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Everything posted by SUPAREELS
I Wooks .. I tried a little more reverb but it became a bit complicated due sibilance and then the obvious Eq'ing it out. I guess I kinda liked it when it when through the process, but you have a valid point ? Keep well Steve
TURN IT DOWN!!! LOL Sorry .. didn't know you could hear it all the way from here in Westward Ho! ... turning it down now ...otherwise the wife will be calling me on the phone ?
Thanks for your ears ./.. I'm sending my ear drums as well with them ......... Btw Love the mix mate ?
Thanks for the listen mate .. means a lot ! ATB Steve
Thankyou David .. you don't miss a trick do you ?? Stay safe Steve
Always love your comments Tom LOL ... Right 1) I put EDM 'cause it gets more hits than 'love song' and I added the wrong link, now rectified. Metapop is my Komplete site, that I joined when I bought my S88 keyboard. Thanks for the comments mate ATB Steve ( Are you still using the 1884 without problems, if you are I am well impressed, it's a great board but I had issues with my 1082 years ago and swapped it for a Behringer X Touch .. still miss the Tascam though it was a great bit'o'kit )
That's an interesting problem ( No matter how hard I try I cant get a dry sound ). Of course in this work it would be hard to notice that as it's extremely intricate and so your observations are impossible to detect. I don't know what sound interface your using, mine is a Scarlett 18i20 which has an 'Air' controller that kinda brings out a sort of toppy value giving the dry signal space more room, personally I hardly use it as I think EQ these days can do almost anything in that field ... my point is are you hearing the I/P dry or have you got something that enhances this signal on your m/d or sound module ? Anyway couple of beers has cleared me ears ... so that's good ? Take care M8 Steve
A load of fun with this one .. personally I am drawn to the 3rd mix as I think a brighter 'smashed' sound suits the overall song. Is that your vox I hear or part of the d/load ? The separation is just right and from 1 to 4, you have tried different mix ideas, because the actual song is so lively it's really hard to comment on how you arrived at these different mixes but that 'finish' is what it's all about .... and now my ears are shot !? Steve
Kinda liked this one Wooks ...If I play it 3 times I've almost finished vacuuming the house ...gets me through with a smile, so that's good ... and lucky I studied Morse in college ( pulsar ) Steve
Loved it ...kinda early Stones ? Steve
Hi Treesha, I have to agree with the existing comments here, after a couple of run through's, I got the impression it was a first take to hear what the overall song sounded like. For me I thought it was something worth a little love and time. Your vocal suits this song and there needs to be more emotion to convey the message, as said the actual backing does need work, bass & drums but the song is worth the effort.. I listen to your stuff and like it ...this is no different so I'd be interested in a later mix. Steve
Excellent work my friend, however I do agree with AndyB01 in that the instruments seem to lack a little color in places and there seems to be a compression problem towards the end giving a sort of breathing 'in and out' sound ... if that makes sense, plus it has been cut off far to quickly ... But hats off to you as I don't know how you get such a complicated piece of work together ... ? Stay safe Steve
Thanks Steve, glad you felt that and it's very gratifying to hear, to say the least. I appreciate your response. Words would be an fun experiment - but we'd lose the "thoughts in your head while you listen" part. In another life, who knows? Go for it if you'd like, let me know what you come up with? Thanks again! Give me a download link on PMs And I will send it back to you for approval .. or not ... Got two verses anyway LOL Steve
Damned good vibe .. this one goes in my collection, just love everything !! More please Steve
Thanks for the comments we all know it's a puffed chest to get good feedback .... my chest is puffed LOL Steve
OOh bummer ... Ok I'll do a remix again think you may be right ... thanks mate as I got a few things to do given Mark's I/P Many thanks for listening I'll take a few Db's out ATB Steve
Thankyou Mark .. it's a strange thing that almost always avoids me from a balanced mix, in that I have a problem with my hearing on the the right, making some of my mixes a little heavy on that side, I am soo impressed on your observation not to say, also, a little worried,. I have to usually come to a finish point on an individual track or mix of, and then rely on meters to get the desired balance. Then playing it out with fine tuning ... on this I am afraid, I omitted my usual regime thinking it would pass ...But then I forgot how astute this site can be LOL .. Thankyou so much for the feedback and your observations Mr Skinner ... blinding feedback that's for sure ? Stay well Steve
Hi mate, I think you have the same hang as myself, in that your a words man first and a muso second ... and I mean no offense. My advice (as I have the same problem .. and have done for many years ) is to listen to stuff that is like yours and leave the writing bit till later, in that, for you that is the easy bit. When you have a plan musically .. play with it get it to make you wanna sing those words as they should be ...it ain't easy there are guys on this site should be making a mint ... you found a gold mine of info so try to make one song and post it after working on it till your happy ... there's no-one here will break your heart, but they will help... and then you can say .. it's just a song and now I'll write something better .... Of course you will ..we're all here 'cause we couldn't .. LOL (But there's a lota love) Stay loose Steve
Where's the words man !! Fills me with a kind of anticipated dread .. what we do without your excellent work, godda give a nod to the skins man he's a bit good ........? Steve
I have re-mixed this as I felt your comments were extremely astute ... I love to have your feelings on this v#2 Thankyou for the input Steve
OMG!!! I would love to write lyrics to this bit of work ... just not worthy of such a lovely piece of music .. well done ... made me cry .. for real ! Steve
Well .. That might be a good idea ?. As I have just sent the stems to my old mate and fellow song-smith (Gary Brun ), My hope is he may feel there's something he might like to do with this .. who knows. Thankyou for the comment ( checking out your stuff .. I like 10 weeks ... I'm an old timer now at 70, but remember my college days ... maybe all too well LOL ) Steve
Many thanks for taking the time to comment and listening. JFTR I used the flute pad as I get a bit tired of guitar solos ... anyway I ain't that good at playing the guitar ! ( Maybe I'll get James to do GS ...LOL) ALB Steve