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Michael Fogarty

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Everything posted by Michael Fogarty

  1. ?Amazing. It worked. So, now I have a Sound Forge and a Sound Forge 10 in my utilities, the latter which you helped me set up, works. The Sound Forge opens but does not import the wave. How can I delete the old path? Or safer to just leave it there? I wanna be like you when I grow up.
  2. Scook -went back and checked and it does say WaveEditor. It doesn't say tool not found or anything. SF does open, but the wav doesn't pop in. Guess I will take a look at you pdf. So, downloaded but don't know what to do with it. Yes, there are people like me in the world. For instance, though this is I'm sure very clear to you, I don't know what it means. "Installation: There really is no installation process. After unzipping the archive, put the appropriate program in a convenient location. Usage: Run the appropriate version of ToolsEditor. Use the F1 key to access the built-in help. Note: The DAW reads the registry and builds the Utilities menu on start up. Any changes made by this tool while the DAW is running will take affect (should read effect I think) after restarting the DAW. Edit - so I just fill in the same thing you did on page 3 of your PDF, leaving the same blanks, but using Sound Forge 10 instead of 11? Then I hit submit? Here goes.
  3. Hi Scook. Yes, I tried to. It was difficult for me to comprehend. I will try the above and see if that works.
  4. following. I never knew you could get the audio tracks to follow a tempo change.
  5. Years back I had this same problem and somebody suggested a way to fix this. Went through all the prompts suggested in other threads I read by Scook and others. How to get wav to import export? Thank you - I promise I'll save it as a manual this time. Duh! For the sake of clarity not only is SF in my utilities pull down, but when I select the wav and click SF, SF does open - but no imported wav.
  6. Good day. I have had various problems with Play but this one is a mystery. Have you tried copying the .dll into your Cakewalk VST folder and try rescanning? My problems have always been having to re-locate the various library and sample folders but never seen this problem.
  7. yes, I have been shopping from soundhouse since the beginning. I know the owner. But Amazon gets it to me in less than one day with free shipping (prime).
  8. well, that's it. Just mastered a CD but besides the mixes, the client wants karaoke tracks and 30-second snippets of the songs to release for promotion. When I export the 3o second snippets I have to type in the .wav extension after it has been exported. It actually doesn't show that it has been exported from Cakelab, but I go into explorer and there they are - a non formed file with the title but no extension. I type in .wav and all is well. But kind of scary. Ok, so the snippets I exported with numbers in front of the title -1, 2, 3 etc. Was wondering if that could be it so did one without the number and it was fine. Is that a Windows thing?
  9. thanks again. I won't use for recording - and I live in Japan so shipping is cost prohibitive. Edit -actually they will ship it for 6.95. Pretty amazing
  10. Ok, everyone. ASIO drivers supplied by the maker. Instant gratification. Just recorded Scarbee's EP88 at 128 buffer. About the size of a pack of Cohiba Cigarillos. For perspective, that is a Roland A49 and Dell XPS13 9370. This is the acoustically treated window in the same room where I work daily -but always wanted to be able to hang out at the window so this affords me to do that. And to have an ultra-portable set-up. Thanks again for the help.
  11. thank you everyone - I won’t mention you all by name but you are obviously some of the stars of this forum. I went ahead and got the Behringer on Amazon because its so sexy - will arrive today. (doorbell just rang.) At that price if all it does is playback audio for my laptop then I am still winning. It’s not for studio use. I’ll let you know how things work out. Special thanks to msmcleod for all the research and facts.
  12. I would like to change the colors of various parts of the program but I don't know what things are called. For example, the entire background of the midi tracks - not the clips, is gray. Can I change that to something happier? How do I know what that is called to change it? I would like to change my audio plug-in buttons to a different color. How do I know what they are called? I wished you could hover over something, right click, and change color, or at least put your cursor on it and the HELP tells you what it is. Then you can go into colors and change them. Mainly I would like the program background to be less gray - it is not my favorite color. I loaded the Boston light theme but still lots of gray. Can that not be changed?
  13. Hello. I have searched the internet and found many products but no clear sound of the trumpet. I am now using a MOTU AVB series but wanted something much smaller for sticking in my bag and practicing during long breaks, but would also work for gigs when I don't go by car. I don't need it to record - I just want to up the quality of my Dell XPS13 or my IpadPro while using Scarbee/Omnisphere/Ivory, etc. to show how beautiful and warm these instruments are. The MOTU Ultralite MK4 is overkill -which I am fine with, but I want something really small. I will say this a few times to make it clear. I have considered the Roland GoMixer or Duo Capture - yes -I want something really small that I don't hesitate to take me at any time. There is an Apogee Jam as well. I just can't find any clear documentation, tutorial, or sales talk that assures me that I am getting what I want. They all focus on recording into your Ipad which I am not interested in doing. PS - I don't want a box type unit like the Presonus or Focusrite ones. Something really portable. Do you think this would work? https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/UCA222--behringer-u-control-uca222-usb-audio-interface I do not live in a country where you try it out for a week and if you don't like it you send it back. Is there such an animal? Of course, latency has to be good. Thanks, everybody.
  14. interesting. I have LP’s that I played on that go back decades, but the world of computers is one that I have only dabbled in. I of course have external drives I keep all my apps/libraries like Omnisphere/Play Composers/Synthogy/Waves, etc. but I don’t (yet) have the knowledge to do what you are suggesting. A link would be greatly appreciated. I don’t know what it means to “back up your system.” I was a budgeted session player until recent years so know a lot about gear and charts but only recently changed the hardware and installed Windows 10 on my own - I know lots of musicians who can’t even figure out how to get around in a DAW. We are all different. I thank God for this knowledgeable friendly helpful forum. Also, I lost my studio and house in a fire years back - the fire starting in the studio and spreading to the house where I kept my backups. So all older versions of Cakewalk through Sonar 8.5 are bye bye. Lots of questions and information here, but the old versions of Sonar aren’t available online are they? Lets say for example I wanted V-vocal (which I don’t.) Lots of information here but have wanted to touch on this subject for awhile. One question is, in our present world, many of the apps we use, for example Sonar Platinum, Cakelab and their 3rd party libraries are tied into Command Centers, etc. To my knowledge, you can’t download the installers/programs and keep them on drives. In the case of Melodyne, I already owned it so the inclusion of Essential in Sonar was not a perk to me, nor do I have to worry about it disappearing as I own the program and it is on 3 backup drives with legacy drivers. So back to the original thread what could I have done to be able to still have these libraries and their .dll/installation paths after doing a clean install? A URL to point me to the steps. Thanks everyone.
  15. thanks everyone for going to all that trouble. I doubt that I will need them again but weird when things disappear.
  16. for the user name try your forum name - always worked for me. Any chance you remember your email from days by gone? Then they’ll send you a new PW I assume.
  17. Hi Terry. I can’t help you sad to say, but if you need to (or want to work) in the interim that this is sorted out, you could download Command Center and use Sonar Platinum for now. Or maybe you already have it. All the best.
  18. thank you for the link and simple answer Mark. Much appreciated. I will put a mark by yours and Scooks names.
  19. Hi there. I hit the windows key and print and put in paint. used to get better results. So, I hit the alt key, print key and then what? Control V to my desktop? Thanks for the help.
  20. Scook already answered this it seems. The files are not there in his command center either. Is the screenshot you posted from your most recent visit to Command Center? So the easy question is, why do you have it and we don't? The version I used/use is in my first post. If you have any way to retrieve these it would be much appreciated.
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