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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. First post updated - 20% off code now live but don't get excited as they have no stock as predicted.
  2. Thanks Fleer. I wondered that as I knew you were a flute player. What do you think is the best Flute virtual instrument in terms of authenticity, articulations etc?
  3. New update to v1.0.20 which include a new "favorites" feature for presets, as well as several fixes. Update by running the software and selecting Update. 1.0.20 (11/9/2020) "Favorites" category added to preset managers. Right-click on preset to add it to Favorites Fixed VST3 host window resizing issue with some Windows DAWs Fixed high-frequency aliasing artifacts potentially introduced at 44.1 kHz Fixed preset recall issue in Reason Fixed Pro Tools automation issue that can cause a freeze Fixed keyboard shortcuts for zoom Recent preset list persisting properly between sessions, and is shared between instances. Fixed custom user preset folder location not sticking Fix for saving preset while QWERTY musical keyboard visible triggering notes
  4. https://www.pluginguru.com/current-promotions/ @Mesh now's your chance to pick up some of the other Unify libraries at the lowest prices they will be.
  5. Here's a video showing the new features in 11 (love that tempo follower demo)...
  6. Seems like a great price for this; good spot Larry ? For video I moved away from Vegas at v15 (too many problems for me) and have settled on DaVinci Resolve (v17 is due out soon) and Affinity Photo/Publisher/Designer for image editing. I also picked up the HitFilm Pro HumbleBundle deal and it's also pretty nice for quick editing tasks. I looked at VideoStudio a while back purely because of its support for stop motion which I was playing with at the time and at this price it's definitely worth a shot. UPDATE: Just finished downloading (6.77Gb download and 7.73Gb install with all content). Funnily enough @abacabI still have Adobe Premiere and Photoshop Elements v14 installed on my old system and still find them useful for certain things.
  7. Yeah, love the Dronar stuff. Looks like a good time to buy another one! Do you have the World Flutes one Fleer and have any thoughts on it?
  8. Cheers Larry! Also you get free Savage Bass House bundle with every purchase.
  9. Thanks Aidan. I'll give it a try as I have recently sold my copy of Serato Sample (never used it) but something potentially better for free must be worth a shot. ?
  10. I have been eyeing up Teote which is a cheaper Gulfoss alternative. https://www.voxengo.com/product/teote/ Here's a YouTube video which compares it to Gulfoss:
  11. Wow! Some excellent prices there! Cheers Larry.
  12. Ran it this morning and noticed an update. It's only a 130Mb download which can be done from Omnisphere. Maybe Keyscape next? Change Log
  13. ZincT

    Black Friday Help

    Well deserved! Thank you as always Larry and hope you have a fantastic Black Friday ?
  14. Aha! I still have Reaper as my backup plan. I do really like the fact that it's so lean and yet highly configurable but decided for now to focus only on CbB migrating to S One 5.
  15. Yes, I saw that thanks! Funnily enough I got a free copy of Ableton Live Intro with my Arturia controller keyboard so I am already covered
  16. I was kinda fed up with keep seeing YouTubers using Ableton so I bought it to see what all the fuss was about It seems great in many aspects but I just didn't get on with it. Horses for courses I guess. I'm migrating to Studio One 5 Pro but CbB keeps dragging me back - like the new Articulation Mapping which seems well implemented (also good in Studio One though).
  17. I also sold my Ableton Live 10 Standard a couple of months back. I tried it as a DAW alternative but never really gelled with it. It's another good one to buy though as it's a doddle to resell via your account and I easily got my money back.
  18. I just sold mine on KVR @aidan o driscoll. Thought I would use it, never did. YMMV. It's a nice plugin for what it does though. Transfer was easy though if you decide to sell it on and it doesn't go NFR afterwards.
  19. At least there is a logical explanation for the problem. Not sure what the solution is though as I guess you would need to update 9.5 to 10 before a 10 to 10.5 (and 11) update would work. ?
  20. Hey Mesh, the best way I have found to keep up with the latest Unify and Unified libraries is to watch the weekly PG livestreams (there were two this week because of the big 1.2 update). That's where John highlights and often demos completed and upcoming libraries such as the those referred to in TTF's post above. He has been demoing the upcoming BBC Discoverstation (paid, full version of the 6 patch freebie) lately and it does sound amazing. It was the reason they created ComboBox as they needed it to do what they are trying to do in Discoverstation (imagine a single patch which you can play live and it sounds like a full John Williams score!). Alternatively, you can download them from https://www.pluginguru.com/products/unify-standard/ - scroll down to see them. Just to be clear there are: Unify Libraries - these are libraries written specifically for Unify. Examples are UniSCREAM, Cloud City, Skippy's Big Bad Beats and Airwave Melodic Techno (this last one needs Unify and Serum). Unified libraries - this is where a PG library or 3rd party plugin has had all of its presets replicated in a Unify library so that you can load them directly from within Unify without having to load the plugin, open the UI then select a preset. You need to own the 3rd party plugin! A lot of the PG Omnisphere libraries have already been Unified, thanks in part to a very dedicated end user (Kendall Cochran III) who has converted a vast number on his own, which was what prompted my Omnisphere purchase last week. There are a growing number of these, especially for PluginGuru's libraries (see TTF post) but also for things like MOK Waverazor, Brainworx Knifonium, Synapse Audio Obsession, Eventide Pendulate, Cherry Audio CA2600 and DCO-106. John will often add some z presets to these at the end which are bonus presets that he has crafted (see download link above). If you own PG libraries that have now been Unified the download will be available in your account. As an aside, I actually created a Unified library for my Kontakt version of PG Megamagic Bells and Winds which Shane (PG's developer) turned into a .guru file for me and was planning to make available to others. However, in the process he discovered that, because Kontakt library presets reference the absolute location of samples, it is not feasible to share a Unified Kontakt library as end users tend to put their Kontakt libraries in different locations. So my example of the Megamagic Bells and Winds library works fine for me but for anyone else, unless they store their Kontakt libraries in "S:\Kontakt Instruments", they would get an error when trying to open a preset from within Unify. Symbolic links also don't fix this problem with Kontakt. Here's what I have currently installed (FYI I'm using one of the Repro patches for the melody in the noodling MP3 I uploaded)... UPDATE: There's another new update video out today which is worth a look ...
  21. @locrian what does your online account show in terms of Cubase Pro? Does it match your elicenser? The message you got still might indicate that the license is not yet in sync with reality! In case you still need it, it might be worth raising a support ticket as they are probably snowed under so the sooner you raise it the sooner you will get a reply. Stick with it, I'm sure it will come good in the end! ?
  22. What does your e-licenser display for Cubase Pro? Mine had a small symbol (yellow exclamation mark?) and transfer pending against it and I think it said Cubase 10.5. I think that must mean that it had got as far as processing the upgrade and updating me from 10 to 10.5 yesterday, but hadn't yet auto-updated me to 11 which is what it did this morning. The e-licenser sync was still as slow if not slower than yesterday and I still had 3 stages that failed. I will try to download Cubase 11 at some point to check that all is OK but really I am just updating so that I can sell it at v11 which I cannot do until my USB e-licenser is all as it should be.
  23. Just tried again now with success! Initially Cubase Pro 10 license was still shown as "transfer pending" in e-licenser as a result of yesterday's issues. As I already entered the upgrade code yesterday (£30 bought in July and supplied as an Activation Code (8 groups of 4 alphanumeric digits) not a download code), I figured that I just need to get the e-licenser in sync. So, all I tried was running "online maintenance and synchronization" which it still took an age to do and failed on a couple of stages BUT this time I got a popup saying something about the vendor has upgraded Cubase 10.5 to 11 and now my e-licenser is showing Cubase Pro 11 (which is also shown in my online account).
  24. Damn, you sussed out my methodology ? Just keep it between us ok? ?
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