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Posts posted by jude77

  1. 14 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

    The more I research this, the more I question if this is a scam.  

    A few months ago I DMed the developer of AcousticSamples and asked him why he removed his Wurlie library from his site. He told me that he was contacted by a man out of Germany who claimed to be the heir of the Wurlitzer company.  I knew the story was pure BS because my late mother worked for Wurlitzer and I knew they were an American company that Baldwin purchased maybe a few decades ago and then Baldwin was later purchased by Gibson. Anyhow, the guy claimed he owned the trademark and basically was trying to scam the developer for money. 

    I told the dev this was almost certainly a scam and conducted a USPTO trademark search. It turned out the guy registered a trademark for Wurlitzer for use in sports entertainment. The last owner of the Wurlitzer trademark was Gibson.  I doubt this guy even used a lawyer to file that trademark. So I went back to the developer and told him to ignore the scammer. 

    Today,  Music Radar published a story that the Wurli is back but stated it didn't know if its part of Gibson or they sold it. I am really surprised their editor let that get published without even checking the source. This would normally come In a press release and they always feature contact info. A journalist could also easily call Gibson. It appears that none of that happened. 

    So, suspecting that this could be the same scammer creating this site to extort sample developers,  I checked who was behind the website. It turns out that the Wurlitzer Company lists a residential address, a single family home in Germany,  no business address. Yes, it could be a wealthy businessman, but wealthy businessmen have business addresses.  

    Therefore, my current take on this story is that I question its authenticity. I asked my friend Dave Kerzner -- owner of Sonic Reality, musician and fellow Wurli enthusiast who is well connected in the music industry-- what he thinks and he finds I've raised some serious questions. I'll update this as I learn more.  

    That was some amazing detective work!  Very impressive.  I hope you never decide to investigate ME!

    • Haha 2
  2. On 1/24/2024 at 6:59 AM, Soundwise said:

    Compressor plugins are like ampsims - they all basically do the same thing slightly differently, still you always crave them and need "one more".

    That's the truth.  When I first saw this I thought "$45 for another compressor, I'll pass."  Then I looked again and said, "But wait, you get FOUR!  Sure I've got 85 compressors already but this is a great deal."   Marketing Departments know how to make that "crave/need" factor itch!

    • Haha 2
  3. 3 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

    AI definitely can be very useful in any DAW, especially for cleaning up audio.  I would expect in less than a decade from now, AI functionality will be part of every major DAW.

    The reaction to AI today reminds me a lot of the reaction people had to the Web in the early days (1995 -2000). It was misunderstood, overhyped by some, and written off by many. AI is a tool and it absolutely has great application for audio, as many of us have experienced for years using Izotope and Sonible tools. 

    Personally, I'm pretty excited about AI.  IMHO It's here to stay so we may as well start making our peace with it.  In terms of its application in music I have some plugins that already use a form of AI.  When I use them I find they sometimes make suggestions that are fairly strange and not at all useful, but I also find there are times they make better moves than I would have (which, given my skill level, isn't hard to do) and really improve things.  As this stage in the game I'm seeing AI plugins/DAWS/composition software etc. as offering a starting place and I can either take its suggestions or not.  For me, it's just another tool that sometimes does better than I could and sometimes doesn't.  I'm waiting to see what's next.

    • Like 3
  4. 18 hours ago, Fleer said:

    Luckily there’s @satya and some other minions (like myself) but it’s already getting pretty chilly out here without Larsy. 

    Lars is most definitely the King.  Satya is clearly the Crown Prince, and the rest of us are expendable serfs laboring in the fields.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, DeeringAmps said:


    Create a “junction” and get this beast off the C drive. Totally unnecessary for it and TRackS et al to “hog” so much space. Lazy design (typical) on the part of IKM. The installer could just as easily ask where you want this data to reside (on your sample drive; duh!) Drives me nuts!



    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, PavlovsCat said:

    I suppose I should just email Spitfire and beg them to create a library called Abbey Road Quartet.  That would be irresistible (for me).  With every new Abbey Road release, I keep hoping for it! 

    That's the one I've been waiting for too. 

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, El Diablo said:

    Yeah, have you seen the prices?

    They jacked up the prices once again.  I guess if you want to buy any of their products, they've made it known that Xmas time is the best time of year for the lowest prices.  Wait till the end of the year or find something else.

    You' think after the subscription debacle that they'd laid low on price increases and try to re-build some customer good will.  I get the feeling that their director of marketing might have worked for Sears and been on the Betamax team. 

    • Haha 1
  8. This software just gives us a glimpse of where things can go in the future.  It looks like as computers get more powerful that software will only be limited by programmers imagination.  AI voices, AI images and AI Literature are all realities, and now here's a program that can turn a photo into a sound.  Back in the 60's I thought flipping a tape over and playing it backwards was the most cutting edge technology possible.  What's next?

  9. 16 minutes ago, psionx said:

    I am new here but I think this is the best community I have found on the internet so far. 

    Happy Holidays to you all! 😃

    Welcome, good to have you with us.  I've been here about 15 years and you're absolutely right.

    • Like 6
  10. Very good song with some excellent vocals.  Your voice has an aching, yearning sound with a bitter-sweet/melancholy feel.  It's so effective that when the song started I thought, "OK, the guy builds a bridge and gets the girl".  But by the end I wasn't so sure, and felt like the singer might be building a bridge that was going to reach nowhere, and maybe the guy is working hard but the girl doesn't really care.  At the end it's not clear what's going to happen and I think that ambiguity is powerfully effective and touching.   Honestly, I found it very moving, I could see this doing really well in the indie/country genre sort of like Luke Bryan's "Something in the Orange".  I think you've got a killer here.

    At first I thought that the arrangement needed to be fleshed out a bit, but as the song progressed I thought the sparseness worked much better.  

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