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Everything posted by scook

  1. Even if you had a 64bit version of SONAR, some of the DX plug-ins were never ported. When transitioning from 32 to 64bit it is a good idea to install the last 32bit version of SONAR available so project will open completely. Then find replacement plug-ins for the project or commit the old plug-ins. While 32bit VST plug-ins will load in 64bit DAWs look for 64bit replacements. Other than the 32bit DX plug-ins that were not ported, any project made in 32bit SONAR/MC should open in 64bit CbB.
  2. contact support@cakewalk.com to regain access to your old Cakewalk account
  3. All the X-series contain both 32 and 64bit versions except for X1 LE and X1 Essential. These two did not have 64bit versions. All MC are 32bit except for MC7. On 64bit Windows, Cakewalk DAWs that have both 32 and 64bit versions have a screen at the beginning of the install process to select which version to install.
  4. An update on my Apr 15 support ticket with Softube. Received my second and third replies today: one forwarding the ticket to testing and another sending it development.
  5. I do not use Waves plug-ins but IIRC to side chain using Waves in SONAR and CbB the VST3 plug-ins must be used.
  6. Things missing from a new install indicate a bad install. While one may be able to create replacement templates, this only addresses the immediate issue with is no assurance the rest of the install is problem free. The best solution for an incomplete install is re-install.
  7. Use File > Open instead of import. When no MIDI output devices are selected in preferences, CbB will automatically setup the project using TTS-1 and make all the instrument assignments.
  8. Installing CbB first means after installing other 64bit versions of SONAR/MC there is a good chance the contents of the shared folders will be old. To correct the problem, just uninstall CbB and re-install it after adding any older DAWs. Running the advanced install options to add plug-ins only will not affect CbB. This may be done at a any time. No project will be lost but any projects created in 32bit DAWs using 32bit DX plug-ins that were not ported to 64bit will not load the 32bit plug-ins when opened in 64bit DAWs. Installing a DAW does nothing the existing projects. Loading a project in a DAW does nothing to a project. Saving a project loaded in a DAW affects a project. Any time you are concerned about possibly messing up a project make a copy before making changes. If projects are important to you, they should already be backed up somewhere.
  9. Yes this has been asked and answered numerous times To regain access to your old Cakewalk account contact support@cakewalk.com CbB will run any plug-ins bundled with 64bit SONAR/MC including the 64bit DX effects and instruments. The best practice is install any full versions of 64bit SONAR/MC that you need then install CbB. After that run advanced installs of older versions of SONAR to add any the missing plug-ins. Some DX plug-ins bundled with old Cakewalk products were never ported to 64bit. If projects contain these plug-ins, they will only open completely in 32bit SONAR/MC. To ease the transition to 64bit, install the most recent version of 32bit SONAR available and replace these plug-ins.
  10. What ever you...do not read the link
  11. FWIW, the PDC is probably not the PSP Lotary. It is not the type of plug-in that needs compensation. IIRC, it is a little heavy on the CPU though. This would cause the stuttering. Bouncing and archiving the tracks with this plug-in will solve that problem. It could be the reverb if it is IR-based or it could be a compressor or limiter with a large look ahead buffer.
  12. If it is not driver I/O buffers, the delay is likely caused by plug-in delay compensation. If bypassing plug-ins eliminates the delay, one or more of them are the problem. To bypass all plug-ins toggle the FX button in the Mix module. While reading about the FX button review the PDC button function as well. One way to avoid dealing with driver buffer settings and PDC is listen to the audio being recorded using the zero latency monitoring provided by the interface.
  13. All of the audio tracks and buses should be routed to a default "master" bus. This bus should be pointed to the hardware. This is how all the project templates bundled with CbB work. When the hardware changes, the default bus needs to point to the new hardware and the rest of the project is unchanged. Quick groups can change more than one track/bus output (or most other settings) When running CbB and Windows using the same audio device make sure the sample rate in CbB and Windows are the same.
  14. scook

    sidechain compression

    PC modules are modified VST2 plug-ins and do not throw the install time dll error. While many seem to find a solution to the DX install issue on the forum, contacting support is always an option.
  15. scook

    sidechain compression

    Cakewalk by BandLab includes the PC4K-S type bus compressor. See http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Plug-ins.2.html#1765955 It may be worth contacting support to see if they can sort out your install issues.
  16. Any plug-in that generates MIDI data can have the MIDI data captured in a MIDI track. Make sure "Enable MIDI Output" is selected. This will cause the plug-in to show up in MIDI tracks as an input source.
  17. Follow the first method described in this post The signal flow is MIDI controller > BlueArp > Synth
  18. Included in CbB is a special time limited trial version of Melodyne. Once expired the basic mono audio to MIDI and tempo map features continue to work. The expired version lacks the edit screen. Step-by-step instructions for installing CbB are here Follow the "If you are installing from BandLab Assistant" instruction path.
  19. The VST3 plug-in must be installed for Melodyne to work as a Region FX.
  20. scook

    sidechain compression

    All plug-ins with an external size chain input work the same way in CbB
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