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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. I’ll try some clicking around in a little bit. I do not think this is possible. Do you have a shortcut program of any kind running, like autohotkeys. Or can your reader search and click on text that has been searched??
  2. If you don’t have to many synths, you might be able to load them all on the screen and toggle through them. The main question is what are you trying to do that you might want them to appear and disappear?
  3. It sounds like you had the volume too high. It would be hard to diagnose without seeing the waveform or hearing the audio. Sometimes the recording is not damaged. Just the output. Volume is set up too loud. You could try turning down the main volume on the bus.
  4. Wow haven’t thought about those in years!! I need to go download monkey an see if they have made improvements. I was thinking crazy and wander what size a 5min 192/32 would compress to? How much can you monkey out of that dude?!?! Sorry, Back to the topic. Sonar will do more tracks and plugins with the same processor! I have a bunch of large pop/orchestra arrangements that will choak cakewalk, but play in Sonar. If you do very much music and need a cpu boost check it out!
  5. Ok, So I found run-stop your engine in key bindings. I set it to Alt-E 🙂 I am working on a AutoHotKey script to check keyboard-mouse idle time every 15 min and wait till it totals 1 hour. When it totals 1 hour of idle time send Alt-E. It should work. I'm not too versed in AutoHotKey and trying to use the new version 2. I'm also using a sleep command that barely uses any CPU. Wish me good luck with this venture. I wish someone else here knew AutoHotKey. SCook use to help me some with these. Anyone want to help?
  6. "Why not just turn off the audio engine before you leave the system." Sometimes I do. Sometimes I mean to come back to work in just a few mins..... Wife calls out, honey, would you mind ...... Then, I might forget and just crash from exhaustion! lol My driver seems to turn off and on ok. Thanks for the ideas.
  7. Track Manager (shortcut M): This is the standard Sonar Track Manager function, allowing you to see a list of all tracks and busses and choose to show or hide particular types of tracks, or alternatively use check-boxes to show or hide individual tracks. Unless like me, you have reprogrammed the Markers to "M" and "K" was the only 1/2 way logical key left lol. Edit->Preferences ->Keyboard Shortcuts (Near the bottom of the list)
  8. I like number 3-4. A visual of both of these routing options AUX and Patch Points would be GREAT!
  9. Thanks Sal, I have been using Copenic Desktop. You have to use an older version, because they charge for it now. Get version 2.02 Don't be tricked by "Don't you want to update now!" You will have to pay. I have to shut it off, because it wants to reindex in the background after 2min pause. I'll check voidtools. When and how does it index files?
  10. 1) Can I some how put the google form request filled out here too? 2) I wish we had a way to shut off the FX engine after an allotted time (Hours). My computer is overclocked and runs a little on the warm side. Many times I leave a project open and take a break or go to bed. When I get back the screen is frozen. This might also help with this. This crash is a frequent happening - Crash report submitted.
  11. autohotkey.com Even though it is possible to program this, I don’t think it would be practical. The reason would be, where would the mouse click. The clip would need to be in exactly the same place every time. It might be possible with key commands, but it still would not be easy. It is beyond me. I am a medium programmer in autohotkey. There are a couple of people that are way better than me. I wish SCook was still here!
  12. I’m wondering do you have all the plugins installed and activated? Do they show up in the plugin manager?
  13. It must have been really late! I think that must have been a decimal place off. I don't see that anywhere! This program also does CSV data export. 8.5 sec on spinner drive! Scan, list and graphics! It must be using the FAT data.
  14. I found out a few things I REALLY didn’t know. Blue cat plugins free addition 16-20gig! I don’t understand this because there’s no samples like a convolution reverb or something like that. I found three or four plug-in groups that were extremely high like this, and not reverbs.
  15. I like the spreadsheet, Excel idea. That sounds great. I’ll try it too. The graphics and scan took 1.5 minute on old 2tb ssd. You would have to use the graphics and look at them to say if you didn’t like them. You can click on groups of things. They’re all categorized by what goes with what you can also delete items from the graphic or the top. Thanks for Treesize. I will look into that..
  16. https://diskanalyzer.com/download WizTree - fastest disk space analyzer for Windows I might be the only one here with full hard drives. Lol. This Wiztree is about the fastest coolest file space analyzer I have ever seen.
  17. It would be nice if we could have a list and rate what is most important in a good song. like 1) The actual song with the melody/rhythm/arrangement 2) performance/passion of the performance 3)choice of instruments 4) quality of the recording 5) dynamics / feeling 6) mixing 10% 7)mastering 3% And more ideas?
  18. If you bake a cake and it taste really bad, putting icing on it is not gonna help that much. A good cake taste ok even without icing.
  19. Are you trying to do the whole song or just part of it?
  20. Read about workspaces. They can save and rearrange just about everything when Cakewalk loads. Top right of screen. It’s a pulldown bar menu. Click the down arrow and look around
  21. I don’t know how good your mix is, but the mix is way way way more important than the Mastering. I’m not sure about a $50 master, but usually Mastering improves it to some degree.
  22. Yes the few old timers are still there. Bad news about the friend's computer. Is it not fixed. It is stuttering. We turned off the FX the computer. It's running 1.5 cpu taskmanager on cakewalk. He didn't tell me all the details. It won't even play a song. We reinstalled cakewalk. That didn't help. I will try to do a fresh install (It will be remote - Which make me a little nervous messing with the registry over the internet. I'll try that tomorrow. Edit here down-> He has no control surface.
  23. Bad cable. Thanks for all the suggestions and help! That is one of the best things about cakewalk. I even check in at the old original newsgroup once in a while. There are still 5-6 people that check in from time to time.
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