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Posts posted by scook

  1. Lenses were added some time back for this purpose.

    Even without a custom lens -

    Views open by default in the Multidock but may be configured to float.

    The browser may be either collapsed or completely removed by default.  The inspector works the same.

    • Great Idea 1
  2. It is really not about what the browser does today that the plug-in manager cannot do. The plug-in manager functions are moving into the main program.

    For some time now  the recommended place to maintain scanner settings and run manual scans is in Preferences.

    The plug-in browser started out as a tool similar to the plug-in menus for the FX Racks. The plug-in manager cannot do this.

    The plug-in  browser supports search something plug-in menus cannot do.

    The plug-in browser also provides a tree view of FX Chain presets.

    Unlike the custom layouts built in the plug-in manager, the three default browser layouts are updated automatically. VST3 plug-ins with a vendor supplied category tag are automatically added to the suggested category folder.



  3. The search function in the old forum does not work. Use Google instead adding the search term site:forum.cakewalk.com along with whatever else you are looking for on the forum. Google will return a list of forum posts.

    • Like 1
  4. Noel has said the plug-in manager will be deprecated at some point. Much of the functionality is already available elsewhere. That said, Noel made a few quick tweaks to the existing software. In addition to the speed-up scanning the registry, there are improvements in performance for the plug-in properties dialog. The addition of a cancel button on the plug-in properties page is a small thing but eliminates the little irritation of waiting for the dialog to close.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Aside from using MIDI CC in the PRV, it is possible to access MIDI automation in the Track View but MIDI automation parameters are available only on MIDI tracks. This means the instrument track must be split in order to see the underlying MIDI track. The audio and MIDI track may be reformed as an instrument track but the MIDI automation will not show in the instrument track. Make or split instrument tracks using the track view track menu or the context menu in the track header.

    To add MFX plug-ins to an instrument track use the FX Rack in the MIDI tab of the track inspector.

    • Like 2
  6. Glad you got it working

    LoopBe1 will work but it is very easy to create a feedback loop which will cause it to shut down. This happens when instrument and MIDI track inputs are set to OMNI on the same track where LoopBe1 is set as an output.

    I have not used LoopMIDI for some time. It is good to know LoopMIDI is coded in a way to prevent feedback loops.

  7. There are some settings that look odd in the images above. I doubt resetting them will fix this particular issue but things like the read and write disk caching are by default turned off and rarely enabled on a modern machine. Are your ini files the result of migrating settings from an old version of SONAR? If so, you may want to rename AUD.ini and TTSSEQ.ini and let CbB build new ones. Also if there are any entries in the Initialization File in Preferences, consider re-evaluating them too.

    The fact a plug-in works well in one DAW and not another does not necessarily remove the plug-in from being the problem. It is not unusual for plug-in manufacturers to find out a bug only shows up under certain conditions.

  8. OK, I remember this plug-in now (after dealing with its installer again).

    The reason the process provided in the previous thread does not work for your case is the previous example was taking data from the controller through the MIDI Shape Shifter into the synth input.

    What you need to do is send the controller directly to the synth and have a separate connection from the MIDI Shape Shifter for remote control. To so this:

    Insert MIDI Shape Shifter as an instrument track

    Add a MIDI track with its input set to MIDI Shape Shifter, output to a virtual MIDI cable (LoopBe1 and LoopMIDI are free) and input echo on

    Insert a synth with its input to the controller (not MIDI Shape Shifter)


    Now remote control should work. Remote control is an old method of connecting control data to automation parameters and has its limits. ACT was introduced years ago to for binding control data to plug-in parameters. I have not messed with ACT.



    • Like 1
  9. Yes drawing velocity and controllers happens in the controller pane. Here is an example drawing velocity using the smart tool.


    There is a "Show/Hide Controller Pane" setting on the PRV View menu. The controller pane may be resized by dragging the sash between the notes and controller panes.

    • Like 1
  10. There is a link to the online help in the Cakewalk by BandLab menu at the top of the forum.

    The PITA right now is search. The old website only searches the old Gibson/Cakewalk help pages. Often this is enough and can be refined to SONAR Platinum/Professional/Artist resulting in the most recent SONAR page. Substituting Cakewalk for SONAR in the url often gets the right CbB page. Between that and clicking the context help in the software, most pages are easy to find. Then there are the "new features" in SONAR. Those can take some time to find in the Cakewalk help.

    • Like 1
  11. I miss brundlefly. Learned a lot from his posts. I hope to learn more from the new improved model.

    Still believe in RTFM and will continue to provide links in replies. Saves on typing and hopefully provides a starting point for learning about CbB. Anxiously awaiting the addition of search for CbB documentation.

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    • Thanks 1
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