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Everything posted by scook

  1. The image above shows Track 1 routed to Vocal Track 2 routed to Master Master shows a signal on the right side only (Track 2 only?) Vocal, the target of Track 1 is not shown in the image. Where is it?
  2. Using the default settings, specifically a per-project audio folder and Always Copy Imported Audio Files, all the audio (and possibly more) used in the project is in the project's audio folder. To get a list of the files, open a command window in the project's audio folder and use the OS's Dir command to list its content, redirecting the output to a file like this dir > filelist.txt A project can contain audio files no longer referenced in the project, there are several ways to remove files not referenced in the project. One way is the Save As function. When using this make sure Copy all audio with project is enabled. This can create the project in a new location with only the audio clips referenced in the project. Before sharing a project it is probably a good idea to create a fresh copy anyway. Running dir /s in the project folder or outside the project folder dir /s <project folder path> will generate a list of all the contents of the project.
  3. I have no idea about future CbB development. Different marker types and colors are not new requests. Since the introduction of multiple arranger tracks this seems like a reasonable solution for now. Although, unlike markers which are MIDI data, arranger sections cannot be exported and used in documentation.
  4. All markers use the same color setting. Users have the ability to set the color. Until multiple colors are supported for markers consider using an Arranger track. Define, color and label each arranger section as desired.
  5. Likely Hide Related VST2 Plug-ins is enabled in the VST3 migration section of VST preferences Probably a good idea for Waves users.
  6. I am assuming this did not include one of the SONAR X3 or later versions that included a license to Meldoyne Essential. If you have a license, that is the product to install. The installer for it would be in your Celemony account.
  7. Use the time-limited version bundled with CbB if you do not have a license for Melodyne This continues to work in monophonic mode for audio to MIDI and tempo detection after the demo expires. The Editor does not function after the demo time period expires. This means the plug-in can only work in the background. The editor (the visual portion of the plug-in) stops working after the trial period. My guess is the trial period has lapsed. The VST3 format must be installed to use Melodyne as a Region FX. If Melodyne shows up in Windows installed programs running repair provides an opportunity to install the format. BandLab Assistant keeps track of what has been installed by creating entries in the registry so once something has been run from the BA Add Ons menu it is disabled. These entries are in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Installers I cannot tell you the exact name of the entry as I use a licensed copy of Melodyne but the records are pretty descriptive. If for some reason any VST plug-in does not appear in the "Sort by" plug-in layouts Insure the plug-in is in the scan path in preferences (the default VST3 plug-in path is added by default). If the path is missing and is not under a path already defined in preferences add the path click the Scan button Check the excluded plug-ins list in the Plug-in Manager. This is done by Selecting a Plug-in Category in the Plug-In Manager Select the Show Excluded radio button below the Plug-in Categories If the plug-in appears in the Excluded list, it may have failed to scan. If this is the case, in VST preferences (the link above) set the Scan Options drop down to Manual Scan select Scan Failed Plug-ins click the Scan button deselect Rescan Failed Plug-ins If the plug-in does not appear in the Excluded list or fails to scan, using the VST preference page verify both Scan in Sandbox and Generate Scan Log are enabled (the rescan options should not be selected) click the Reset button If the plug-in fails to appear in the "Sort by" plug-in lists or in this case as a Region FX, review the scan log. While the preferred method of working with Melodyne is as a Region FX, it is possible to add the Melodyne stand alone version as an external editor to the Tools section of the Utility menu. The easiest way to add anything to this part of the menu is using a free program I wrote called Tools Editor. For more info about it and a download link see Keep in mind, demos of the external editor just like the editor in the plug-in will stop operating after the trial period.
  8. The destructive function in the Process menu called Gain may be applied as many times as needed. For nondestructive gain increases stack empty FX Chains in the FX Rack or use the Blue Cat gain plug-ins (part of Blue Cat's Freeware Plug-ins Pack II) to add up to 60 dB of gain.
  9. I cannot speak to your audio interfaces but can share my experiences with setting up MIDI Guitar 2. My audio interface uses the factory supplied ASIO driver and all audio is handle by the interface. My guitar, headphones and monitors are attached to the audio interface. To use it as a plug-in in Cakewalk by BandLab (X3 use is similar). Add MG2 to an audio track FX rack Above the MG2 UI click the VST2 drop down and select "Enable MIDI Output" Enable input echo on the track Add any synth to the project Set the input of the instrument/MIDI track to MG2 Enable input echo on the instrument/MIDI track At this point it should be possible to play guitar and here the resulting MIDI trigger the synth. To use MG2 outside of the DAW requires installing LoopMIDI or LoopBe1. I prefer LoopBe1 because of the buffering used by LoopMIDI. Regadless, any virtual MIDI cable should work. The setup is as follows: Start MG2 standalone Verify the audio interface and MIDI interface are setup in MG2 (MIDI Output should be set to the virtual MIDI cable) Use the default patch in MG2 (this does not load anything in MG2 because it is being used just to convert audio to MIDI) Start CbB Verify the virtual MIDI cable is setup as a MIDI input device in preferences Add a synth to the project Set the instrument/MIDI track input to the virtual MIDI cable Enable input echo on the instrument/MIDI track At this point it should be possible to play guitar and here the resulting MIDI trigger the synth. Note: both methods do not load synths directly into MG2. This may be done and is necessary for play-in synths in the standalone version but it is not necessary when using a DAW. I prefer to run synths outside of the plug-in on their own tracks.
  10. The deal came in an e-mail from PSP Audioware It is the DSP Quattro Audio Editor for Mac.
  11. SSL appears to be another company that does not send out update notices. At least, I did not get one or missed it. The last deal, the X-valvecomp has an update to v6.5 like all of their plug-ins. Looks like the only way to get the update is download their complete plug-in installer. While large, it does allow one to select individual plug-ins and formats from it.
  12. I misread the page. It is not freeware. "Free" is part of the description of the instruments. The plug-in retails for $60.
  13. Do you use Steinberg's eLicenser? It was recently updated It causes a sharing violation see page 2 of this thread
  14. There should be a bunch of sounds to choose from in preferences You could create your own Or use the MIDI metronome and pick a synth to use instead of the audio files For more info see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Recording.05.html#1071240
  15. The button is disabled because the feature is disabled once the value is set. This is because the value is shared by all Cakewalk DAWs and CbB. Changing this value can result in multiple copies of the bundled plug-ins. Not the catastrophe caused by installing Cakewalk DAWs and CbB on different drives but still not a good idea.
  16. Yeah, the current help is hosted on the old Cakewalk server which BandLab acquired. The web-based help is updated with every release. The drop out codes were added in 2019.09 If you prefer, there is a pdf of the help in here It is not updated as regularly as the web-based help though. Good news - easy fix especially with the addition of the drop out codes
  17. Did you click on the Help in the bottom right of the toast message and follow the instructions for drop out code 5?
  18. The path may be set the first time a Cakewalk DAW or Cakewalk by BandLab is installed. Once the path is set all subsequent installs use the setting. This is a setting shared by all Cakewalk DAWs and CbB. This is why @Jonathan Sasor wrote when you posted the same question in that thread.
  19. Reset first clears the registry and then runs the scanner.
  20. Changes made to the plug-in properties dialog. This dialog is available in the VST2/3 drop down above the plug-in UI and in the plug-in manager. The values are stored in the VST Inventory in the registry. This part of the registry is cleared and rebuilt by the reset. This is all the VST Reset does. It does not affect the categories database, presets or projects; just clears VST Inventory in the registry and re-scans all plug-ins rebuilding the registry entries.
  21. AFAIK, BandLab (the web-based DAW) has no comparable forum. There is a Facebook group and a support site (mentioned above). This forum was created to replace the original Cakewalk forum for the Windows program now called Cakewalk by BandLab.
  22. This thread is "closed" There is no point in discussing the release any more. Either update to EA2 and see if the problem persists (I have tried and could not replicate) or roll back to the current production version.
  23. There should be a toast message containing a drop out code and a link to the help page about the drop out codes. It may not be any particular track/lane. It is not clear if leaving track 57 alone and archiving other tracks solves the problem too.
  24. ditto Crashed on me trying to draw CC1 in the PRV controller pane I was not going to report it until I had a chance to reboot in about an hour. EA1 and 2020.09 work OK. Update: Confirmed after reboot Steps to reproduce, dump, animated gif and image of error msg PM'd to @Noel Borthwick and @Jonathan Sasor
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