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Everything posted by scook

  1. It depends on what you want. V-Vocal is the only plug-in that is bundled with the core installer. IOW, the DAW must be installed to get the plug-in. V-Vocal was last bundled with X2 Producer. There are a few Platinum era installers that require Platinum be installed. All the other bundled plug-ins in every other version by be installed using the Advanced install option. Adding plug-ins this way does not mess with CbB. To get everything from Cakewalk and CbB installed run these steps in order (except for 3 which may be run at any time) Run a minimal install of 64bit X2 (as shown above) to get V-Vocal and apply X2a if you want the last R-Mix. Run a full install of 64bit Platinum add the EngineerFXSuiteSetup_1.0.0.13.exe if you want the last of the old LP series plug-ins. Run the XLN installer for Addictive Drums and the Melodyne installer from your Celemony account for Melodyne (these may be done any time) Install CbB Add any other plug-ins from older Cakewalk products using advanced 64bit install. Use the spreadsheet linked above (and now below) as a guide.
  2. Thanks for posting this. Not for the modules but for triggering an idea. I am currently doing some editing in iZotope RX and recently wanted a way to chain 3rd party plug-ins in it. Considered buying the Blue Cat PatchWork but decided to wait for a sale. After reading your post, I remembered Voltage has an FX version. That and the two plug-in hosts that are bundled with it (in the full version) will probably do exactly what I need.
  3. Edit the original post, the subject line is at the top of it.
  4. https://www.harmonycentral.com/articles/modules-and-midi/solving-the-windows-midi-port-problem-r309/
  5. From http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Notation.22.html (emphasis added)
  6. Export the tracks with everything you do not want turned off in the export dialog Import the tracks into the master project If you wish to reduce the size of the final track clips, slip edit the beginning and end of the clips and apply trimming
  7. @User 905133 try the steps in this
  8. scook

    I am a complete beginner

    Yes No, CbB cannot read musicXML. Tools that create musicXML usually can create regular MIDI files too.
  9. Click the image in your imgur account Click on the copy button next to BBCode (see image below) Paste in your post
  10. Could be a workspace setting issue. If so, either set the workspace menu to a different workspace, create your own or set it to None.
  11. I understand. My point was about the same reply. It was easier to quote your post than type it out.
  12. scook

    Record latency adjustments

    If possible disable the NVIDIA HD Audio in Windows. Use the ASIO driver supplied by Focusrite and set the driver mode to ASIO. Based on the image CbB is not set to ASIO driver mode. This is the first report I have read that claims X1 does not run in Win10. I did not bother to install X1 when I moved to Win10 several years ago but do have X2, X3, Platinum and CbB. Pretty sure some are still running Pre-X series SONAR on Win10.
  13. The aminated gifs are created using ScreenToGif, LICECap or similar tool. Even though they are fairly small, I do not upload animated gifs to this site. Instead, I use imgur.com and paste the BBCode they provide to embed images/videos
  14. Have not used a drum map to drive multiple synths except for some basic testing which worked OK. In practice I always use one instrument/MIDI track per plug-in instance. I do see where SD3 can use instruments from multiple kits in one instance using the Add Instrument option on the Drums tab of the SD3 UI. Have not experimented with it though. As noted above to save a drum map preset supply a name in entry field "E" and click the floppy disk icon immediately to the right of the entry field For more info on drum maps see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=DrumEditor.03.html
  15. scook

    Staff View

    If you can live without the middle mouse button (IOW clicking the mouse wheel) opening the HUD and don't mind running AutoHotkey adding the following to the default autohotkey script will map the middle mouse button to CTRL+right mouse button when CbB has focus restoring the functionality you want. There are other tools that do this as well. AHK is the one I use for a variety of tasks.
  16. Normally plug-in MIDI learn uses regular CbB MIDI input devices Does the AKAI MPK Mini 2 show up in the instrument/MIDI track input drop down?
  17. They will if "Show All Files and Folders" is enabled under Views in the Media tab Unfortunately "Show All Files and Folders" is a session setting IIRC, persistent browser settings is a longstanding FR
  18. For now using aux tracks as buses, they may be duplicated and set to listen to a different patch point. It is a little faster than copying bus plug-ins and automation from one bus to another.
  19. Launchpad does nothing WRT import but can serve as a replacement for File > Open and the Start Screen using the Select source to populate the main file display.
  20. As a result of this thread, I have added the extension to Launchpad. If you wish, I will publish a new version now with this change.
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