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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. For reference The chords above function as Dm6 - G9 - FM7#11- Bm7b5 or Db7alt oops I forgot to look at the picture. I was playing Am6
  2. These Chord forms are the most versitile I've used and if you don't know or use them they are priceless I learned these back in the early 70's when Ted Greene put out Chord Chemistry. I wore this book out SEE BELOW Here are the chord forms and I suggest you learn them thoughly not just know them. This will take many months so give it time . Once you can comfortablly finger them learn know how and where to use them. They are drop 2 chords and I can if anyone wants them show the forms on the E B G and D strings I hope you use this info. You won't be sorry
  3. What’s not exceedingly happy aboot banana cream pies?
  4. I blame XX for making 2 banana cream pies for Christmas Eve dinner. Seeing all those bananas laying around waiting to be made into scrumptious banana cream pies
  5. I apologize to Craig for referring that looks like a monkey What I mint to say was don’t put a banana in yout cake and eat it too or was it put a banana in your cake and eat it too? in any case Happy Birthday Craig
  6. Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you You hang with us monkeys now you look like one too i like monkeys
  7. I Am really good at it! I have to say though this isn't even close to the most fun I've had with a finger. That was "^*#@%# ><&%*()_
  8. It was "Here Comes Santa Clause" over and over and over
  9. I had her for my 2nd Grade Teacher and she had that same ruler that was used on my bottom and palm quite frequently
  10. This is the 3rd this year. I Am much broker than last year considering the price of a new crown. Being a Royal is expensive
  11. I Am not Shure I should borrow any of the faces in the forum considering appearances and all
  12. I have lost another crown at the rate I won’t have a face by 2021
  13. Steve, sounds perfect for my banjo!
  14. All at once or separately depends on the composer. If you play it right the panties get removed which solves everything that is what makes Am BRILLIYANT!
  15. Pffsst! Am is natual, harmonic and melodic.
  16. it's like Smart Resume on Sports or good TV shows. When you stop, it goes to the last commercial instead of the end of the commercial. Netflix has increased their price to about$14 a month
  17. What’s Em? How much has Bapu actually decomposed? Will Strammy finally explain the Coffee House? Will the new Coffee House band be jailbait? Whom holds the key? all this and more will be revealed in the future events of THE COFFEE HOUSE
  18. I Am thinking’s it’s a bunch of island ? ‘s south of Florida butt in a musical ? sence It’s Am
  19. Bapu must have taken the same sped reddin coarce I did. Ma is the mother of all things musical. Ma is Am and Am is Ma And whom can argue the statement Am is *still* Am ?
  20. I just realized Covid spelled backwards is Divoc Coinsidense?
  21. Never mind I don’t think when I need it I won’t be able to use it
  22. I have a shovel I Am pretty close to using it too!
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