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Kevin Walsh

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Everything posted by Kevin Walsh

  1. I would love to have a command that removes all events after the current timeline position.
  2. Kevin Walsh


    This is a beautiful piece. I guess I'm listening to the most recent mix because to my ear the guitar is spot-on with nothing to detract from the wonderful playing and the absolutely gorgeous tones. The whole thing just rocks. The balance in the rhythm section is just drool-worthy.
  3. Meh? Really? Not hardly, this is great!
  4. Just gave your new mix a listen, it's awfully good. Love the bass tone, you're going to have to tell me how you get that sound. I think you nailed it with the organ mix. Everything is nice and spacious. If I'd change anything I'd bring the lead vocal up just a hair, but that's a subjective thing I think. As always, great vocal performance. You have a really good set of pipes and you use them to great effect here. Loved the arrangement. It's pretty busy what with the guitar, the vocal and the bass all playing around at the same time. The guitar on the left still threatens to dominate the mix. This is a good one!
  5. It's the rare tune that falls out of your head already finished and polished up nice and neat. This has some good ideas in it that deserve development. In particular the guitar break at the end is really nice and is the beginning of a nice bridge. Looking forward to what you come up with!
  6. Thanks steve, your feedback is always welcome. Paul Young? Really? I have to tell my wife, she loves that guy. She'll be rolling on the floor laughing I'll bet, not because you're wrong but because of my silly old guy presumption. Anyway, I didn't change the drums but I did post a new mix.
  7. I think this is a much more interesting and more musical piece than your original mix, imho. The bass and the drums sounded like they were working together to provide a foundation for everything else. It sounded pretty decent even on my little cheap cell phone speaker. I really liked the bass tone quite a bit. It seems like the mix gave me things to focus on one or two at a time instead of the everything all at once. I will give it a listen on my good stereo later. Nice work!
  8. Thank you for listening and for taking the time to comment. I guess I let things get a little too sparse at the end.
  9. Ha. Emo Burt Bacharach! That's great. And me without a single 7th chord in the whole song! Thanks for listening and for the great feedback. I appreciate it!
  10. I agree with what's been said with the exception of one thing: soul to soul bomp bomp chop!
  11. Thank you for listening and sharing your thoughts, Paul. It means a lot to me and I'm sure other songwriters when people take the time to listen and comments on the songs we do. It's all in fun but I know that we all put a great deal of effort and passion into the songs we post here, so even a simple one line acknowledgement that you listened to and liked a song is a big deal to me. Thank you!
  12. Thanks, bapu! I frankly expected more comments like yours about the drum track. I went back and forth on this and I found that, to my ear anyway, it lost something when I put a more subdued drum track in there and so I swallowed my misgivings and kept it the way it is now. Thank you for your comments and your ideas.
  13. Thank for taking the time steve!
  14. Well Mark, that is utterly badass tele-funk! Awesome song and playing all around on this one. A keeper for sure! I sort of get what you mean by timing but it's beyond me how you make it any tighter than that short of taking it on the road for six months. That is unless you want to sit there for weeks tightening things up with audio snap. Not. And anyway, whatever timing issues there are here and there don't detract from the groove at all, rather it sounds more human and real to me. I only wish I could play like that! I listened to this on my phone's speaker so I can't really comment on the quality of the mix but it really sounds good on that device. I'll give it a listen later on my big system. Really fine work here!
  15. Thanks, Kurt, high praise indeed, I'll certainly take it. ! Peter Gabriel tunes are all over the place in my reference track folder. This is the box that I was referring to. I can disconnect my amp's speaker and it acts as a load box and I can route the XLR out to my Audient ID22's XLR in. It just sounds so good that way. I've had this box for years and years and I've always used it just as an attenuator but I thought I'd finally give the studio capabilities a try. I This particular track has much of the lead recorded this way, but there are other tracks that use plug ins: Helix Native, S-Gear and a Guitar Rig track or two. Each of these guys has a particular vibe to it that nothing else covers as well. Incidentally, for this track I didn't use any amp sim delays, I used Wave's H-Delay plug in. I love it's ability to smear stuff everywhere.
  16. Thanks, Douglas, I appreciate it!
  17. Love this, so much space. This is great for writing software to, Wookie. I slapped my phones on and slipped into my work state faster than I usually do. Gas Giants!
  18. Really liked the song, and especially the chorus. Really good song with great changes. I don't know how you keep churning out one good tune after another so quickly, hats off to you!
  19. Maybe all it needs is a remix.
  20. Thanks for the feedback and the kind words! I'm particularly appreciate your comments on the guitars, which is where a lot of my time was spent. I'll give those ideas a whirl and see how they work.
  21. Thanks, David! I saw you have another NPR offering I need to listen to, love those.
  22. I really like the way you approached this arrangement. Lots of cool steely dan-esque flourishes and really nice backgound vocal parts here. You vocals are just great. I listened to the mix on my phone and it sounded great but there are moments where the guitar interferes with the singing in places but on a better device that might not be the case. Really enjoyed this, Lynn!
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