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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. Philharmonik 2! Nice always wanted something like that. Is the current price of 249 a good price? Looking at smart:Eq And smart:comp tonight. They are only at v 1.??? Kind of new. EQ is working Compressor keeps locking up and after save it doesn’t want to reopen. Still like Gullfloss with AAMS best. Max Arwood
  2. Thanks Matthew! Got it working. No more annoying pop ups. You’d think turning the tracker off would instruct it not to open??!duh? Don’t think I will use it too much, but the headphone EQ seems to allow some small details to be more audible. Nice Second Check for the mix. Thanks
  3. Could you tell us what you like about these and which you have been using the most. I just moved and my new mixing room is REALLY bad. The worst I have ever mixed in. Any suggestions would be welcome. Watched your orchestra demo last night- really good.
  4. Is there some way to look at the file the plugin scanner makes? I know where the custom layouts are. Did Someone write software for this?
  5. So basically make that plug vanish? Could rename that plug only work? Got to try this. Thanks, Max
  6. Which do you like best? Have you tried Auto Audio Mastering System? They have a free version. I like the pop Eq. www.curiosa.com. I wish those kind of things would work even better! Also Harbal it is post mixing software. Of those 2 I like AAMS best easier to use. I tried 31 the other day. I didn’t care for it that much I go like Gullfloss it is nice. Haven’t tried isotope yet. Do they have a demo?
  7. Antress made a very nice collection called modern. Cant find a full link to all approximately 32? vsts . A few are here. http://www.vst4free.com/index.php?dev=Antress Look around for vers. 4.5 Max Arwood
  8. Haven’t found one. Let us know if you find out how.
  9. Like Samplitude. Which is way behind on midi But has a few really nice Audio features I wish were in sonar. Like the one Jim is talking about.
  10. Max Arwood


    Just wanted to say great job!
  11. Yes. You can make nice samples libraries with either of these. I like samplit because of its ease of use (and lower price) I have been trying to sample my vl70m-turbo. Neither program is really getting it right. Samplit set up quicker. Sample robot is more tweakable. Msmcleod made me buy sample robot (just kidding lol!!). Still not happy with the sample set from this device with either sampler. Matt Traumam At Patchman is the king of this Stuff. You should listen to some of his Kontakt samples. Wind pack 1 is great! Here is a flute! www.patchmanmusic.con/audio demos/kontaktwindpacks/flute01.mp3 Any Specific questions? both programs are great! Both easy to set up and use. Max. Arwood
  12. Samplit 2 is a lower prices option. I like and have both. They each have their strengths. https://www.soundlib.com/samplit/ Max Arwood
  13. I have had Autotune efx and it worked just fine. The newest is Autotune 8 (called Autotune Pro) no problems with it either. I can’t remember efx but I think it is iLok. Go to your iLok license manager if it is there install it. If not call Antares. Then rescan your plugins in BandLab sonar Max Arwood
  14. Oldest one I know about is the human voice? I guess it must be a caveman voice app ?
  15. Yes don’t have it yet, hope to get it soon. Thanks for the hard work!!
  16. I like putting it on the master bus with the settings of: type rt avg 2nd type rt avg block 8192 overlap 75 Avg time 10000 Nice peak mastering hold setting slow and very smooth readout. Try it! Max Arwood
  17. Yes I know it took me a while to even know what was happening. I first thought I just had the bass too loud - found out ( RenBass) was resetting to defaults for intensity which is 0. I always use it close to -12 weeks of up and down with the bass etc. as I resaved the songs. Controllers can reset stuff if check to zero on stop. Good luck with this. Let us know if you find any exact receipts for any of this.
  18. I don’t think is has to be VST2/VST3 of the same plugin. I think a couple of really old plugins caused it - ruby tube and possible silverspikes reverbit. And a few others. I Wish I had more time to test stuff. Max Arwood
  19. Never used mix recall. Bakers have copy of this info. Praying they get it pinpointed. Wish I had more figured out. Did you try this with M1? And.... do you have mixed plugins? VST2/VST3 64bit-32bit In this project? Have you updated this plugin from VST2/VST3 or from 32bit to 64bit while working on this song.
  20. Which ones reset on you? I’m pretty sure this is a VST2/VST3 issue They should not be mixed together in the same project But if you insist on it you could try this Don’t know why is works - but now I don’t have to worry about what kind of plugins I use VST2,VST3 32bit/64bit and I can again focus on the mix. Here is what I do - Uncheck boxes in vst settings Replace if possible Recycle plugin windows Then when you save the file name it Auto-save copy of song name.cwp (Replace song name - your song name) ALWAYS use save as and never Use save or CTRL-S Don’t know why but I have not lost any setting in since early March. I have been loosing settings over and over. It has been a nightmare resetting the plugins over and over. I think 2 years give or take. I seems a little weird but after 2 months and way over 100 saves and reopens with all plugins remembering their settings I know it works for me. Good luck Thanks, Max Arwood
  21. Waves MV2, Renbass, Q10 ,GWMixcentric, Renverb, Vocal rider, Bass rider, there are more from waves. Also Bass professor MKII, In another thread it looks like it is happening with Acustica vsts.
  22. Waves MV2, Renbass, Q10 ,GWMixcentric, Renverb, Vocal rider, Bass rider, there are more from waves. Also Bass professor MKII, Reverbit. There are others. This only happens sometimes.
  23. Contacting cake support today I want then to confirm it too and figure out why the work around works and fix the real problem. Contact you guys later.
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