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David Sprouse

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Everything posted by David Sprouse

  1. David Sprouse


    I totally agree with the sentiment of this. well done!
  2. D.B.B thanks for stopping by.
  3. I've improved alot from last year,; still have some room to grow. It's VSL. Thank you so much Jack, for listening and commenting.
  4. David Sprouse

    And Rest

    I liked how the echoe's created new melodic content. Mr Rogers on mushrooms.
  5. Pleasant tune John. You need to find a flautist (or two) to play it live with you. This feels like a 60's detective type movie.
  6. I thought it had a more a 6/2 feel if such a thing exists. :D:D Hey rex, I'm a fan. You sing and carry yourself as if someone with a big heart. Keep it up!
  7. Mix sounded good on a realtek chip with cheap sony headphones.
  8. Be careful what you wish for, douglas! :D:D No seriously, thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to listen to my music.
  9. Douglas, thanks for taking the time to listen. I've taken your advice and made it longer. I need to work on developing my binary ideas.
  10. This was hypnotic. For some reason I kept thinking I was hearing a rotary phone ringing in the background, no? :D:D I'm envious that you can put together such great music.
  11. Not a fan of the heavy distortion on the vocal but everything else works well.
  12. No crits here. Enjoyed it. I think LOVERBOY would sound good with this.:D:D
  13. John, are you able to play your pieces live to an audience? This is something I'd love to see and hear. It's such a warm and breezy melody.
  14. This is great treesha. Need's lyrics. It builds nicely.
  15. Jack you're guitar playing is really good. This is beatles-ish. How did you make this, track by track or all at once?
  16. Loved your production. Song and Video are perfect together.
  17. sounds so good. Love the drums on this. Which instrument(s) are you again?
  18. Thanks everybody. Bruno I added some dynamics and wrote another minute. :D:D
  19. I've always liked your vocal harmonies. They're almost CSNY but different. As I grew up in the 70's I'm a bit flummoxed by the lack of protest music. I"m sure it's there somewhere. I just haven't found it yet.
  20. I think Jesse is actually Vincent Furnier.
  21. Kenny, a masterful arrangement and solo. Who are the other musicians?
  22. All that's missing is bootsy. I love the keyboard in this...playing a little outside the harmony. Really well done.
  23. David Sprouse

    Part 5

    I have to ask wookie, how did your paws get so furry? It builds nicely. I love the way you can transcribe levity into musical notes, In the sense of light heartedness. You've done it again!
  24. Love the beat-nik vibe. need some snaps at the end(as applause).
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