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Everything posted by SUPAREELS
Dope ..... Really love this ..and great work everyone !!
Gonna buy me some ezkeys ...wow that piano playing is dope ... good stuff John Steve
Nice interaction between the bass synth and the orchestral pads ... and ends with a musical question .. if you get my meaning ..always find your compositions interesting ..I liked this one David. ATB Steve
Disturbing image but this one is up there with Picasso ... great mix ..
Harmony vox too high... guitar has nice sound V2
Shame 'cause it's really the kind of vibe I like ... could be a great track and sounds more like a 60s production made on tape ..
Thanks M8 ...if not for you and after all these years of frustration listing to 4/4 I would be held under for EVER ... cleared my mind .... and breath ? Steve
Great Video .. vocal a bit flat in my opinion
Hi Rex, been listening to you work for some time now and this is a break away from your usual format ..and it's bloody good, you have enough advice drum wise and as a vocalist first myself, I would ask you to up your game on the chorus line ... apart from the ending vocal which is a great message to the loved one. looking forward to you finished upload Steve
Just to add my bit and having spent soo much dosh on open back and closed .. For me Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 250 Ohm Over-Ear Studio Headphones are the most comfortable .. but make my ears hot when mixing down or doing several takes over a day of work ... I have a set of AudioTechnica AT45s which I like but it's all down to preference ..it really is the hardest thing/tool to buy .. honestly go into your shop of choice and don't get bullied into the expensive stuff and try different cans out with the input here as a guide ... I have 12 sets of cans and they're all good but have drawbacks of one thing or another ... my DT770's failed on the left capsule twice and they are expensive ! ....just saying is all Happy shopping SupaReels
A N D Great Lyrics ... thanks
Really liking this one, the mix sounds great .. I wish you would post the words ... but .. ATB Steve
Ain't that the truth it's hard now to listen to original work ... such as your good self puts out ... ?
Thing is about gospel it's better when your walking down a street .... and you hear the voice of someone, alone, singing a very serious message from the heart... it's in that moment you realise that something is missing in us all ... and stop to listen ....any vocalist that can do that has my vote. Thanks Jesse excellent message well sang ... I never get you, it's true .. but over the years of listening to your work .... in a way I kinda do ?
Been listening to your stuff Kev and this right up there ...I think the old guitar playing is spot on, vox is great and can say nothing about this mix as it has everything it should have ... great work and as Tom says 'Very much enjoyed' ATB Steve ( Hold me down is still my fave though ..LOL )
Has anyone used the S88 keyboard as a controller for Cake ?
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I've said it before, I have listened to your posts for years now, a real cyber friend .. this is right up there with the best on this site , me thinks David, and like him I am interested by how the harp was played .. the ending was particularly excellent as the listener is slowly released from a magical place( and when our friend needed the loo ) ... a bit wordy, but great stuff my friend. Perhaps you could do a vox over when next posting ? ATB Steve
Better ... much better and now the but ...guitars are still a little too far back in the mix ... and I love the Hammond so don't be shy using it .. Good job Steve
Good cover, if possible try a stereo o/p of the guitars ( Say a an SPL Vitalizer or similar, outboard or in the box ) and bring up the low end a tad, especially if you gonna do it live. Your vocal is great for this cover.... All in all and although I'm not a great lover of covers this was very enjoyable and pretty damn good. Steve?
Gotta say even though the Mothers of invention where a fave in the day I don't really get you posts ... and then i LOOKED AT Jesse's Screen-recording at Utrecht Central Station AND It WaS VEry inTerEestinG ... B?uT I haVe No IdeA whY. Great WorK I Think ... Steve
Great songwriting and chord variants .. really reaches out ..just a thing ..have you got a female vocalist to hand? .. 'Cause I believe this is a song that has a solid message. Well done even though it needs a little more thinking regarding the backing .. lovely song ... only wish I'd written it ! ATB Steve
How are you producing the backing? sounds like a PSR Yamaha thingy .. but your vocal is great . S/R Music