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Everything posted by mibby

  1. I was wondering why I didn't get this email. I just found it in my "junk" folder. Folks, the VPRE-73 is awesome and one of my go-to saturators. It's literally THE first saturator I try out on vocals. And only $21 with the code! https://blackroosteraudio.com/en/products/vpre-73
  2. Assuming the mic has a cardioid pattern, that "vocal booth" should be BEHIND the singer's head, shouldn't it?? The mic won't pick up the sound in front...
  3. Same here! Thanks for another one IK!
  4. MSoundFactory is currently being developed/beta tested. Lots of discussions are ongoing over on KVR... https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=520095 https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=138&sid=2c8722433bea3b6333a40dd8c09b2c7a
  5. Nevermind - this is ALL of the T-Racks 4 plugins, many more than the list that Peter supplied.
  6. Yes, I don't want ALL of them listed in my plugins list when I just want to mix and use the ones I own.
  7. Thank you very much! I also just figured out that if you look under My Products on the IK website, under the entry for "T-RackS CS Deluxe" there is a "Download Resources" button. When you click that, you can download the User Manual and they are also listed in there. ?
  8. Sorry again Peter, my bad. I guess "filling in the email and ticket #" is logging in. It's actually a Login Screen. Since my email address and ticket # was part of the link, I assumed it was supposed to fill that in when you clicked the link. Definitely a tech support ticket too, the email starts with "IK Multimedia Technical Support".
  9. That was a big vague, wasn't it? I was actually referring to @kitekrazy 's question about the SampleTank 4 SE upgrade. Sorry about that! By the way, the line in the "Support Ticket Opened" email that says "You can view this ticket's progress online here:" with a link. The link doesn't work. You need to go in and manually fill in the ticket # and your email to see the ticket.
  10. Right. So what is officially in T-RackS 4 Deluxe? I'm not trying to be difficult and am super appreciative of this fantastic deal, but there must be some sort of list somewhere, especially if this is what IK is issuing to customers. (?) How does a new customer know what plugins he/she is getting?
  11. I opened one with Technical Support about this question on Saturday but haven't heard back. I suspect they may be a little busy with all the sales and stuff going on. ?
  12. I mentioned this in another thread regarding SuperCharger - I'm really excited about this one! Like MJUC excited (almost). It seems to have a LOT of potential as a good "character" compressor and I think will sound great on parallel drums or a snare - just for starters. Check it out. Thanks NI!
  13. I totally agree. And $49 a month is a bit steep too. But it is still an option. But Melda was the first company I know of that came out with the "rent-to-own" option. I'm generally in the same boat as you as far as my Melda plugins. After picking up MTurboComp and MTurboReverb, I need to invest a lot more time learning these plugins rather than buying new ones! I believe you are correct. The subscription is too pricey. Still, I like that it's a rent-to-own option. Thanks for this, I didn't know. Melda is fair but they're not dumb.
  14. It looks like someone has been going through his PC updating software... ?
  15. Just to throw this into the mix: you can get a Melda subscription for everything for $49/month. This is not just a subscription, but a rent to own plan. (Details are on the Complete Bundle page.) -- OR -- If you're patient, every single Melda plugin typically goes on sale for 50% during Black Friday and Xmas - including bundles. Also, if you happen to be new to Melda plugins, you can use someone's referral code for an additional 20% discount off whatever you're buying. Here's my referral code: MELDA2490257 (Feel free to use it, or use a friend's because Melda gives them 10% credit too!) You guys posting these deals should throw your referral code in your posts too. It's a real win/win. Another good deal is Melda's new MDoubleTRacker. It's on introductory pricing for 25 Euros - not sure how much longer it'll be on... Finally, If you haven't yet, try out the FREE bundle. MConvolutionEZ sounds fantastic! If you're looking for a good reverb, check it out before you spend anything on another one - seriously! Fanboy rant over. Great company - quality plugins!
  16. They were giving a $10 credit for signing up for their news letter too. That's a great, high quality plugin for $2.99!!
  17. @Peter - IK Multimedia How about this question Peter? Chris answered above, but itI'd be great to find it on the website...
  18. Where can I find a list of the plugins included in the "T-RackS CS Deluxe" on the IK website? As far as I can tell, everything points to T-Racks 5. I have "T-Racks 5 Custom Shop" installed already. Do I need to also install "T-Racks Custom Shop" from the Authorization Manager? I do have "T-RackS CS Deluxe" in my User Area now, but I'm not sure which plugins to even look for with the TR4. Are they different from 5? https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/tr5deluxe/
  19. Maybe Peter can let us know why the plugins aren't the latest versions. (?) This particular offer aside, from a support standpoint I would think IK would rather everyone be on the latest versions of their software... @chris.r - BTW, how do you like Graham's site? When did you join up?
  20. Thanks for chiming in Peter. Is it correct that the plugins are T-Racks 3? Not T-Racks 5?? PS. REALLY enjoying my T-Racks plugins I picked up last year! Quality stuff.
  21. Not sure. I have Komplete Elements and run the NI installer program. It initially shows up in the installer as "Uninstalled". (I had thought someone on this forum had pointed it out, but I can't seem to find it now...) Just checked my NI account. Under "My Products and Serials" it shows up as "KOMPLETE START - Supercharger" in there.
  22. Right on queue. As I sent the prior response, another email for this offer came in. Here is a tiny snippet from the email:
  23. If you guys have Native Instruments, they just gave away their compressor, Supercharger. I finally got it installed and was playing with it just a little the other night. I've gotta say, I'm really excited about this one! Like MJUC excited. It seems to have a LOT of potential as a good "character" compressor and I think will sound great on parallel drums or a snare for starters. Anyway, sorry to digress from the thread, but try it out. I'm curious to hear what other smarter guys think about it. ?
  24. I saw this and seriously considered because of the IK plugins. It's only $7! But I decided against it. Reading more closely, it seems as though it might be some sort of subscription or something with the IK plugins. So when you cancel, do you lose access the plugins.(??) Am I wrong? I don't think you get specifics until you sign up. Here's the link. https://www.myrecordingrevolution.com/vip-7-feb19 Now I see the picture is T-Racks3 - aren't they on 5 now?? Why "give away" the old version? Last point, this "offer" comes off as such a hard sell and reads like an infomercial and really turns me off. While I'll always be appreciative to Graham for getting me going with mixing a few years back - he was one of the first "names" I came across and I bought a beginners course from him - but his hard sell emails have really become a turn-off. To the point that this just feels like a money-grab. Again and again. Maybe I've just become too cynical these days?
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