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Everything posted by scook

  1. The delay is the result of buffering audio playback. There are two ways to reduce this buffering: Lower the audio interface buffer size - this is set using the buffer size slider in preferences or the ASIO client software supplied by the interface manufacturer. Reduce plug-in delay compensation - some plug-in need time to process. To see if PDC is affecting the project click the FX button in the Mix module to turn off all plug-ins. If there is a noticeable difference - one or more plug-ins in the project are the cause. Either replace, bypass or remove the offending plug-ins. While reading about the Mix module and FX button read the PDC button section too.
  2. If clicking on the drums in the SI-Drums UI and playing MIDI through the plug-in do not make any sound, the plug-in may not have an audio track associated with it. IOW, the plug-in was added with only a MIDI track. Synths need either a simple instrument track or an audio+MIDI track pair for a complete routing. Try adding an audio track to the project and set the input drop down of the audio track to the SI-Drums stereo output.
  3. There are several differences between the image in the OP and the second image including, snap settings, the sample rate and record bit depth. There is no way to tell if the image showing the project sample rate at 96k is because there is an audio clip in the project at 96k or the preference setting was just changed and not applied If a new project does not use the new project sample rate from preferences, the template used to create the project contains one or more references to 96k audio clips. Changing the record bit depth does not affect a project's sample rate.
  4. The transport shows the sample rate and record bit depth that will be used when recording the project that is loaded. The sample rate is read from a clip header in the project. The record bit depth is read from preferences. The yellow arrow points to the default sample rate that will be used in a new project and existing projects that do not have any audio clips. Red Book CDs use 44.1 kHz 16bit. But the format of the final product has little bearing on how the DAW should be set up.
  5. scook

    MIDI Question, little help

    Here is my guess - Track 3 Komplete Kontrol has "Enable MIDI Output" turned on. This is the default for synths having this feature. Track 4 has its input set to Omni. This happens because it is the default setting and any input manually set to None automatically reverts to Omni when Always Echo Current MIDI Track is enabled (the default) Here are a few suggestions on how to deal with this Avoid the All Tracks (Omni) input settings Turn off Always Echo Current MIDI Track Make sure "Enable MIDI Output" is off when not in use. This is set in the Insert Soft Synth Options dialog and in the VST drop down above the plug-in U (shown below).
  6. This is a link to another post. Click the arrow in the upper right of the link to read the entire post. For the DAW to record 24bit set the record bit depth to 24. Regardless of the driver bit depth or the record bit depth, the DAW uses more than 24bits to mix.
  7. IIRC, it was the only plug-in in the FX3 series. It was never bundled with SONAR but was given away a year or so after they stopped selling it.
  8. scook

    Cannot Export MIDI

    Try File > Save As and choose one of the MIDI options in the Save as type drop down. For individual clips select them and use File > Export or drag them to the desktop or a folder.
  9. fixed The limitation is the driver not the interfaces using the driver. Some manufacturers have drivers that allow more than one interface to share the same ASIO driver. AFAIK, the manufacturers who do this only support their own hardware, such as Roland with the Octa-Capture and the VS-100/VS-700.
  10. BA keeps track of what it has installed in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Installers The key containing the CbB record is DC294903-7970-42DB-B049-04FA5E7C6332 Uninstall does not clean up the registry. My guess is this is causing the problem. Removing all the keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Installers will allow BA to install CbB and all the Add-ons again. If not, the clean install is always an option.
  11. This works except for V-Vocal which requires a minimal install of SONAR. Platinum is different from the rest in that it does not have an Advanced install option. Instead there are multiple installers and some of them check the registry to confirm the DAW before running.
  12. That was the hard part. As of this release updates to CbB no longer rely on BA.
  13. Are you sure about this? There are a few plug-ins that pull double duty as regular VST2 plug-ins and PC modules. The CA-2A is one of them. Typically these plug-ins install in the regular VST folder. The predecessor to the CA-2A, the PC-2A was strictly a PC module and like all the plug-ins that are PC format only it installed in the internal folder.
  14. There were a lot more problems with Platinum than there are with CbB. CbB started out with the unreleased code for Platinum 2010.11 and has been continuously improved since. CbB installs as an upgrade to Platinum. The DAW, ProgramData, Cakewalk Content and user directories are separate from Platinum. The shared utilities are updated to the latest versions. Leave Platinum installed. All the Platinum content and plug-ins will be available in both Platinum and CbB. Follow these instructions to install CbB using BandLab Assistant.
  15. Or use a real-time fade-out in the clip This describes how to create a fade-in. The fade-out is similar just on the other end of the clip.
  16. Still may be true for Cakewalk.ini but not the case for Audi.ini. This file may be reloaded while the program is running. It is the middle button at the top of the preference dialog called "Reload Config Settings." See the image in the link I provided above
  17. don't recall reading that before. A full cache is not a good idea though. not surprising Both are user data and not part of the reinstall process. Having an uninstall automatically delete user data is a really bad idea. If you wish to do this as an extension to the clean install instructions, feel free to add those steps. FWIW, the latest CbB now manages the picture cache automatically. From https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/19403-current-release-202009/
  18. For Platinum the instructions say to delete the Platinum folder under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\ Cakewalk usually installs a SONAR product specific folder under each of those registry paths for the SONAR Platinum, Professional, Artist and Home Studio product lines. If the folders are not there, the instructions say skip the step. If you elect to do more than the instructions say AND you have SONAR Professional, Artist or Home Studio installed, they will be damaged. If you do NOT have any of those products installed, removing the registry entries does not matter. They will be rebuilt during reinstall and VST scan.
  19. It won't hurt anything either way. There should be a product specific folder under SONAR. If it is not there that step may be skipped. Just like the instructions say. There is a very good chance uninstalling SONAR Platinum will damage CbB so plan on running an uninstall/reinstall from BandLab Assistant after Platinum is reinstalled.
  20. Backups are important but a regular uninstall/renstall does not touch projects, user installed plug-ins or other user create files.
  21. Both may be edited in preferences. Review the links in my post. The image from the first link includes the title Configure settings in Cakewalk.ini above the parameter list.
  22. When I tested the process, I used File > Save As to create a MIDI file from the entire project. I did not use the export function. From there, everything is done outside of CbB. Run MIDIcsv against the MIDI file to create a csv file from the saved MIDI file Then open the csv file in any text editor or spreadsheet tool.
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