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Everything posted by scook

  1. Thanks for the info. I had no clear recollection of the installers. VST2, VST3 and PC modules all rely on the VST scanner to build the appropriate registry entries for CbB. Just checked my install and it appears I too installed just the VST3 and PC modules.
  2. I am guessing they are still in the installers. I bought the plug-ins some time ago. PC modules are based on VST2 so the VST scanner must be run in order for the plug-ins to show up.
  3. scook

    New computer prep

    Download and install X3. The installers should be in your old Cakewalk account You can skip installing the DAW and jinstall the plug-ins by running the installer, selecting 64bit and advanced install options then select the parts to install although it may be easier to just run a full install. Plug-ins included with CbB http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Plug-ins.1.html Plug-ins included with X3 http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=Plug-ins.1.html For Addictive Drums use the XLN Audio installer. There is a link to it on this page https://www.xlnaudio.com/demos
  4. AFAIK all SoundToys are VST2 but the three delays I looked at EchoBoy, EchoBoy Jr and PrimalTap all have a Bypass button which may be automated. Consider using an automation lane to draw the envelope instead of recording it. To record automation, write enable automation in the header above the plug-in UI (the W just above the Bypass button) and click the Bypass button while the transport is running. Writing automation does not depend on Recording. For more info see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Automation.06.html
  5. Depends on the plug-in If it is a VST3 look for a "host bypass" option in the plug-in parameters. Other formats may have an on/off option in the plug-in parameters if the plug-in UI has an on/off button (wet/dry or mix may also work). If the plug-in has neither of these available the effect is still possible but may use clip FX racks or additional buses.
  6. I was hoping to see a few more PC modules from Boz but I am pretty sure there will only be the two EQs, the original Bark of Dog, Panipulator and the compressor.
  7. Same prices at Don't Crack (IIRC the current owners of the plug-ins) https://store.dontcrack.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=39 I did not check their Private Deal Zone, they may be a little cheaper there.
  8. No PC modules save presets. The way to save presets in the PC is to save the whole channel. From what I can tell, the BREVERB2 PC module uses the same C:\ProgramData\Overloud\BREVERB 2 Cakewalk\factory-presets.db but unlike the regular plug-in, the drop down above the reverb type contains 128 slots not associated with the reverb type selector. IOW, the PC module can only show a maximum of 128 presets. The preset drop down is populated by selecting unique names from the presets table in the database ordered by the contentid column with the exception of one preset containing ellipsis.
  9. Yes, I see both If it bothers you, delete them both (although the delete of 5.1.1 may fail after deleting 5.0.6) and re-install the current version
  10. I believe this post belongs in this thread It is true the clean install instructions first step is uninstall. For CbB, this is done using the uninstall option in BandLab Assistant If this does not work, your best recourse is contacting support. If you are having trouble with BandLab Assistant you could uninstall, download a fresh copy from https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk and re-install it BA will probably think CbB is still installed and the uninstall option will be available on the menu. If not, instead of an "Open" button BA will show an Install or Update button. Run the Install/Update option If, for some reason, BA does not uninstall CbB, it is possible to fake out BA into thinking CbB is not installed. BA stores records of what it has installed in the registry. The CbB entry is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Installers\DC294903-7970-42DB-B049-04FA5E7C6332 Double check the record and verify the ExePath in the record points to Cakewalk.exe. If it does, deleting this registry entry makes BA think CbB is not installed allowing one to download and install CbB. This may be enough to get CbB operational. Given your description of the state of your PC, I will re-iterate my suggestion to contact support.
  11. Here is a thread containing clean install instruction It may be a good idea to contact support@cakewalk.com or use the submit a request link in the upper right of https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us
  12. CbB in the context of this forum is Cakewalk by BandLab. FWIW, automatic adding/mapping TTS-1 while opening a MIDI file was added in 2015.
  13. The decision was made almost 20 years ago to not stop developing tools to create custom UIs for hardware. That said, they could change their mind and create a new solution.
  14. When BandLab purchased the Cakewalk IP from Gibson, there was a thread about updating scripting (to replace CAL). I suspect the same reasoning would applies to StudioWare Panels as well. Here is the new owner's reply from that thread
  15. The option is on the Track View > View menu (see link above) While the default binding was removed, the function is available in the Track View area of keyboard shortcuts in preferences for binding.
  16. Yes, this is an old feature called Auto Track Zoom Prior to 2019.09 the feature was bound to SHIFT+Z The keyboard shortcut was removed in 2019.09
  17. FWIW, the "downloader," BandLab Assistant, performs the same functions that Cakewalk Command Center did for the last SONAR series: installation and activation. BA has two additional functions - it provides access to BandLab's web-based DAW and acts as a front end to their loop library which is accessible to both the web-based DAW and Cakewalk. That's it. There is nothing else happening "behind the curtain." While there is no charge for the software, BandLab owns the software and this is how they have elected handle licensing it to users. Even if one wanted to stay on an old Cakewalk product, there are updates and bug fixes to the shared utilities that would be beneficial. It was common for Cakewalk support to recommend users install demo versions of newer versions of SONAR even if they had no plan to upgrade just to get the updated utilities. This still holds true,
  18. There are several ways to change tempo. They are all documented here.
  19. Elevate and the SP2016 Reverb would not affect your price. They are not part Anthology. I doubt Elevate will ever be folded into Anthology but SP2016 probably will at which time Eventide will likely drop the 2016 Stereo Room plug-in.
  20. Sometimes Eventide upgrades Anthology owners to new plug-ins for free, sometimes they offer them at very low prices. How low depends on if the plug-in is included in Anthology at the time it is released. In the past they have also sold upgrades between Anthology versions. I think the last upgrade was $1. There pricing changed a lot when they started offering everything in VST format. Probably time for the SP2016 Reverb to be added to a new release of Anthology. Since I already own the plug-in, I expect this upgrade to be pretty inexpensive too unless there are some new plug-ins.
  21. I believe that error is a problem with the resource folder. It may get fixed by re-running the installer. May also want to check if the error occurs when opening the project in the DAW that included the plug-in. IIRC, MC6T was 32bit only. CbB is 64bit so it must load 32bit VSTs like CSC using BitBridge.
  22. This is the idea behind Lenses. There are several included with CbB.
  23. No doubt the whole issue of alternate note names and MIDI translation needs to be revisited. That said there are options today that may be useful. Today this is done by extending the .Note Names and .Instrument Definitions in master.ins. Here is a discussion about this from a few days ago There is a free third party tool which can convert files containing an .ins formatted .Note Names section into a simple drum map. This allows one to use any existing Windows program capable of writing text files to create a drum map. From http://forum.cakewalk.com/SONAR-Cakewalk-by-BandLab-CbB-Resources-and-Utilities-m3392713.aspx#3472457
  24. With no MIDI output device selected in preferences, this is how CbB works. Open a midi file and CbB automatically adds TTS-1 and sets up the MIDI file to play through TTS-1.
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