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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. ZincT

    Melda 17

    Strange - all I got was a black screen. Working now, thanks. Tempted by MXXX (already have MXXCore).
  2. ZincT

    Melda 17

    Cheers Larry - just a heads-up your link's broken.
  3. SOUNDS, LOOPS, ALL TOTALLY CUSTOMIZABLE! Created by platinum producer Mike Greene (Cypress HIll, Ice Cube, A.L.T., Kid Frost, Latin Alliance, etc.), Hip Hop Creator features a massive selection of the newest sounds for both modern and old school hip hop. https://realitone.com/collections/featured/products/hip-hop-creator All libraries... https://realitone.com/
  4. Thanks. Here's a list of the updates in Riffer 2.3.... You can download the update from your account ... https://audiomodern.com/my-account Riffer 2.3 Update (April 2020) WHAT’S NEW: Resizable GUI Create, Save & Delete Custom Scales Lock Individual Notes or whole Steps Save, Export & Share MIDI file Quick Load Preset Menu Audio Out for Quick Pattern Preview on Stand-Alone mode New Scale Transposition Engine New Range Engine for Pitch, Duration & Velocity Infinity Mode Loop Selector Root Note Probability selector New Preset Manager MIDI Controllable New MIDI Output menu Reverse Pattern Updated UI Performance Improvements
  5. Looks like good VFM. Anyone have any experience with The Drumbank stuff?
  6. I have Seurat which is really nice and well worth it at that price Aidan. Tempted by one of their other offerings.
  7. Good spot Reid. I've just had a look at the M1 and Wavestation updates on my iPad. Wavestation in particular looks and functions better than the PC version (and costs less). I am glad that the PC versions have finally had updates but I do hope that they aren't going to leave it at that. ? I am holding off buying the PC version of Triton while it is so expensive but in any case it might be worth waiting for the iPad version if Korg apply the same development ethos to it. Just so long as it has the same patches as the PC version (and is cheaper).
  8. I was on an older version so cheers Larry. Nice freebie and comes with tons of presets (although not as many as you can get for synth1
  9. Thanks simon. After the update it said that my AD2 install needed repair so repaired it - it put those aax plugins I deleted the other day back ??
  10. Missed this one, and last week's one is further down... April 18, 2020 LIVESTREAM: Unify 1.1 / Cloud City Fun Hangtime... v1.1 is almost done - MIDIbox will be included and allows MIDI patterns/files to be played within Unify. April 11th LIVESTREAM: Unify 1.1 preview, Cloud City preview & MORE!
  11. I do. They gave away a slimmed down version at Christmas (Hatefish One) and I then bought the full version in a sale (6 EUR). The free one is still there --> https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hatefish-rhygenerator-one/ Full one here --> https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hatefish-rhygenerator/ and currently on sale for 7.50 EUR
  12. All good so far apart from ALT-Mouse Wheel still doesn't zoom if your mouse cursor is within the Arranger track.
  13. Wow! Do you guys ever sleep?! Thanks so much for all your efforts. Looking forward to trying out the EA2.
  14. I reacted "Great Idea" but where is that Fleer? Korg seems to be a confusing mess of different URLs for the same thing! I only own M1 and Wavestation and my Korg shop account shows the orders I made for them but I cannot see any download links. Also in order to get a demo of the other things (but not Odyssey for some reason) I have to install KSP. Or is there another way to get the demo?
  15. I was just going to react but I've also run out ?
  16. Yup - same for me. I restored it this time although so far I haven't found any issues caused by this but still it's not the kind of behaviour that you want an app to display.
  17. Wondered if you might be able to prevent the folder being deleted by group policy?
  18. The new installer is now available... https://id.korg.com/static_pages/3 It now gives the options to try demos of most of the collection (but not Odessy). @simon it still dumps that folder in your recycle bin
  19. The manual looks better that some of the manuals for paid stuff I own!
  20. Meant to post this yesterday for those asking about disk space. Oh well may still be of use to someone. ...and yes I reckon Larry's hunch about TSM 3 is right..... I bought this at a great price in Nov 2018 but this is even cheaper and pretty much a no-brainer if you have the disk space. If you are wondering about disk space... I just checked my Total Studio 2 MAX backup and it's around 143.5Gb (zip files) consisting of Miroslav (51.5Gb), SampleTank 3 MAX (37.2Gb), Syntronik (48.3Gb), and the other bits and bobs are around 2.5Gb. My actual installation for SampleTank 3 MAX is 172Gb which includes Miroslav, Syntronik but only a few of the extra SampleTank 3 MAX content. The other bits take up less space - MODO, Lurssen, Amplitube MAX, T-Racks MAX (install around 4Gb). So total used in my case is 143.5Gb for backups and 176Gb installed (a full installation of all ST3 MAX libraries would be more than this but I don't need them all). If you then get Sampletank 4 MAX at some point which I did that's another 134Gb of zipped backups and 184Gb installed on my system. So TS2 MAX and ST4 MAX for me is around 360Gb installed and 277.5Gb in backups (without installing all of the extra ST3 MAX libraries). I ended up buying an NVME SSD to house all of the extra sample content plus all of my existing samples.
  21. I got this on a very cheap deal a while back. It's a useful source of Internet radio and the latest version (1.1.5) has a lot of Worldwide Internet radio stations as well as being able to add your own and record them. No brainer for free.
  22. Thanks Larry. Didn't get this last time as already covered by Arturia SEM but this does have some niceties over the Arturia one. Anyway, I managed to stack this voucher with my $25 loyalty voucher to get it for $29.99 (inc VAT). Would be $24.99 if you don't pay VAT.
  23. Except that I tend to empty the Recycle Bin if I notice it has anything in it - which is what I did Any ideas what was in there before it was deleted? Mine has around 20 items in it now, some folders and all of it dated today. With it being a "Temp" folder I am hoping that there's nothing of too much value there (apart from maybe breaking something).
  24. Yes but "deleting folders" could be virus like behaviour - probably a setting in Kaspersky depending on the level of paranoia you want to set. That's presumably why the downloader just dumps you in your ZIP manager. Honestly, do they test any of this stuff? ?
  25. I'm surprised that Kaspersky didn't flag some interesting behavior!
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