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Everything posted by scook

  1. As a class, iLok authorized plug-ins do not require DAWs to run as administrator. It is a good idea to activate iLoked plug-ins using the iLok License Manager before scanning though. Failing to activate plug-ins before scanning can result in the plug-in landing in the excluded list. There are remedies for plug-ins that get excluded often times it is as simple as activating then re-scanning failed plug-ins.
  2. It is not unusual for VST2 plug-ins to land in the Uncategorized folder. Category tags are a VST3 feature which most manufacturers use. There is no like feature for DX and VST2 plug-ins. Assigning DX and VST2 plug-ins categories is a manual process. When Cakewalk implemented VST3 support they created a database containing category assignments for many DX and VST2 plug-ins. Plug-ins not found in the database are automatically added to the Uncategorized folder. I would be surprised if running as administrator makes a difference but it is an easy test and if it works, it would save a lot of typing. So, try that first. Don't have the plug-in to test but have several ideas if this suggestion does not solve the problem.
  3. I doubt the process for the stand alone is any different than the VST but I have not bothered to look. Here is a small video changing the AD2 VST to GM (note the CbB standard header above the plug-in UI). There are also presets for Alesis in the same drop down. Is this the "fiddly drum mapper" mentioned in the OP?
  4. The function is not in the Global Binding area. Change the area to Track View like the image in my post above to bind the function. The area drop down is above the list of functions.
  5. The function no longer has a default shortcut but may be assigned one in preferences using the screen shown above.
  6. I don't miss it a bit. The "Enter/Exit Auto Track Zoom Mode" function is exposed for binding in the "Track View" area.
  7. TX16Wx does not see CbB audio but this is not unique to CbB. It appears that TX16Wx does not see audio from any DAW other than Reaper. This is why I suggest it is down to the plug-in developer. Note: the footnote on the TX16Wx site does not mention any hosts that support the feature, just a vague statement "Host dependent feature." It would be interesting to know which hosts it supports. AFAIK, it does not support recording in any other DAW. At least, I am unable to find any other DAW mentioned. The last mention from the developer I found is https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=5900043#p5900043 That said, there are FX and synth plug-ins when placed in a CbB audio FX rack that can record audio into the plug-in but I have not found any dedicated sampler synth plug-in that does. There are other synths when added to a CbB audio FX rack simply process the audio stream just like FX plug-ins. How synths handle audio in CbB is up to the plug-in developer.
  8. I have played around with sampling modules in modular synth plug-ins. Most are not much more than the loopers included in some ampsims but they do have CV control for most of their features including pitch which may be mapped to MIDI. They will sample audio when placed in an audio FX rack just like ampsim plug-ins with built-in loopers (or regular looper plug-ins). Why this does not work other sampling synths is a good question for the plug-in developers.
  9. Creating a clip group is not necessary. Linked clips are not the same as clip groups. Does the same thing happen when double-clicking the clip?
  10. Linked sequencer clips have a number in brackets in the header, Notice the [12]: in headers of the clips in the image above
  11. Copies of a step sequencer clip are linked by default. They must be unlinked to edit them separately. The unlink option is also on the clip context menu.
  12. These are iLok protected plug-ins. Were the directions in their FAQ regarding setup and activation followed? From the FAQ link
  13. The path to the Cakewalk plug-ins like the Multivoice Chorus/Flanger should NOT be in the VST scan path. This series of plug-ins are not VST plug-ins. Notice the standard header for the plug-in in the second image does not have a VST2/3 drop down in the standard header. This is because it is a DX plug-in. Scanning DX plug-in paths can cause problems with the scanner. That said, removing the paths will not cause the plug-ins to be added to the registered DX plug-ins, which is missing quite a few plug-ins. Usually, plug-ins are grayed out when there is a problem with the reference in the layout. These layouts may need to be rebuilt. There is something strange going on because if the Multivoice Chorus/Flanger can be loaded into a project, it should be listed in the plug-in manager as a DX Audio FX. My guess is there is a problem with the registry causing the display problems. This may be something to take up with support@cakewalk.com.
  14. Could be the Anti-Virus software getting in the way too.
  15. Could check %appdata%\bandlab-assistant\Downloads to see if the update installer is complete. If it is, it may be run directly from there. If it is incomplete, it likely will not run.
  16. There is nothing wrong with this thread and nothing to be embarrassed about. Glad you got it figured out and reported back. In the future, it may help someone with a similar issue. Marking your reply as the answer. BTW, the forum does not permit users to delete threads or posts. Chuck and I (and several others) can and do perform this service when asked (such as when a sale is double posted in the Deals area and the OP requests removal of the duplicate) but again this really should be left in the forum. As a regular user, you may edit the posts to leave them blank but please try to avoid doing this. Deleting posts can render threads difficult to understand.
  17. Don't have a copy to test. That said, the image shows a 32bit version. The 64bit version should work better. If you are stuck with a 32bit version, try jBridge. It may solve the sync issue.
  18. Possibly a driver problem especially if running Win10 and regularly updating the OS. Uninstall then re-install the driver for the Audiobox. May want to contact BandLab support.
  19. While a VST reset is the easiest solution, forcing a re-scan of existing plug-ins may work. This option is on the same preference page. It should be enabled just for the manual scan then turned off after the scan. Do not leave re-scan options enabled after running the manual scan to address this issue. If a re-scan does not update the registry properly another method which avoids a running the Reset option is manually move the dlls out of the scan path, run a manual scan to clear out the bad registry entries, replace the dlls in the scan path and run another manual scan to rebuild the registry for these plug-ins.
  20. The message refers to modifications to the plug-in properties settings not plug-in presets. Each VST plug-in has a properties page like this one This page is accessed from the VST2/3 drop down in the standard header above the plug-in UI and from the plug-in manager. These settings are stored in the VST Inventory. A VST reset clears the inventory then rebuilds it by scanning all the plug-ins.
  21. similar thread A VST Reset has nothing to do with plug-in presets.
  22. No sound may be a different issue. Cakewalk sfz engine synths shut down when the data stream contains unexpected data. CbB has an option to ignore NRPN data, not sure about Reaper. May want to make sure the MIDI data contains note and CC data only. Often times, third party MIDI clips have setup data at the beginning of the clip that needs to be ignored or removed so that the synth does not get the data.
  23. "My" copy of 2019.9 is 600MB... The full install includes a lot of extra files such as plug-ins, utilities, samples and other support files. The actual DAW is much smaller and that is what the Launchpad copy process works with; that is the source of the ~155MB figure.
  24. Not sure about the impact of compatibility setting. Never used it and never had a problem with Rapture running in the current OS without compatibility mode settings including Win10. That said, I have not run a 32bit OS or 32bit Rapture in years. Never have read about a problem like this before. Something may have happened with the registry. Could try registering by running the stand alone Rapture as administrator or try a clean re-install of Rapture. Uninstall Rapture Remove the Rapture registry entries HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\rp HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\rp Reinstall and activate. If using a Command Center era installer use the Command Center to install and activate otherwise perform a manual install and activation. To manually activate run the stand alone as administrator then enter the reg and sn when prompted. Before uninstalling, may want to save off C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Rapture and the multisample folder. the default location is C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Rapture\Multisamples. Then restore these folders after reinstall. This is the easiest way to restore custom and third party programs and samples.
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