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Everything posted by SUPAREELS



    Why is mariachi so important? Today's mariachi ensembles are a favored entertainment choice to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, baptisms, holidays and funerals. Mariachi is so important to Mexican culture, in fact, that UNESCO named it as an Intangible Cultural Heritage. Great work David ..( as always with you ) .. sorry about the late revue as I have a few prob's at home... I was pinged on Band Camp and forgot to say 'good work mate' .. so that done, and for me I really enjoyed it so more please ...... ATB Steve


    Love it, and really enjoyed the trip ... reminded me of my days of listening to Santana, large one, feet up at 3 in the morning ..thanks for posting great song Steve


    Cool song and great lyrics, love the brake ?? Steve
  4. Nothing to add apart from agreeing with Wooks here Steve
  5. Thanks for the comments and for hearing it ALL the way through ... LOL ATB Steve
  6. Thanks for the listen Tom. For the record the kick was a mixture of several bass drums mixed @ different levels and separation . as said, just kind of slung together for fun but I'll take clever LOL ? ATB Steve
  7. Your frazing throughout vocal wise, draws me in .. thankyou for your post .. respect ? Steve
  8. All of the above being correct in that I'm not sure if I can say I enjoyed it .. sort of, ....... there are bits of the l/f that were managed well and didn't go anywhere, musically and other parts that didn't relate to your overall piece ... as said it's a start and worth a bit of time to engage with ... looking forward to the finished article .. Steve
  9. I hear Dillon and Petty suiting your vocal extremely well . I think the mix is right and the song itself is right up there ... small nig is that I feel the vox could be brought up a tad and the fade is a little too long .... but hey .. I really enjoyed this one ... think you found your mojo mate so welcome back LOL? Steve
  10. Yep! but what can you do ... plus we're going back some 50 years LOL Thanks for both comments mate ? ATB Steve
  11. Just a bit of fun with a different kinda love song .... https://soundcloud.com/user-936763372-896820317/shei-said-just-a-bit-of-fun?si=ce3f488be3f54fa7be5780a165272497&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  12. GREAT LYRICS and a happy message .. love the smokey blues brothers feel ? Steve


    Thanks for the listen and comments ... means so much coming from you, a real compliment ? Steve
  14. Great cover really enjoyed it, your vocal work is right up there. I was looking to add the Lurssen Mastering Console to my arsenal sounds like a great toy ? Steve


    Sorry to disappoint mate


    Yep you are correct I forgot to send the vox out on mixdown to the stereo m. O/put thereby leaving it on its own mix ... some of the mids to highs were affected, and as the mix wasn't for a customer I felt it would do .... so I did notice the A/B discrepancy you commented on ... I have since slapped my wrist for being a lazy sod LOL Thanks Tom for your time Steve
  17. My goodness ...you are a master sir .. absolutely amazing Video and music . Really draws you in I now have video envy LOL. Steve


    Knock out comment .. Thanks Lynn, ( took a lot of points made here by my peers, so the end result wasn't with help ? ) ATB Steve


    First class vocal ? Steve
  20. Steve, you ask good questions! First, I'm glad to be back, and second I'm ready to rock 2022. I replaced my 12 year old, first generation i7 processor with an AMD Ryzen 5 5600-6 cores @3.7 gigs with 32 gigs of memory, and a new video board to be 4k ready as soon as I get a camera that's 4k ready. I had to wipe Window 10 and reinstall most of my apps, but was able to do so after a few weeks. As for the curare (should be an accent over the letter a), it's the drug used on poison blow gun darts in South American jungles. It's a paralyzing agent, sometimes used in surgery to quiet a muscle, for those who don't know. This song is the scientist in me coming out. Hi mate I had the same problem with my old PC a few tears back .. your system is much the same as the one I've been using and the Ryzen 5 runs really cool, great processor. It's always reinstating the software that sends you nuts .. Just a thing I now use 4 SSDs instead of HDDs and it really speeds up workflow One of them holds my samples and it's a great help when loading them in the DAW. BTW blow darts ain't your other hobby are they ... ?? Stay safe .. and keep 'em coming Steve
  21. Been missing you mate, and I was getting worried .. another good one, so you haven't lost your touch ? ... so what did you use for the home-built replacement ? and wot do you know about the use of Curare hmmmm Steve


    ...As a words kinda guy, that is a great compliment, thankyou David .. means a lot! . .. now ......how can I get my head through the studio door ...... ☺️
  23. Your vocal sounds to me, a little like the late Joe Cocker , absolutely the most impressive vox I've heard on this site .. ever, and musically excellent so ... DO NOT MESS WITH THE MIX it works fine. Just my opinion but 10/10 ? Steve Prefer the original .. but hey a good song as a good song ?
  24. Your vocal sounds to me, a little like the late Joe Cocker , absolutely the most impressive vox I've heard on this site .. ever, and musically excellent so ... DO NOT MESS WITH THE MIX it works fine. Just my opinion but 10/10 ? Steve
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