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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. according to my flawed calculations, if it keeps going around 2k every 3 days, it should reach 6k by end of August. And then there is the great unknowns. The big mad rush towards the end when everyone see how many freebies they are actually getting. And then also the unknown of will IKM extend it to end of September. Lots of time people. Just keep looking and posting for good deals on something in the $199 tier.
  2. my guess is, another freebie by monday. and another one by next friday.
  3. Blasphemy! the gods of GAS condemn you!!
  4. they add color to sound. i think good to get as freebies. EQ73 sample EQ81 sample
  5. I am just in to get some EQs. I dont care about bundles. I think it should hit 5K at least.
  6. Well. nothing is "really" free. The way I see it, you pay to get this stuff. If you are lucky, you end up paying a few $'s for old plugins, which I think is the right thing. IMO, plugins aren't worth more than a few $'s. Anyone over $10 or $20 is too much.
  7. yeah. probably. I seem to recall IKM extended the sale towards the end last year.
  8. Oh well. I was tempted. But will wait for a deal on something that gets me into the $199 tier. From what I see. the best one would have been to get the Mixbox at $49 and had been sitting on the serial.
  9. and drums https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1583767-REG/ik_multimedia_md_drum_se_in_modo_drum_se.html
  10. and the other one https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1263425-REG/ik_multimedia_mp_200_ddc_in_miroslav_orchestral_2.html
  11. Not sure if this helps anyone. to get you into the GB at the $150 https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1263427-REG/ik_multimedia_mp_2ce_did_in_miroslav_orchestral_2_ce.html
  12. i am looking forward to completing my Tapes collections and Tracks . So far I think I got almost all of them for < $100
  13. after you register, check the promo page https://www.ikmultimedia.com/userarea/promotions/
  14. I think IK have released quite some stuff in last 12 or so months. Complexor, MixBox, bunch of Sampletank stuff .. a few others. So there could be lots of people that will jump in. IIRC.. from previous years ,the VI GB was around 3500 and Pick and Mix around 7000. So I think 15 for 7000 seems fair @Peter - IK Multimedia we will do half the lifting for you on forums ... ? I am gonna go praise the resonator ... "yo.. dat thang is dope.. you gonna sound just like Jerry Douglas bro!!" :0)
  15. so my guess is, based on previous years.. it might get to 7,000 .. IKM should make it Buy 1 Get 15 Free when 7,000 registrations are reached Buy 1 Get 20 Free when 8,000 registrations are reached Buy 1 Get 25 Free when 10,000 registrations are reached ??
  16. yeah.. its not perfect. i notice it is not picking up some of the core plugins in Tracks .. oh well... its a step in right direction.
  17. I was looking to move into Modo Bass so need to find a good deal for something in the $199 range. ?
  18. Well. I am in the on the GB.. but I don't get how its 25 for 1? I guess they will be adjusting it as times goes by and the numbers keep going up. I dont'' own Total as I have no need to sampletank. So I am just collecting Tracks and AT packages. what is nice of the IKM folks is they are making it easier for you to navigate what you already have so you don't double buy if you dont want to.
  19. OMG.. this is amazingly unbelievable!!
  20. i see that pretty much all IKM products are at full price and there are no sales.. which is sort of a physical impossibility .. so something tells me a GB is coming within next 24 to 48 hrs.. ?
  21. yup. same here. FWIW.. last year it started on the Sunday and the Thursday of the same week.
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