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Everything posted by SUPAREELS

  1. The Picasso of verse, I agree with Andy ... pie was a little cold, but thanks anyway ? ATB Steve
  2. Boy I love this track ...brings a tear.... the chorus makes a beautiful song complete. What harmonizer do you use ? ATB Steve
  3. Well ... here we go again ... my ears are filled with your shrouded message and the talent to produce something that has a profound message ... but lets have a little less experimental ....and ... just for once ( as someone who has followed your work for years ) pull it back ... just for once Jess ... BTW bass playing is ex. I get it, I really do .. your words ( if anyone really listens to them are profound). I love your stuff ...but it don't help a good nights sleep TeHe ATB Steve ?
  4. Amazing .. really not sure what I'm listening to ( arpeggios to one side ) ... multiple tracks or as you note ' the ability to sing multiple notes at the same time ' .. yikes! Thanks for the post I never knew singing was such a beautiful and weird thing .... ATB Steve
  5. Boy !! Have you reached perfection ... timing locked to the transitions and in fact the whole project is professional, I was waiting for the narration to start !?. I agree with the highs everyone has given it .. and I'm not a fan of instrumentals .... but it's a TEN from me ? ATB Steve


    I really have to do the whole thing again ..without the pain .. the fact that you were impressed could mean I won't get my head out of the studio ? ,,many thanks for your advice and comments ...watch this space Take care and atb ( Soft tails can be troublesome LOL ) Steve


    Thanks for that it really does mean a lot ... but then you know that as a fellow songwriter ATB Steve


    Thanks for your blessing mate, at my age I should know better LOL. Must admit this needs work but I appreciate your ears and comments .. many thanks Best regards Steve
  9. Mesmerizing ... But as said, too long but I like it . Steve


    Hi Lynn thanks for the comments, as said I will remix as feel it's not my best work .. But Gerry Rafferty ..Wow! Stat well my friend Steve ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for your comment Dream Art ..Means a lot ☺️ Steve
  11. That's how it's done. I echo the previous comments excellent work ...reminds me of Santana ( One of my favs ) ? ATB Steve


    Thanks mate ..I know you don't really mean it but it feels good anyway .. well maybe my vocal LOL Stay well Steve


    First I apologize for the late response (Still in pain ?) ... yep, this mix left me a bit fed up with the song ... had a load of hits on Soundcloud ... they know nothing of a good song mixed badly, bless them and I take the crapton bit as guidance , loads of this and that, which is spray foam gone mad !!.. when I feel I've done a little better I will remix ..really appreciate your ear on this AND completely agree Stay well Steve


    Hi David, Fascinating vibe & video, sounds a little like the tempo has been taken down a notch after recording ..kinda draws you in with the graphics ... really good to see you back mate.? ATB Steve


    Thought I'd do this while my ribs repair after a DIY incident ... W e l l it keeps me busy ....
  16. Hello Nigel So glad you answered my comment, I thought I may have overstepped my mark and I had no intention of that. I think Grants delivery is spot on for this rendition, and I know from a songwriters POV it can be hard to settle on one idea ... anyway. having seen your latest post it looks like you have it dead right .. so what do I know ! Wishing you luck and thanks for the reply ... I can sleep easy now LOL ATB Steve
  17. Hi Nigel, I read the words to this song before I listened to how they were presented. While the work is up to an impeccable standard and the song is catchy, I was disappointed in the finished approach as, in my opinion, it was to up tempo for such meaningful lyrics ( damned good BTW ), your new vocalist has a relaxed almost soft way of singing and I must admit I'm a bit jealous ... just a bit ..but I really like his sound. Your production is always second to none ..this is no different and it's not I didn't enjoy this work ... more that I felt it could have been ...lets say, more soulful Thankyou for letting this pleb his view Always a BIG fan Steve
  18. You rascal ,,, had me a little worried .......... Great mix and as said, Pete' should be bloody jealous LOL ..Love ya Man .. Steve
  19. Has it really been that long Wooks ... I remember PM you back then ... Geese ?
  20. As a words guy I always listen to your message ... that's what I do. Thanks for the post Jesse, me like it. ATB Steve
  21. Must have had a few bob back in the day m8 .. production and sound seems very 60ish ? not sure if I'm aging you, so sorry if I am .. great song very clean. Is it bad of me to have AKAI envy .... ATB Steve
  22. Just goes to show a great song is just that ... always ..good work Steve
  23. Great use of beats and blend of sounds ... your work is really out there m8 ...dare I say the video really makes this .. getting a bit gushy so that's it Well done !! Steve Just a thing but .. I am a late discoverer of a few plug in's .. Waves Harmony and Kramer master tape .. ( I treated myself to a few studio bits and bobs ) think you might like them soo ...
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