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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. Is this one of the leaked Russian pictures?
  2. I didn’t get anything I just had an urge to
  3. I tried some kegel exercises and all that happened was I had an incredible urge to buy aq Swatch and go shopping
  4. Vogel please accept my sincerest apology foor not including you in my “norm” listing . I have a very low attention span which causes me to lose focus on the subject of guitars in bikinis but I just can’t help it
  5. Wecome Marc! Your questions can be answered in the Cakewalk by Bandlab Forum. Many folks there that can help you with your new drive. Congrats on that by the way. Just post what you did here. It doesn't take long good luck!
  6. Bill norm Bob norm Ed norm Bapu norm craig norm Gswitz norm mesh norm Strummy norm Notes norm kenny norm paulo norm
  7. Wow we share the same ...... everything are we the norm?
  8. Which reminds me is listening to by Bolero by Ravel while looking at my photos of guitars in bikinis considered weird ? Ore is it weird because of what I Am doing while listening to Bolero and looking at guitars in bikinis
  9. listening to Kanye West music creates my mental health issues If I listen more than 3 seconds I go into uncontrollable fits of yelling "MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP!"
  10. PEACHY? bayoubill knows peachy!
  11. Congratulations Kenny! Milo looks great and I am very happy for you Kenny
  12. OMG Does that mean guitars in bikinis are not allowed?
  13. YouTube sent an e-mail with new terms and agreements thing. I remember when they said "YouTube is here for YouTube users and will never change that policy" What happened? ?
  14. As FEARLESS LEADER said! Everything FEARLESS LEADER says is right so even when he’s wrong he’s right!
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