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Everything posted by hockeyjx

  1. I use Debian and Ubuntu(and Mint a few years back), but I realize it is a such a small subset of people who use Linux and also do music production that it would be cost prohibitive to target the market, that's all.
  2. I just don't see that being a wise business move, and to Jim's point, incomplete.
  3. @Rain It could have been me back then, but the level of frustration I experienced with that thing I have luckily not had since. It may have been an IRQ issue that I could not get past. In the early days, things weren't as easy to set up as they they are now.
  4. I had one of the early M-Audio interfaces, and it was horrid. Glad when I got my first "real" one with the Tascam FW-1884, which was an awesome purchase. Anytime I built a DAW with an AMD processor and/or a non-Asus board, I was happy when I got rid of it!
  5. To be fair, I had already ruined the guitar.
  6. My two biggest regerts: I had an original Ibanez Iceman from the 70's that I took a screwdriver and/or chisel to, so I could get it painted with a Frankenstein head ....the artist did an AMAZING job, but it was on the wood that had chunks out of it. I ended up trading it for a pair of suede boots. Not my finest moment. Also, in the early 90's, had a chance to buy an Orange Chet Atkins Tennesseean for $500. I loved it, but just didn't fit with my look at the time. What's yours?
  7. What part of NJ @Shane_B.? North or South??? I'm originally from a small town outside of Cherry Hill NJ.
  8. A lot to like here Keith! Super solid music and melody, and very enjoyable to listen to. But the drums(which I understand if it is an older vst) seem really buried here, and the bass is too loud IMO ...especially early on. I feel just a few tweaks makes this song POP.
  9. Disagree. I prefer Guitar Rig 6 over Amplitube 5. I find GR6 to be a little more harmonically responsive to my ears. I tend to record with the guitar's volume knob about halfway, and GR6 is a lot easier to play, and more responsive, than A5 in my experience. But as always, YMMV.
  10. I've used Guitar Rig since v2, but I don't like the $99 upgrade price from 6. You had me @ $50, but $99 is just not enticing enough to upgrade at this point. It also isn't in Komplete 14 (it may be in 15, who knows?).
  11. A remora fell in love with me on a dive, it was trying to hitch a ride. I told it it wasn't my type. Ugly sucker!
  12. I'm catching Day 3 of this festival today, and I'm stoked. It is my 4th time at this event, and Glenn(the promoter) & team do an excellent job . If I remember right @Lord Tim played this festival years ago. Highly recommend this festival for those in to prog music. Also, I think Glenn said he is stopping in three years, after the 25th addition, so only 3 festivals left.
  13. Smash Mouth had some really good songs. Steve was a big part of their sound. And even though he apparently had addiction issues in the past, 56 is WAY too young. R.I.P.
  14. LOL. I laughed out loud on this. I noticed/read the disclaimer on the first read, but I've been "that guy" before!
  15. Good for her! It won't last forever, and from the people I've heard from, she puts on a hell of a show.
  16. Simply an East and West touring group and have a couple of stalwarts that go back and forth between the two. TSO is more of a "project", so a ton of guest musicians anyway (like guitarists Alex Skolnick, Joel Hoekstra, Al Pitrelli and a ton more musicians in general). My buddy was always with Chris Caffery as his tech. With TSO being a "holiday band", and the investment in the stage show(which if you haven't been live, you NEED TO GO), it makes sense to have two touring groups. Also, random fact: they usually rehearse the show in Oklahoma.
  17. I am always fascinated by the bigger tours and the money they gross. My friend used to work for TSO, and that is a good paycheck for those involved. Sometimes, bands keep touring to pay their employees, NOT because they want to tour anymore (I think Phish is a prime example, even though they are back). I think that is one reason why bands like Kiss and Motley Crue/Def Leppard use backing tracks - to keep the show going because of the economics involved. I'm ignoring their voices are shot for this discussion though ?
  18. @RexRed can you send a link for this magical device?
  19. I had a Carvin TL60 made years ago and I like it, but I don't love it. I sold it to a friend, but the guy actually gave it back to me for free! Now, I have a Les Paul, a Taylor and a Schecter I bought used. I played them and they all inspired me to play, so I bought them. Heck, I didn't even intend to buy the Schecter, but it felt so good in my hand I HAD to buy it. The Taylor was chosen after I tried every acoustic at Mars music. So, when people ask me what brand to get, I say try them all and get what inspires you to play. Simple as that. I wouldn't buy a guitar online at this point. I'd only buy something I tried first.
  20. I thought Devin/John answered that question well(and I am paraphrasing): in the box makes more sense recording because of the flexibility to fit it in the frequency window with multiple instruments, but an amp is really nice in front of you to inspire. I can relate to the logic, though I don't agree.
  21. The common technique(and cheap!) of splitting the signal in to the amp and in to the computer is "the way", IMO, for the "real" amp folks, One gets the take they LOVE the sound of, and one they can tweak to high heaven and park right in the mix!
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