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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. See in those days they were the rock stars of their day and the rich wives prided themselves on which star she “ had” at her party . They gained great favor and treatment which led to Gald i a tor never mind
  2. cue S.L.I.P if he's busy craig
  3. you all have to rethink what I said when I said "I love eating pie!"
  4. Wow Craig! Way to come through! MVP! Go Craig! CRAIG FOR PRESIDENT!
  5. I Am lost too. I seems to be happening to me a lot these days. Someone asked me what I did with my leftover Becan. What a strange question. Who ever heard of "leftover Becan"?
  6. I was given a 16% chance of surviving tonsil cancer in 2003. I went through radical chemo, radiation, and surgery. Major gains have been made in research and treatments in cancers since then . Her prognosis surviving looks good so stay positive and a smile on your face . Especially when you see her. Today I Am alive and well pestering Bapu almost daily. Good times
  7. I remember that day . Great feeling Give some thought about what would be fun to record or learn before you start remember to go with what feels good once you’re in and sit down no pressure just have fun
  8. Come to think of it I really kneed a sweater
  9. Tabettan monnestary spirit bass groovy!
  10. Ok I know what you’re thinking. He didn’t mean my pc mouse but I thought about that too and I DON’T HAVE A MOUSE IN MY HOUSE or pet mouse or anything like that so thankfully I have a 2nd opinion and can resume my Becan consumption carry on
  11. I Am back four a 2nd opinion! waiting .........., waiting ........... ok the dentist said everything looks good. I asked him where I should insert Becan so that I don’t damage the dental work . He said , and I distinctly heard him say “ I would put any Becan in my mouse if I were you” well I thought about it and realized the only mouse I have is on the computer desk and I certainly wouldn’t put it my mouth again so these means I CAN HAVE BECAN!
  12. In these days of covid we do without. We endure and reflect upon what really is important in our lives. I can relate since I haven't had Becan in 5 weeks. Aside form a few twitches I Am completely unaffected. completely unaffected A song came to mind that I'd once heard that very much reflected such feelings about something that was near to my heart. And I thought to myself I have a Becanified jones
  13. In a past life I was Gaseous Maximus
  14. Ah Johnson and Johnson
  15. The fair is canceled this for the first time l feel your pain
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