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Everything posted by scook

  1. No, versions of SONAR and CbB store the location of the scanner in VSTScanPath in different locations the registry. For Example: CbB uses HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST SONAR Platinum uses HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\Cakewalk VST SONAR Producer uses HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\Cakewalk VST The default path for the scanner is C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\VstScan.exe for 64bit DAWs but it is installed in a shared utilities folder at the same level with the DAW program folder on the drive were the DAW is installed. There are registry entries shared by ALL versions of SONAR and CbB and this is where the trouble starts if the DAWs are all not installed on the same drive.
  2. Yes The loops are in the Sound tab in BandLab Assistant. They may be downloaded or dragged directly into a project. When dropped into a project they are also downloaded into your documents folder under BandLab\Sounds
  3. Yes some VST2 plug-ins actually serve as PC modules too but version of the Softube VST2/PC modules crash CbB when loaded as a PC module. For now, if you wish to use the Softube PC modules use the solution in this post I have received acknowledgement from Softube that the problem has been sent to development but they have yet to provide a fix.
  4. Clip based envelopes may not be copied. WRT the OP, there are quite a few threads on De-essing on the old forum. To search for these threads the use the search string site:forum.cakewalk.com de-essing on Google. As far as bundled plug-ins, the Sonitus Multiband may be used as a de-esser.
  5. There is a third party layout maker for CbB developed by user @TheSteven called MenuMagic
  6. The company that made and sold Z3ta+2 went out of business in 2017. I am not sure purchasing any of their products is a good idea especially if you do not already have an existing account on the old company site. New accounts cannot be created. It may not be possible to register a new product even with an existing account.
  7. No, the only product released by BandLab so far is Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  8. Dimension Pro and Rapture were both replaced by Rapture Pro. Even before the introduction of Rapture Pro neither synth had been updated in years.
  9. scook

    Cakewalk FxReverb & FxEQ

    32bit DX plug-ins only run in 32bit hosts and 64bit DX plug-ins only run in 64bit hosts., Some of the older Cakewalk DX plug-ing were never ported to 64bit. The DX plug-in porting project stopped well over 10 years ago. However, 32bit SONAR and its plug-ins run on 64bit Windows. Most users when transitioning to 64bit install a 32bit version of SONAR on their 64bit Windows PC to assist with project migration.
  10. contact support@cakewalk.com to regain access to your old Cakewalk account
  11. That's right Instrument tracks do not have an interleave button. This is one of the few differences between instrument tracks and the audio and MIDI tracks used to create it. All of the controls are available when the instrument track is split into its audio/MIDI track pair. The "Split Instrument Track" function is available on the track header context menu. Right-click the instrument track header for this menu.
  12. If the interleave button is not visible on the track it is either due to a workspace or this drop down in the track view (red box in image below). The interleave button is always displayed in an audio track inspector. Just above "E" in the image below
  13. The printscreen button captures the entire screen into the copy buffer ALT+printscreen captures the current window into the copy buffer Either may be pasted into a drawing tool such as Paint, saved and uploaded. Windows snipping tool is handy too especially as full screen and full windows can be a little big to post. There is a 50 MB quota for uploaded images. Instead of uploading images directly, I created an account on imgur.com, upload images there and embed links to them in my posts here. Another thing to try is uninstall using the option on the BA menu in my image above. make sure "c:\programdata\cakewalk\cakewalk core" is deleted (c:\programdata is a hidden directory) re-install
  14. If the PC is using the audio same interface for Windows and CbB make sure both are set to the same sample rate.
  15. Email support is support@cakewalk.com While waiting for a reply from support Try logging out and back into BA - use the sign out button on the settings page, click the gear in the upper left to get to the settings page. See if the BA will activate CbB using the refresh activation menu option
  16. Each channel of the audio interface is recorded separately. In this case, it is best to record each channel on its own track rather than both channels into a stereo track. To do so, set the input of one track to the left side of channel one and the other to the right. Then use the DAW to mix the two track as desired. To break out the existing track into two tracks Choose Bounce to Track(s) from the Track View Tracks menu Set the Source Category to Tracks Set Channel Format to Split Mono Make sure the track is selected and click OK This will create two tracks from the original track, one panned hard left and one panned hard right. Archive or delete the original track. Adjust the pan and levels of the new tracks as desired.
  17. There is no way to select individual plug-ins in the CbB installer
  18. It works the same today as it always has.
  19. AFAIK, there is no way to pass more than one clip at a time to an editor. Not sure what an editor brings to the table in this case. That said, one thing I did like about Samplitude (for the short time I played with it) was the array of tools built into the DAW. Even still, it provided the same type of ability as CbB to integrate third party tools into the DAW.
  20. I got it by mail on May 4
  21. Almost anything may be added to the tools area of the CbB Utility menu. The instructions have not changed in years - http://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007013099/Adding-third-party-audio-editing-software-to-SONARs-Utilities-menu All I did was write a GUI using these instructions and a few comments from Noel in a thread about adding iZotope RX to SONAR. For me, it is a lot easier to point users to the ToolsEditor on my Google page than explain what went wrong when they tried following the knowledge base article. Last year, SoundForge 12 Pro and bunch of other MAGIX software were available in a bundle for $25 I expect to get my next version of SF Pro the same way.
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