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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. Speaking of, I once took my date to a dog show and she won!
  2. Where’s the Doe? in a bikini?
  3. All this is what happens when I get a random thought ?
  4. It's the CH version of The Last Kingdoom and how events wood fall into place ifin we, meaning all of us, were there. I Am Putrid the mighty warrior from Thumbria Bapu is Dumbledork of Mercyia
  5. It's the CH version of The Last Kingdoom and how events wood fall into place ifin we meaning all of us were there. I Am Putrid the mighty warrior from Thumbria Bapu is Dumbledork of Mercyia
  6. pffffst ..... sign language again... wait ..on the bright side it's .... picture graphics!
  7. Happy New Year! I plan on eggnog and from my son
  8. Episode 2; Dumbledork and Putrid in teenage years raised by Great Danes behind the shrubbery of Mercia
  9. Episode 3 of Daft Kingdom; Dumbledork and Putrid compete for the affection of Lady Miltestre whom is curiously quite a late sleeper and is only available in the evening
  10. Episode One of Daft Kingdom In their youth Dumbledork and Putrid celebrate another successful beer run from the marketplace Dumbledork is clearly intoxicated after a meer 8 pack
  11. I’ve decided that if I ever get on any Last Kingdom shows I want to play the great warrior Putrid!
  12. My bad I stand corrected! 2005 Honda
  13. I Am thinking about changing my to Inva . I’ve been watching a lot of Viking movies. Also, my last name to Lid Seems to suit me I like the way it flows when spoken Mr. Inva Lid
  14. Wow does it levitate? is it like mtv was? is it electric, nuclear, or antimatter? can you tell it where you want to go?
  15. Yesterday I saw a kid standing at a crosswalk staring at his phone so I helped him cross the street
  16. Oh I see how this works post a better looking guy so I can be envious Well the jokes on you I don’t know what envious means!
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