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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. Boosting the gain after it was recorded is needed sometimes, but it is not recommended to boost too much. This will cause noise from each track build up a bad amount of total noise. When you have to, you have to. It is much better to use a preamp or soundcard volume than to boost it after the fact. Max Arwood
  2. I have a ton of waves products. Something must be wrong. I have never seem a Waves product cause the Risky/Do you want to Enable this plugin message. Max Arwood
  3. My cakewalk VST scan stops and says : z3ta+ is risky do you want to enable this synth? Does your scan say that? Max Arwood
  4. Can’t wait to hear what they say. The old group cakewalk.audio is Sri around. Find a Newsreader then cakewalk.audio Just a few guys left. Not all cake stuff anymore. Polymod is the keyboard guru. Look in YouTube for “route 66 larry benigno” It will blow you away. He might help. Thanks, Max Arwood
  5. Do you ever post on Usenet.Cakewalk.audio. Poly mod is great about this kind of stuff. He’s a keyboard genius of sort Max Arwood
  6. Could it portamento instead of pitch bend? Also the start sounds like a hard press for a slight pitch /tonal change before the slide begins. Is sure is a nice solo. I have forgotten about that one. Let us know what you decide. Max Arwood
  7. The effect will show up in the recent list because you just used it. If you click resent to add another of the same VST it does nothing.
  8. Yes I have that too. I haven't had time to look and see if it is certain vendors or certain plugins. I will write it down next time it happens. Did you pin it to any VST that always did that?
  9. Wow thanks for that latency chart. I don't know what some of those letters mean but I can at least find the stuff I use a lot. This was a test track - I picked a few plugins that were hard on CPU on purpose. Then duplicated to 5 times to make 6 tracks. Just a test. Latency set to 2048. I would hardly ever put Abby Roads Reverbs or Fabfilter L2 Pro on a track! Finally got Reaper to work. CPU 62%-65% ( You can not use VST3 - TG mastering processor in Reaper - Crashes every time!) Cakewalk - CPU 47%-48% Samplitude X4 - Still Would not play the song. I am PROUD of Cakewalk - it is the only DAW I own that would even play this song! Samplitude showed only 36% CPU but still did not play. I guess I should design another with more tracks using track type effect and a couple of busses with bus type effects. Thanks for all the info! Max Arwood
  10. Like I said I do not know anything about Reaper - I had the FX bins all off!!! When I turned on the first tracks FX bin Reaper crashed. It would not play the project. I tried the same 6 tracks in Samplitude X4. CPU 36% - but the project would not even play. Cakewalk is the only DAW that would play this project. I still a fanboy always was. Sorry no one even replied to tell me something must be wrong this difference would be impossible. Thanks, Max Arwood
  11. I have been looking at Panup's post about export speed- so - I thought I might do a quick test on playback since I Have been having so much trouble with playback lately. I built a project with 6 Duplicate tracks. I picked the plugins randomly. I do hear that Abbey Road is in the higher CPU category. VST3's Abbey Road Plates Stereo Abbey Road Saturator GW Mixcentric CLA-3A Fabfilter Q3 Fabfilter L2 Pro I get 49-52% CPU usage in The latest version of Cakewalk. I took the same audio track, the same plugins in the same order I also set up 6 Duplicate tracks. Reaper CPU 3-4% I have never even set up a track in Reaper or used it until tonight - I am a dedicated Cakewalk fan. Why such a big difference? Can't we play a little catch up and narrow the difference? I don't want to buy a new computer and new audio card to use cakewalk. Please investigate this. Thanks, Max Arwood
  12. I listened to some new OVox demos and it seems to be the one! I listened to some early demos. Not do good. Newer demos sound like this song. Thanks, Max Arwood
  13. I was wondering if that is what it is. Or izotope vocal synth. Or a TC helicon?? Thanks, Max Arwood
  14. I can’t figure this one out. If you have any ideas please leave a post. https://www.google.com/search?q=“switch” “count me in” @:55 chorus some kind of crazy thick multivoice replicator I’ve herd 2,3,4,5.10+ voices some sound kind of robotic as well Thanks Max Arwood
  15. Also waves has meta filter. It goes on sale too. Don’t know what it is now. Max Arwood
  16. Yes I did that on this release. I think you will not be able to do upgrades soon. May be the next one might be win 10. Max Arwood
  17. I know others that are using older Echo drivers on win 10 with Cakewalk. For me, everything was working fine till the Cakewalk ASIO optimization update. I think 2 updates ago. Only problem was a slight amount of crackling on VERY heavily loaded projects prior to that. Now most of those will not play or they play for 10-15 seconds the stop to buffer the play for another 10-15 seconds. (I know I can turn the restart thing off) Other than my backups is there any other way to go back to try other versions - Like the Pre ASIO update?? Like with the old Command Center? Or a link from the staff to check performance? I have the Original file size 674,390. Could I update it with each of the updates till I get back to Pre ASIO update? Thanks, Max Arwood
  18. Everything was working fine till the ASIO update. I think 2 updates ago. Only problem was a slight amount of crackling on Very heavily loaded projects. Now most of those will not play or they play for 10-15 seconds the stop to buffer the play for another 10-15 seconds. Other than my backups is there any other way to go back to try other versions? Like with the old Command Center? Max Arwood
  19. Upgrade to win 10 made things worse
  20. I did a full image of my drive before I moved to win 10. I also have 2 6tb seagate running. Back up - Oh yes Macrium! I would not do without it! I am going to start in a clean install this weekend. If that does not work. I will have to shop for a new audio box of some type. I love all the cakewalk updates! Thanks, Max Arwood
  21. I think I would like to dual boot win10. keep the upgrade and start in another “fresh install“. What is the easiest way to do add the second partition and install win 10 again? Fresh?’ I have 500 Tb to work with that could be allocated. This way I could see if the install is bauched or if the audio card needs to go. Thanks, Max Arwood
  22. Yes NVidia all gone using windows built-in driver. With a clean boot - Different things will end up showing Hard Page fault. One time it will be the windows virus msmpeng program on top next time securityhealthhost , next time searchprotocolhost , tiworker , next time nothing?? It seems like any program I load will cause hard page faults. I did memtest 2x both time all ok. What do I do now? Thanks, Max Arwood
  23. Removed the newest NVidia drivers. That did help some. Still short of power to use Cakewalk with a few plugins. Max Awood
  24. Johnny 5 says "Need more input" Removing the new NVidia drivers from Win10 help me some. They helped Win 7 run better. Don't know why. Each tweak should be tested. Still looking for more options.
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