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Everything posted by scook

  1. I kept a list of them. Once I confirmed the fix, I posted in all of the threads.
  2. This has been fixed. Run the Cakewalk Web Installer to get the updated SI installer
  3. This has been fixed. Run the Cakewalk Web Installer to get the updated SI installer
  4. scook

    Problema con vsti

    This has been fixed. Run the Cakewalk Web Installer to get the updated SI installer
  5. This has been fixed. Run the Cakewalk Web Installer to get the updated SI installer
  6. @msmcleod works for BandLab. Notice the "staff" below his avatar. Apparently the SI installer used by the Cakewalk Web Installer has been updated. I know @Jonathan Sasor was working on it this week.
  7. Link to the help is in the post. It has an image of Preferences > Project > MIDI Note: this is per-project setting. To affect future projects, make the change to the project templates. When changing templates that came with the DAW make sure to save them with different names or use a custom path. The path setting is in Preference > File > Folder Locations. Modifications to templates shipped with the DAW in the default folder may be overwritten by an update. The installers do not write to a custom project template path.
  8. While I have never used it on a selection, it seems to work for me. Set the Edit Filter to Notes Lasso select some notes Right-click in the clip Select Velocity from MIDI plug-ins Change some values in the plug-in and click OK Also tested by Make a selection by click-dragging on the time line Right-click in the clip Select Velocity from MIDI plug-ins Change some values in the plug-in and click OK Only the selected notes were altered.
  9. The Event Inspector Module can perform the Velocity FX "Set to", Change and Scale functions.
  10. To change selected notes use the Event Inspector Module. The velocity part of the video starts around 12:58
  11. That what I mean - just bounce only selected clips to audio, not whole track indeed. Thanks again scook! Unfortunately this thing with freezing and then unfreezing, then cropping whole rendered track to a needed single clip - it all feels too messy, too oldschool and just too much time needs to make so simple task unfortunately... I hope that maybe in future there will be added this great function to CW... I tested after I wrote the reply and corrected it. Bounce to track(s) can create a new track based on a time range. Freeze is not applicable.
  12. Yes. And both freeze and bounce to track are track level operations. There is no clip level rendering in CbB. Bounce to tracks works on selected clips (it's actually a time-based selection of the track so technically still a track level operation).
  13. They install but the registry is messed up. It looks like the OP did not run the Add-on installers. That said, once installed they may fail like some user are experiencing ATM. @Jonathan Sasor has reproduced that problem and is testing a fix.
  14. freeze renders in the same track bounce to track(s) renders to a new track
  15. This was a proposed remedy in a similar thread linked above. It does not fix this problem. BandLab knows about the problem and reproduced it.
  16. There have been several threads about this over the last couple of days. BandLab is aware of the problem and working the issue.
  17. If running CbB 2020.09 or newer use the in-app update process If running an older version of CbB use the Cakewalk Web Installer The Cakewalk Web Installer handles first time installs too.
  18. It is true the plug-in is difficult to maintain but I suspect there are quite a few users who find it handy for playing MIDI files. Regardless, the problem described in the OP could be a symptoms of a larger issue with the software after Opining on the utility of TTS-1 may miss the point of the OP.
  19. If I am reading the OP correctly the larger issue is power conditioning If this means the PC lost power, a UPS is in order. A good UPS is much cheaper than the time spent maintaining a PC suffering from unreliable power.
  20. DX plug-ins must be the same bitness as the host. There has been a 64bit version of TTS-1 since the first release of 64bit SONAR over 15 years ago.
  21. So it's day 2 of a project that indicated re-install. How much time should be invested in this alternate strategy? A simple uninstall/reinstall takes is a few seconds + download time. If reinstalled using the Cakewalk Web Installer, the full CbB installer will be available for future use like maybe a clean uninstall/reinstall if the simple uninstall/reinstall does not solve the problem. If a clean install is required. See this post to avoid losing 3rd party VST plug-ins in the default Cakewalk folder If uninstalling is a problem, run the 2021.06 rollback (found in the 2021.09 announcement) and the 2021.04 rollback (found in the 2021.06 announcement) then update to 2021.09. This too will download and run the full 2021.09 installer.
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