This is really good hatstand it has enough ethnic versimilitude to make it legit. I noticed that it was slightly too squashed for my taste (too much compression) . It also might brighten up if you put a smiley eq on the mix bus.
Thank you for lending your ears to this. I always welcome feedback from you. I follow the japanese idea of wabi-sabi , usually timing issues. :D:D (j/k)
Max thank you so much for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated.
Lynn, I just need to find some strings. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to listen to my music.
Thanks for the thumbs up!
First part was excellent up to the crack in the earth, you punctuated that but I felt you needed a contrasting section after that. The first half is riveting though.
Noy, thanks for listening. I appreciate your feedback. I was thinking dramatically, going from something familiar to something strange. BTW did you hear Garth Brooks at the inauguration? Sounded really good. Not sure about J LO haha.