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Everything posted by SUPAREELS



    Another great recorder, I think it was only a four track? But look what the Beatles did with bouncing tracks on a 4 track machine .... admittedly it was a £30 gran dish Studer ... but hey ho Steve


    Yep it was midi capable in that the 8th track could be 'striped' with an MTC (Midi Time Code), now sadly defunked, which could be hooked up to drive a DAW's time code from the external i/p. If MTC could be reunited (There is something called a 'midizer which converts MTC but it's a rare and v expensive thing) with my DAW's there would be so much I could get down and revamp as so much has changed since my purchase?. I could rant about this bit'o'kit but just stop here. thanks for the comment.


    Thankyou Bjorn, it seems as if all us seasoned song writers are suffering now for their craft .. as said I have a dodgy right ear so find final mixes a challenge ?. I did take your comment and added a low pad sound at the place you noticed a kind of break, so your ears are still good my friend. Thanks for the heads up with rhyme zone, I have several books but feel I'm cheating if I didn't think of the words myself .. just a thing with me ?


    I have had 3 of these over the years most of them as donors to keep my original going. It's great when you get someone in the studio and get a comparison vocal recording, people can't believe the quality .... then I tell them how much it cost in the day ... £2500 ...Ouch! LOL
  5. This song brings me to mind of a Lennon message, one has to listen to it several times to see what it's meaning is. To me and my idea of a great mix is that you really need to see this as a painting, try to single out your message (Vocals) as red, and adjust the blue's and green's as your backing .. and I know that sound like wakkibacji stuff but it's not .. you need to take a step back and see what you want the listener to feel ... anyway I think it's a very good concept .. but needs work.


    Have to agree, I a real wrench to replace my 1082 ... still miss it even with my stuff now. It was a great all in one sound module come mixer and your one was even better ! I use the Behringer X Touch with the Scarlett 18i20 and to be honest my old recordings were easier and very comparable.... but then I still love my Tascam 688 Midi Studio .. Yep I'm old school ... Thanks for taking the time for a reply ? Steve
  7. Blimey mate what did you do .... who did you sell your soul to !?? Absolutely 1st class vocal, and I have always been a sucker for a 7 string peddle since I first heard one .... think you got this one bang to rights ... No1 fan Steve


    Thankyou M ...Happens that I like your stuff a lot too ... ? Steve


    Thanks Tom, see there was no comment on the old Tascam then ... songwriters secret maybe LOs?


    I changed the bass ( NI ) as your niggle was absolutely right , it's not until you post that these obs come to light ... and then you wonder way you never noticed it in the first place .. so thanks Kurt ..good I/p Steve


    My thanks for the re listen and indeed both of your comments ? ATB Steve


    Liked it, but those drums need to be changed, some 8th hi hat and phrase changes on the snare and bass maybe? the guitar playing is excellent ? Steve


    Hello mate, I liked it at the beginning and the atmospheric feeling of the pads but felt it became a bit repetitious, so perhaps some variation could be added ? Danno it might just be my feeling here as I did listen to it twice ! ... still felt the same though ? .. Steve


    Many thanks Paul, it still has some issues but overall I think it works better having addressed some of the nigs it had. Take care Steve
  15. When I listened to this the first time it was on my laptop (2nd system) through cans, and I missed a few things that having now listened in the studio makes me even more happy with this mix. Couple of things I noted was the reverb seems to be a lot better, in that, it sounds like I'm hearing a live performance .. might just be 'cause it's my studio set up ? Have to say I have a dodgy right ear as well so my sympathies there, makes life very hard when mixing. I did notice the flute drops off a little too quick @ 5.25 ... still an extremely small nig I have to say. It's a beautiful bit of work for such a complicated piece.. and I love it, so well done my friend? ATB Steve
  16. What !! Great message sent with very powerful vocal work .. soo right up my street 10/10 Ace Steve
  17. Great lyrics. Think you should address the unison of the vocal work in places. Nice song and I love the chorus. ATB Steve


    This is the remixed version and I have tried to address all the comments that have been been posted. We'll see .. ? ALWAYS I see the look in your eyes, something you can't disguise , And you can't hide with that smile 'cause by the morning sun you'll be gone .. I know you'll be gone But I have to tell you ,before you make that start I could see it coming, I knew you'd break my heart In two … But I will always love you Been through life not believing, everything just seemed cold to me Then you showed me a different way, and I have to say I saw this world your way And just in case, when it's all said and done I never realised there would be someone I knew That's why I'll always love you M8 Been through life never seeing, All the things that meant so much to you The winter skies, and snow in our eyes Or the summer sun and dragonflies An evening breeze, as we watch the setting sun Balmy nights when we were joined as one It's true I will always love you
  19. I am a real Beatles fan and I can honestly say ...you are a brave man to have attempted this. Such a sad story though, but with that what a great start ?. I have heard many a tail when in the studio, of people saying 'I have an awful voice so could someone else sing my song' ..and I have to say some of them do LOL. But I listen out for strength in holding a note and breathing at the right time to produce the said note ... your vocal on this track sounded great, all be it at the back of the mix ... don't hide it as done but use your voice as another instrument ... doesn't matter how many takes to get it right, that said, usually don't try more that 4 takes at a time as IME the vocalist gets worse .. and that's soul destroying. For me I can't add anymore than has been commented on already other than to say .. Well done I enjoyed it!


    Thanks for listening Mark and your comments, glad you liked this one Steve


    Well' here's the thing Tom .. the whole song was something that came to me as I was listening to Winterset .... you wrote a beautiful piece there and it really moved me, I started to write words and this song came to fruition ... so thanks for that .. I think LOL As said in my response above to Bjorn, I used a SHURE SM58 which as you know has a different characteristics and roll off to a condenser Mic, in this case a RODE 1 or 2 A, my usual goto and a bit lazy with the vocal mix as I could have done so much better . and didn't. I'll take another pass with this when fresh to my old ears cause I think it's a good song. I take what you say about the mix very seriously and without meaning to sound patronizing your work is right up there, so I have a lot of respect for your input ... Hmm that's a bit creepy but .. none the less, true. Thanks for the compliment and your time ATB Steve


    Many thanks Bjorn and your observation @ T2.00 is correct, I split the song in two as the m8 became an m16 .. so much too long, this arrangement worked for me and I liked the way it built to the strings. Have to say it's amazing how you guys pick up on the detail, I thought that would just be quirky .. but nope! you see through my little plan LOL?. I used a, SHUREsm58 for this one and it sounded OK but I can see now it may have been better to use the RODE's, as is my usual goto ... or maybe not ... Thanks for the great comment and your input Bjorn ? ATB & stay well Steve


    Hmmm ... Hadn't noticed that. I used NI Rickenbacker bass, ... might try a new bass sound. thanks for the input .. and of course listening .. Cheers Steve
  24. Steve, I think I need to redo the Flute line with a breath controller. That'd make the arrangement come alive. Thank you for commenting and listening. Look forward to the re-mix .. are you using a DX7 ? I only say 'cause I have never used a breath controller in favour of the old mod wheel thingy. Been watching Spitfire software stuff .. gives me a whole new respect for your work ... it's hard! always a pleasure to hear your uploads.? Steve


    Thanks for taking the time Nigel ... you are correct not surprisingly There were a surprising amount of tracks and folders for this one and I think you have to pare back the desire to overuse the toys for the sake of where one started with an idea .... thanks so much for your comment it really means a lot. ATB Steve
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