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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. And you wonder why I call you Master Bapu
  2. Finally a Fred that makes scents to me
  3. Wow. Great you’re back! It’s been awhile. Dave, I was thinking about you not being around for a while and wondering where you went. Lots has happened. I finally bought a Les Paul. A studio model. Sharon and I are back together and living in Shreveport on Cross Lake. We call her XX I Am still handsome For those that don’t already know Dave was my first boss/ supervisor in the USAF Band. Bandleader of the band I was in. I missed ya Dave! Now that I think about it Dave is solely responsible for making me the the guitar player I Am today. LETS GET HIM!!!!!!!!
  4. Why didn’t I think of that? I could have had Cricket playing cricket a long time ago
  5. Zacty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks craig I feel vindicated I’m the only one in this neighborhood that sees it thant way and I ‘ve been hollering about it for decades
  6. Yesterday I looked and looked for my glasses. I didn’t find them so I gave up looking for them. About that time XX came home. I told her I’d been looking for my glasses and couldn’t find them. She burst out laughing. I asked her what was so funny? She said you’re wearing your glasses. The mind is a terrible thing ?
  7. Awesome guys! Now I really like monkeys! love the wah wah! love the vocals! Love the bass! I LOVE THE SONG
  8. Yep, it’s almost 10 years ago now. Hard to believe it’s been that long. I lived in Texas back when that photo was taken. Boy have things changed since then
  9. She's showing her age and I'm spending as much time with her as possible. She's 15 and a half now. I very much love my dog
  10. bayoubill

    XLN updates

    I have almost everything. I didn't relealize that. Well, AD2 is my favorite 3rd party and go to drums.
  11. For me, it is easier to be happy and not know anything note to self, If I make people think they're thinking they like me but if I really make them think not so much
  12. Say a prayer for all my friends and relatives in Lake Charles and south Louisiana. They very much need it
  13. Daryl’s weekend party? Free Grooming? monkeys? free “I survived covid” tattoos? FREELESS LEADER reincarnated? President Harris? Bapu’s closet wardrobe previews? Doc’s secret guitar? Craig’s secret stash of SLIP photos? kenny’s actual mode of translation? Ed’s private sermon quotes? Strummy’ s actual guitar collection Becan injectors Santa’s self quarantine compound? Yeti another hurricane?
  14. Well thank you very much slip! I can't unsee this . A NEW PICTURE IS IN ORDER NOW
  15. I first notice a slight tremor in the back of my neck when I lay back on the sofa. That was about 10 years ago. As each year goes by it has increased in intensity but hasn't effected anything I'm doing. From what I've been told is it's an aging thing and common unless more extreme. Mine, knock on wood, is not.
  16. Now I ‘ve hurt myself! this is all your fault!
  17. I want to get rid of that red thinnnggggyyyyy!!!!!
  18. If I look at that picture too long I'll hurt myself Limited to 5 minutes at a time This is my 5th visit so far so good
  19. wow this Fred confuses and bewllders me I LIKE IT!
  20. You're always going to be welcome anywhere I Am Steve!
  21. I'm in shock. so sad RIP Eddie
  22. I Am apologizing for posting Freds. I Am aplolgizing for commenting in Freds. Most of all I Am apologizing for my off camera antics looking at SLIPs and craigs lady part pictures Please for give me I will try to do betterer
  23. if only I was 50 years younger
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