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David Sprouse

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Everything posted by David Sprouse

  1. This is pretty Philip. The rhythm reminds me of *peace train* by cat stevens, but of course the tune is different. Do you write your own lyrics?
  2. I know a perfect way to make the gulls go crazy
  3. Brilliant stuff. You've made me want to fool around with vocals. That effect is amazing. Have you ever heard vocaloid? I'm wondering if that any good.
  4. David Sprouse


    I listened on Eris 3.5's lol sounded really good. I can listen to this type of jazz all day long and never tire of it. What guitar are you using?
  5. This is a genre that's always interested me. Not the metaphysics associated with it, but the experience. The way it goes from mellifluous choros to screaming is kind of schizophrenic but I dig it. The production and video are fabulous.
  6. This is better than the original! Enjoyed it very much.
  7. Listened to escape to canteloupe island. Loved the tone and groove. The hard panning of the Pi-ano took a little to adjust to. I liked how you doubled the organ and guitar later in the song, satisfying. Keep it up!
  8. Loved this! Reminded me of average white band. I think the cello was a tad too loud, and maybe the voice thang could come up a bit (later in the song, I was listening on headphones mind you. )
  9. This would have special and sad meaning for the protagonist from *the catcher in the rye*. Beautiful song, and I agree the singer is well suited to it.
  10. Nice to hear some country songs on this channel. I listened on cheap presonus eris 3.5 and it sounded magnificent.
  11. This made me want to start drinking again....Who did the steel guit.? Loved this.
  12. Ray Davies? Douglas Kirby? Only crit is that your voice doesn't sound mad. The lyrics are like fighting words, no?
  13. Loved the retro feel and your vocals are first rate. You could go so many ways with this in terms of genre. Your songs stand out to me because of a certain authenticity that must come from having lived the lyrics.
  14. loved the mid rangey vocal...(I've always liked that timbre). reminded me of a tommy shaw song without the styx harmonies. Good one Philip G.
  15. What a great song! Loved the video as well, I think it was worth the effort of finding all those images. Any relation to W?
  16. It does make me happy to make others happy. Thanks for your kind words
  17. Oh my, guest vocals? Is that Bayou Bill? :D:DYour productions are so perfect, even a song about a pandemic is care free.
  18. Has a Tina Guo vibe. I'd like to hear this winding down from a night out.
  19. Wow this keeps your attention beginning to end. Nice one HS
  20. Does Joseph live in Portland? I could sworn I saw him downtown.
  21. We think alike; I know it's dangerous. :D:D They're usually dreams, or day dreams of sorts. Almost always, I picture me or someone else playing the piece I'm pretty much using VSL SE, although I own chamber strings. There's still alot for me to learn about vsl and how to wring aunthenticity out of them,
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