like the sound of the actual sample better than Ivory. It has more depth, more velocity, and not such a straight (no word hear to describe the harsh lifeless digital sound of other libraries) when you hit the key. Still digital hey, but a cut above. More wood? I then left it overnight and was surprised the next morning I had added so much to the sound, tweaked some of it back - especially the stereo widener - and never looked at Ivory again. I have not tried it for uptempo stuff yet. I had to do something quickly for another client the other day and just used my Yamaha CLP 545 CFX sound as time was at a premium and it cuts through the mix. If you made it this far, I always have a hard time deciding about products listening to the demos because of it all kind of goes by so fast. Chopin, etc. What I want to hear is the slow movement and the sound of the instrument. I just made this for you. Have a good day. PS -I purposely left the long pauses so you can hear the sound of the piano/pedal/soundboard, etc. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GZ3cOedep4BO1_UEHzRkPfFjgt7NySL9
  13. I figured it out. I plugged in my Yamaha keyboard for rehearsal for live gigs I have coming up this weekend via usb and it has an audio interface in it. I just disabled it in control panel. RELIEVED. EDIT - so I stopped getting notification sounds but opened up Sound Forge and the beep was still there even though the Yamaha card is disabled in control panel. However, if I turn the keyboard OFF - not just volume down, then no beeps. Yokatta!!
  14. I am also getting notification beeps from this forum. I wonder what changed. My system sounds are off.
  15. interesting you would say that. It is a similar sound but 1.softer. Plus, 2. in demo mode it keeps doing it. This only happens when I open the program. It doesn't ever do it after that.
  16. they sound just like that but they are coming through my external speakers - I guess through the MOTU. 2 Beeps for Soundforge - 1 beep for Cakewalk. So far, it doesn't seem like other programs beep.
  17. One beep with Cakewalk, two beeps with Sound Forge. Kind of scary. Windows 10 - other specs in my signature.
  18. Hey there. I use Omnisphere and other CPU hungry plug-ins. Omnisphere always takes a little bit of time to open when inserting in a project but fast to boot when opening a project. Same goes with NI, Ivory, Waves, etc. But I recently purchased the Ravenscroft 275 (which by the way is a bomb if you spend enough time delving into it) and during start-up it hangs there for quite awhile. It's the only plug-in I have that does this. Anyone?
  19. Sigh - wished I had seen this. I might have to buy it at full price. I am tired of Ivory and Pianoteq.
  20. so sorry for the confusion. I should have put "solved" not "OK after reboot". Wasted your time.
  21. Ok now after reboot. yep, the song is playing back fine, but the measure bar is not smooth in its movement - hobbling forward with a limp. Will load another song in the meantime and hope it is only the one song. Cheers everyone. Edit - nope, other songs as well. Will reboot.
  22. yes, this update did it all. That was a pain having to manually toggle between percussion and melodic mode.
  23. if you want to do this really effectively, you would re-master all the songs. Assuming you keep a pre-master folder of all of your mixes through the years, load them all up in Cakewalk and apply individual effects, eq, etc on each song and send them all through the same master buss with the same limiter such as Waves L2 or Izotope 8. Then open them all up in Sound Forge for a final check -RMS levels, etc. Of course, Samplitude is made for this as well or Studio One has a dedicated Project Page. And, if you really want to give them the attention they need, you could consider re-mixing some.
  24. Hanging and have to use task manager to force close. So, thank God I found an old thread that said to uninstall the Steinberg USB driver and sure enough that worked. Gosh, I hope it works when I plug my Motif back into it. Won't know for a while as that is for live use with my laptop. No problems on my desktop, but my laptop did this suddenly for the first time. Weird bug.
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