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James Argo

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Everything posted by James Argo

  1. Once I was about to report a bug regarding this " Vertical Zoom Control" indicator. But I think it's not that important... The bug goes like this: If you Zoom Horizontally (either using Ctrl + arrow, or using the magnification + and - button), the middle bar indicator will change, showing you the zoom progress. It's not the case with Vertical Zoom, where the middle bar indicator keeps staying still when you zoom in or out. That's it, unless you click and use it to zoom in and out, the middle bar indicator won't move. Try it out... ?
  2. Good idea indeed. ? Actually I made a simple project file contains only the CC122 messages value 127 on the first measure, and copy it to several MIDI tracks pointing to different MIDI outputs. Every time I'm done working with Cakewalk, I open that project, and play it before I close Cakewalk. It works like your suggested way in different fashion. However, I sometime forget to do so. If I'm lucky to remember (that I didn't turn the local back on), it's a bit too late, I already turned off the PC, leaving me manually turning them local back on one by one ?. That's why I thought automatic option in preferences would be great. The other way I have tried was by running my own (poorly) written CAL at the end of the session. However it didn't work as expected. If any of you could help me to see what is wrong with this CAL I made, I would be very happy, since I'm not that good at programming code. localon.cal
  3. Hi there! Welcome to the forum. Before trying to give an answer to your problem, its better to include more detailed info about your system (what Windows? PC general spec? is it 32 bit or 64bit? etc). As you stated "Sonar" , I presume you mean Sonar Platinum? Have you try Cakewalk by Bandlab ? Those informations can help us narrow the problem and make easier to find solution. Regards, Jaymz
  4. Since it's first DOS release, -when we open the application- Cakewalk always send "turn Local OFF" message (MIDI message CC 122, value = 0) to any connected MIDI device. It's totally fine, considering -when opened- Cakewalk will act as MIDI "soft thru" , bridging the keyboard part and the tone generator part of our synthesizer. Almost every MIDI sequencer software will do the same thing. However, after years of using Cakewalk, I'm a bit tired of having to manually turn the Local ON after closing Cakewalk. Specially when we have many synthesizer connected to the system like I do. FYI, I use my keyboards not only to work in my studio, but also to do gig every now and then in a week. I can not remember how many times I forget to turn the local ON , and the keyboards didn't make any sound on stage ? . When the band started playing, and I kept messing with the cables & PA system figuring out what went wrong. Sometime it takes few minutes to reach that moment of "aaah, I forget the Local ON". ? So, my request will be, is there any chance to add an option in Preferences that make Cakewalk send "Local ON" message automatically on exit? I asume it wont be that difficult to program the feature (like automatically sending MIDI CC122 value 127 to every connected synthesizer) on exit. I would be very thankful if it can happen. Regards, James Argo
  5. James Argo

    Demo Mode??

    After you successfully install the latest BandLab Assistant (v 5.0.6), run it as administrator. Then launch Cakewalk from BandLab Assistant --> Apps . Once you launch Cakewalk through BandLab Assistant, Cakewalk will be activated. You can launch Cakewalk without BL Assistant for next 6 months.
  6. Make sure you have installed the latest BandLab Assistant. v 5.0.6, and it's not blocked by your firewall. Then run the BandLab Assistant as administrator.
  7. I don't know, I just turned off the firewall all the way, and BA updates normally (no more error). I turned on the firewall after updates, and add BA in allowed list.
  8. I guess it has something to do with your Windows firewall setting. I turn it off, and BA successfully updates. Looks like we must set Windows firewall to allow BA to download the update. Your mileage may vary tho.
  9. My favorite piano Vsti for years. For me, the Diamond module alone is worth the price. Light weight, zero problem with Cakey, and it sounds expressively awesome responding to your play! If I can only have 1 piano vst in my system, it would be TuePiano. I even thought of buying it's Lite version for V-Machine to play live on stage (unfortunately I don't have v-Machine). I think the discount will still apply if you contact their customer support.
  10. Very nice place, just couldn't stand the speed limit, I got 2 tickets in a week for driving under 30mph when I visit my mom few years ago (she lives in Oakland).. ? Love the seafood tho..
  11. I saw the update, but I was too lazy to update... ? The star looks smarter for smart tool to me ? OK, I'll update the theme and work on the star icon. Thanks bro! ??
  12. Thanks! This is the answer... Never thought the icons were part of the customizable theme. Yes, I use @scook 's Mercury Light Green theme in my primary DAW. That's why it has star icon. It has SONAR label coz it is default themed Sonar Plat installed side by side with CbB in my secondary DAW. I took the screenshot out of Splat just to show how the icons look like, so I don't have to switch DAW just to make the screenshot (I posted from my secondary DAW).. Thanks for the info bro!
  13. Happens only in my secondary DAW. My Primary DAW (which I use daily) kept the Stars icons after updated. If I go Preferences --> Customization --> Themes, all theme samples reflect different icons. I mean, updated CbB in Primary DAW has star in sample theme. Updated CbB in secondary DAW has pointer icon instead of star in sample theme. Anyone ?
  14. Bandung, Indonesia. I guess I'm the only one here from Indoland. The monument is exactly in front of my house...
  15. Here attached are some drum maps I have for Toontrack EZDrummer kits. Drum Maps.zip
  16. You don't need any additional MIDI adapter to connect PSRS970/S975 to Cakewalk. Yamaha PSRS970/S975 has built in MIDI adapter for you to connect to your PC using USB cable. Just get the proper USB cable, connect to your PC, and Windows will automatically install the generic driver to use. Or better yet, download the Yamaha driver (I think it's better than generic Windows driver). https://usa.yamaha.com/products/musical_instruments/keyboards/arranger_workstations/psr-s970/downloads.html Once you install it, the device will show in Cakewalk's preferences MIDI device. There you can then define / import the ins file.
  17. You can import and use instrument definition file (ins) only if you have have at least 1 MIDI Out port installed and activated in preferences --> MIDI --> Devices. Since you said you don't have MIDI adapter, I assume all this time you transfer MIDI files (in standard midi file extension .mid ) using flash disk (USB drive) between CbB and your Yamaha PSR975.
  18. ASIO mode will not let you run more than 1 instance of audio driver at the same time. That means if you run in ASIO mode, you can only run 1 audio driver to use with your audio application. If your audio driver allows running 2 cards at the same time (for example, my PC has 2 MAudio Delta 1010LTs running 1 driver), then I can use both cards in Cakewalk. I guess it will not happen if you run 2 different cards from different manufacturer, unless you run Cakewalk with WDM, WASAPI or MME mode. Preferences --> Audio --> Playback and Recording --> Driver Mode.
  19. Just reminding, we have this bug introduced in 07. @Ben Staton said it was fixed and will be in next release. Looks like the problem is still there even after installing the hot fix. Please also read my reply in the bottom of the thread. Thank you guys! You all are hot and cool at the same time!!!
  20. James Argo

    Delete markers ?

    Sweet! Thanks @scook !! ??
  21. James Argo

    Delete markers ?

    Awesome! Thanks Scook! Now you tell me how to capture that moving screenshot with cursor ?
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