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Michael Fogarty

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Everything posted by Michael Fogarty

  1. well, folks, they don't show up in mine. Any other suggestions on how to get them back? Scook, are you saying I would need "beatscape"? PS - I obviously need a class in screenshots as well. Greatly appreciated
  2. Hello again. I don't see any Loop Content in the Command Center. Could you please instruct? Thank you.
  3. yes, ok. Thank you. I don't see any loop content on the page.
  4. I did a bunch of kids songs for some friends dragging and dropping the media files drum loops into the timeline -a great shortcut for recording live drums or tapping them out since they are for simple kids songs. However, after a clean install to Windows 10 (not relevant but letting you know) when I click on the media pulldown menu they are no longer there. (or I don't see them and can't navigate to them.) How do I get these back? The ones that I dragged into the songs are there in the timeline but no longer can I create new songs with them as the media is not there. Do I need to find them and install them again? Were they part of Sonar Platinum and not Bandlab? Thanks for the help.
  5. well, as the OP I thought I would inform you that I just rolled back to 4.02, and then 4.04 and they both crashed and sent me to the Celemony site to download 4.2 again. Time to toggle. Hey, what's the big deal. When I use a Leslie I hit the switch a few hundred times a gig. Cheers guys.
  6. those of us who have been using it for years choose it above the competition. I could just never get my head around any other DAW -mainly because my workflow has been steady for many years for which I am thankful. I have enough things to learn including Japanese without having to learn how to use a new DAW. Yes, I learn how to use Omnisphere, Komplete Kontrol, East-West Composer, tweak instruments, new plug-ins for mixing, new tracking techniques, etc, etc. So, I and many others were already sold on it, heard it was going to die and went looking for other options. I was given Studio One and a Studio 192/DP88 to produce music on. Oh, how slow I was and oh how fast I jumped at Cakewalk when it returned. For new people, they will see that we have the best forum going. I just re-installed Windows and upgraded my hardware DIY which would have not been possible without this forum. I have been a musician all my life. I have never had an IT job and can only scratch the surface of what can be done. But I can keep my computer running now. The base of new people will grow and grow, and yes, eventually, maybe they will ask for $100 -just like every other major DAW company. Then you/we will have to choose what to do. I do believe giving it away free is/was a smart move. It wasn't free for most of us. I have paid for every upgrade since the beginning of Cakewalk when I first saw it advertised in EM in the 80's I think it was. Let's see what happens. The core team seems to be savvy of how business works these days. I am sure they are more knowledgeable than most of us here. Just riding it out.
  7. ok. For some reason I thought they fixed it and couldn't find the email. Nice dream. And as you said, PITA but at least a simple workaround.
  8. Gosh my memory. I thought we waited out an update and Melodyne fixed this bug. But I just set up a new computer with the latest download and am still having to manually switch from Percussive to Melodic because the program is not evaluating the algorithm correctly. All of you cats who were in the same boat is it working for you now? I just rolled back to 4.0.
  9. yes, checking back in, all went smoothly. I am now a wiser man. Thanks again Scook. And glad things worked out for you as well John Sandlin.
  10. sorry for all the questions. I was told a few months back by some member that I am out of luck and this can't be done. Glad I ran into you. Thanks. Everything is installing fine now.
  11. what I mean is, one day they may not be available online correct? Can you actually download the installers like the old days and keep them backed up. Or is that what you are saying? By the way, I just tried installing everything and a large part of it failed. No Sonar Platinum. Need to see what's up.
  12. scook - can you actually not just install but download everything so that you have the installers on your computer for future use?
  13. thanks - I was just going to update this thread as I looked up the Command Center name. Downloading now Why would I need to re-install Cakewalk? Because it won't recognize the plugs I want maybe ?
  14. installed SSD drive/Windows 10 and have therefore lost Sonar Platinum forever. Too bad. Once Sonar went to the whatever it was called (equivalent to Cakewalk Assistant) I stopped downloading to my computer and ran the program from there. Go ahead, call me what you want. So, is there any way to get some of the old plug-ins back? I use all 3rd party plug-ins, but when doing quick demos for clients I would start a song on Session Drummer -and if kids songs, would actually even use the drums. Needed to load up a bunch of those old kids files, and alas -no Session drummer. Another plug-in I used was the "big clean creamery" - (I think it was under Craig's guitar/bass in his chain FX that he created) on guitars and keys for sonic enhancement and no longer have that. Any ideas? Or do I have to re-assign everything in these old mixes.
  15. Seems many have this problem. In the pulldown menu under Multiple Displays there is no option for Duplicate these displays. I fixed it and I don't know how. -maybe it was toggle up instead of down. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-hardware/cannot-duplicate-displays-after-windows-10-upgrade/cd6151e2-b608-428a-8c75-b8e74f80b540?auth=1&page=3
  16. I installed Windows 10 Pro on a new SSD drive. Went in and did all the Windows 10 DAW tweaks. Cannot detect a second monitor. Have been online with NVIDIA support -clean uninstall and install of all drivers and installed the latest. Still nothing. Sigh. The second monitor is HDMI -the first monitor is DVI. I know the second monitor works because hooked it up to a second computer and it is fine. Edit 2 - so I tried the HDMI out of the computer into the main monitor and it didn't work. It is not the cable -it works fine with another computer. So somehow in my installing and setting up new HDD/Windows 10 and cleaning maybe I did something to my HDMI port on the computer? Edit 3 -the NVIDIA guy said to check my connection on the MOBO. Getting out of my league here. Can someone send me a URL? I am looking. Edit 4 - didn't realize I have two HDMI ports on my desktop. Hehe. Old dog/new tricks. It's working it seems.
  17. must admit after joining and leaving many forums that this continues to be the best. I haven't found a DAW or forum I like better.
  18. well, that was pretty straight coming from you Jim. But Steev, you must realize. There are professionals on this forum whose main thrust is to keep their machines maintained and running smoothly because they are busy producers. I am one of them, and Jim makes hi - end (I don’t use the term lightly) DAW’s. You are pushing Scarletts and other gear down our throat and we are living in the MOTU/Studio 192/Apogee/ Quantum/RME world. There is a reason they cost more - the same reason that we all shell out $1000’s for the Synthogy Pianos, Omnisphere and Keyscape Plugs, UAD and Waves Plugs and know which company makes our converters. There is no pride in this. It’s just who we are and what our clients expect from us. I think Jim has shown an amazing amount of patience and restraint up to this point. Now Jim, the Asian rep of Presonus gave me a Studio 192/DP88 combo and Studio One to make some music on and post. He said the 192 may have problems with Sonar/Cakelab/Cubase and other DAW other than Studio One latency wise. I have found that to be the case. But Quantum is different?
  19. thanks for the input Steev. Do you use this machine you are referring to? Have you recorded with it? What type of converters does it have? Do you run cpu hogging programs like Omnisphere/Tape Emulation plugs and get good latency with it? Was the OP asking for recommendations for a new interface/mixer for live applications?
  20. 1. You shouldn’t have to go to 1024 - I use Omnisphere/Waves Plugs on probably 30 channels/ Ivory/East West Composer/Komplete Kontrol and 10 tracks of drums/ 8tracks backing and lead vocals, ad nauseum and still don’t have to do that. 2. I have had projects that just don’t seem to work that are much less extensive. Sometimes I open in Cakewalk Safe Mode to find out the culprit - other times I copy the performances and start on a clean project. I think sometimes it might be because I use various controllers for different instruments and the VST get tired of being jerked around. Somewhere along the line with all thats going on something screwsup - most likely self inflicted. I have many clients and projects in the works simultaneously and though sometimes I am bent on “findind out what the problem is” sometimes for speeds sake I just paste and copy and re-load fresh instances of my VST’s. 3. That being said, my Presonus Studio 192 seems to be problemstic with Cakelab. It was given to me by the Asian Presonus Rep for me to work with Studio One back when Sonar was talking about saying goodbye to us folks. He warned me at the time that the latency is wonderful with Studio Live, but there had been tests and reports of problems with other DAW. I have switched back and forth from it and my MOTU more than once. Now sticking with the MOTU. 4. Did you try copying all the performances into another instance of Cakelab and your other DAW and find it to be smooth - or not?
  21. the palette flash - interesting. I didn’t know how to describe that. I have that as well. And of course it concerns me. I have tried every tweak mentioned here so though I feel so bad for you (you make it even harder because you are so patient) I am thankful for this thread. I’m on Windows 8.1 and get the flashes. My wife gets flashes too but thats another story.
  22. slightly off topic. Please bear with my ignorance. I live in Japan and in a Japanese language environment. Where is the best place to get a windows 10 upgrade? It's not free anymore I presume? I am still running Windows 8.1 on my main DAW - I have Windows 10 on my laptop.
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