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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Has an excellent Pattern to Song workflow and lots of quality soundbanks available (via IAP). Here's a couple of Doug's videos to get a feel for what's on offer...
  2. I have been using the Early Access version which has been great. Loving the Arranger and Pro-Channel presets. Go get it! Thanks Bakers!
  3. Thanks Larry. After un-installing it t'other day I saw this excellent and informative post by @TheSteven so I might do a clean install and relocate all the samples somewhere useful
  4. Cheers Vernon & Larry. Already have the ones listed below. Any suggestions for any others that are worthwhile? As you can see I'm a sucker for 70s/80s synth/pop/prog - JMJ, ELP, Vangelis, Genesis, Depeche Mode, Trevor Horn, Kraftwerk, Moroder, T Dream, Toto etc
  5. @msmcleod I just noticed there's a v2.50 firmware for the Graphite 49 on Samson's webpage. I would imagine that you have already updated but wondered if that might help with the key velocity issue? Were you able to improve the situation at all by adjusting the velocity curves? http://www.samsontech.com/support/samson/resourcesandmanuals/usb-midi/keyboard-controllers/p/graphite49/ The Editor Software for Windows also looks like it could be useful. I ran it just to have a peek although obviously without the keyboard it doesn't do anything.
  6. Good to know, thanks. Maybe that's why it's being offered for a low price. Also found this article which mentions the Graphite 49 and Cakewalk configuration of mackie compatible controllers. https://www.harmonycentral.com/articles/uncategorized/how-to-use-mackie-compatible-controllers-with-daws-r376/
  7. I have now been slightly sidetracked by one of these which I can get cheaply. It would keep everything neat and simple in one package (keyboard, controllers, sliders etc) and also replace my 3 octave keyboard with a 4 octave one which also has aftertouch. http://www.samsontech.com/samson/products/usb-midi/keyboard-controllers/graphite49/
  8. Looks kind of futuristic and very slim. If I was paying that much though I would probably get a Maschine Jam.
  9. I remember seeing the Philip Rees ads in music magazines. I like how it looks no-nonsense and solidly built and PLENTY of sliders!
  10. Thanks for your reply to my email David and for also posting here. I was just about to copy your email here so you saved me the need to. Hopefully this will get you and others sorted @cclarry
  11. That's very strange Larry. I have contacted them to see if they can send you (and others) the links manually. I have pointed them to this thread so that they can see how many are having issues. They are actually worth having for the small amount of space they occupy.
  12. Looking good. Wonder what the upgrade cost will be from Scaler 1.
  13. Thanks, that's what I was hoping for. So once connected via USB, as long as the basic ACT surface is set up in Preferences - MIDI - Control Surfaces I should be good to go?
  14. @Noel BorthwickPossible minor bug on Arrangement Export as Audio. I exported an arrangement which was named... Watch Out NewJH01-Arrangement 1.mp3 After making a few changes I decided to keep this one and add another arrangement and saved it as... Watch Out NewJH01-Arrangement 2.mp3 (this was what I typed in the save as box). The resulting file was named... Watch Out NewJH01-Arrangement 2-Arrangement 1.mp3
  15. Not seeing that here. Are you on the latest version of TH-U (1.1.8)?
  16. Worked OK here using Chrome. It said to allow 3 minutes for the download links to arrive and it took exactly 3 minutes for them to arrive. Those who haven't received the email maybe check your Spam folder.
  17. Thanks Larry. The demos sound really nice. Worth a shot!
  18. That Korg NanoKey Studio has a couple of extra things going for it... - as well as connecting to a PC via USB it can connect to an iPad via bluetooth and is very well integrated with Gadget - it comes with M1 LE and a voucher to get the Korg Legacy bundle at a better price (I already have the full versions of M1 and Wavestation but would like the others). Actually comes with a whole load of software but I already have most of it. - it has a Kaoss controller pad These things certainly make it more appealing to me. @msmcleodAm I right in saying that there is an easy way to configure it in CbB? Thanks
  19. Thanks, yes I noticed there was a lot of MIDI. Anyway, I have a while to contemplate. You tempted?
  20. Thanks Mark and Robert - looks like a pretty nice option. I was only thinking sliders instead of knobs because of John Lehmkuhl's comments in this video about how it is easier to move multiple sliders than multiple knobs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0IEh3AQ2os
  21. A further positive report from me.... I've been using EA2 a lot since my last post and not had any issues other than reported earlier (ALT-Mouse wheel behaviour). My daughter is learning violin and I transcribed one of her pieces onto CbB so that she could hear how it should sound. She has now decided that she wants to play it on flute as a "Thursday evening tribute to the NHS". So I have a number of different versions (arrangements) with and without various other parts (2nd violin, accompaniment piano etc). The Arranger made doing this a piece of cake. ?
  22. I changed the title of this post as I have changed my mind about getting a separate pad/knobs/faders controller box. Here's a direct link to the latest post at the end of this thread if you have any opinions on Nektar vs M-Audio, thanks... As per the title I am looking for a something to complement my existing keyboard controller (iRig Keys Pro). I want to be able to trigger loops and also alter MIDI cc's from the sliders. Something like Maschine but a lot cheaper! The AKAI Professional APC Mini looks perfect for my needs but, as with many of these, they seem to be marketed for use with Ableton Live. I assume that they can be used fine within any other DAW e.g. CbB? I particularly want to use it with PluginGuru Unify within CbB. Does anyone have one or can anyone else suggest any alternatives? Thanks in advance. Incidentally, I did look at software options such as Xotopad but I quite like the idea of physical buttons and sliders instead.
  23. Thanks Larry. FYI if you click on any magazine there's this note at the bottom of the page...
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