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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. That sounds nasty Simon. Yes the same thing is happening here ? Oh No, I wonder what it has broken?!!
  2. Download the update from your account.... https://www.hornetplugins.com/my-account/ Changelog Version 1.1.3 Fixed issue with Pro Tools that made plugin stop if “Dynamic plugin processing” is enabled in Pro Tools’ preferences Changed VST mode to instrument to fix regression bug Product page is here for anyone who is interested... https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hatefish-rhygenerator/
  3. I used Korg Software Pass to update the Wavestation and M1 https://id.korg.com/static_pages/3 It didn't offer any update for the Triton demo but I'm on v1.0.1 which may already be the latest. BTW Korg Software Pass seems to download the update files and then dump you in whichever ZIP manager you have to do the rest yourself! I just navigate to the specific updater folder and drag/drop that to my download folder and run the update there. I only own M1 and Wavestation but also wanted to try the rest of the collection but I cannot see how to download the other demos. If you click on the demo link it just downloads Korg Software Pass.
  4. Thanks Grem. I'll also give it a try.
  5. Was looking at that myself Grem. I have been using the ADSR one which is OK but this looks better but does this only work with BFA sample packs or can you use it with any? I'm guessing it will work with any but has the BFA store built-in (like the ADSR one has the ADSR store). Thanks
  6. Just tried it on a couple of items and it didn't work. Maybe expired?
  7. Thanks! Much better screen size options now on the M1 and Wavestation.
  8. Just had an email from them offering a 20% discount for leaving a review, so check your emails if you want to buy anything else from them at a discount. EDIT: The website actually gives you the 20% off code at the top of the page so no need to do the survey but I did it anyway to help the company in exchange for the generous freebie. You might also want to consider this.
  9. Cheers Larry. Same here Grem, their site must be being hammered at the moment. I already own this and wondered if there is any benefit to owning a second copy licensing wise (or will it even let you?). Site is too slow to find out at present unless anyone knows?
  10. Thanks @Fleer - I like their stuff and also got their previous freebie (Epic Babies) which was worth having.
  11. Got my attention there for a minute! Thanks for the thought though @simon ! Just trying to recall whether they have ever done an offer on the 0.5 upgrade? Also just checked my account to make sure and it is still £51 inc VAT to go from 10 Pro to 10.5 Pro. They call it an update rather than an upgrade for the 0.5 version.
  12. I don't have any errors any more; I uninstalled it this morning. It has left quite a lot of stuff behind. I normally use Revo Uninstaller but I must have installed LABS before I got it so a manual hunt is required. The LABS vst dlls are still in their folders along with the main sample/preset folder (>8Gb). The bonus is that while searching I came across a 2Gb folder full of aax files which is now gone (it was in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins ). I always de-select aax when I install things but I guess some programs install them anyway.
  13. Sounds good. Are you using rtpMIDI on the PC or is that what the PC download is for? I used Android TouchDAW for a while and I think rtpMIDI on the PC for the wireless MIDI link. Maybe I should rtfm ?
  14. Lol, only just re-discovered this. Must give it a go. Thanks Simon!
  15. It makes me wonder if their paid (and expensive stuff) is as flakey as this?
  16. After working on an old project which already had markers it was a piece of cake (no pun intended) to add arrangement sections and make new arrangements. One issue has been discussed in various posts above - clips which start/end before the beginning/end of a section. A couple of other thoughts which came to mind while I was working on a project without any existing markers... I right clicked on a clip expecting to see a "Make Arranger Section from Clip Boundaries" option or similar. Maybe a future option? When committing an arrangement I would have liked the option to make a new project from the committed project. Although it was easy enough to "save as" I was worried that I might forget and overwrite the existing project with no way back. Add Arranger presets (ABA, AAB, ABAABAC etc with section length prompt) - I see Mark mentions these as a future possibility. ALT-Mouse Wheel doesn't zoom horizontally if the mouse is within the Arranger track. In general, for songs where I would use the Arranger I would try a modified workflow. I would create an "Arrangement" Project and record only the basic sections without any fancy additions. For example, a song with 2 verses and a chorus is unlikely to have two identical verses (the second one might have some kind of lead-in to the chorus) but for the purposes of an Arrangement Project I would not include any embellishments on the second verse or if I did then it would be labelled as a different type of verse. I would then create my arrangements by putting together different combinations of the sections. In this way I would use the Arranger project as a parent project to spawn multiple committed projects with a basic song structure, each one saved separately. I wouldn't use the arranger in the committed projects but develop them as I would have done before there was an arranger track. If I later decide that I don't like the arrangement then I could go back to the Arranger Project to add a new arrangement or alter an existing one to create a new committed project. This is just initial thoughts and I might change my mind after I have tried this out in practice.
  17. Yes I tried the repair and it goes ahead and does it's stuff but I still get the same errors.
  18. No it's not just you honestly! I'm now getting Error #1 on Strings 2 which I didn't touch and they appear to load and play just fine (unless it was a cunning plan by the mysterious optimise). Also Dulcimer samples have disappeared again but it doesn't give an error. Despite liking the content I have never used any of it and I'm pretty sure I have most of it covered elsewhere anyway. So I am seriously tempted to delete the whole thing to save some space and some aggro Alternatively, maybe a fresh install of everything would improve matters.
  19. Thanks Larry - it's showing for me. Go figure! Also got an "Optimise" against Music Box but it's the usual click it and nothing appears to happen. ?
  20. That's odd - I have used both of these functions quite a bit today and it has worked fine here. I just tried them both again and they work as expected. Isn't the second one because your snap settings are set to 1 bar? One thing I have found is that if you ALT-Mouse Wheel to zoom horizontally it doesn't work if your mouse is within the Arranger track.
  21. That sounds like what I was getting on the original version of Orb Producer in CbB. I could try those Projects out on my copy of Cubase Pro and let you know what happens if it would help (although I haven't yet upgraded from 10 to 10.5 if that makes a difference).
  22. Lol, I thought it rang a bell ?‍♂️ Thanks that saved me installing/uninstalling another ?
  23. Yes that is annoying Simon and makes them harder to search/use. I am in the process of renaming/categorising them to something more useful otherwise they will get stored with other foley samples and then forgotten.
  24. Just reporting in on the latest EA version - I worked on an existing project for around 4 hours yesterday doing lots of edits, Melodyne on vocals etc and it was rock solid. Although the project was made before the Arranger was available it would have been much easier using the Arranger. So, to test the functionality of the Arranger and improve my knowledge of it, I'm now making an "Arranger" version of the project. If there are any issues I will report them here.
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