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Everything posted by scook

  1. While I am sure there is no need to configure the buses as described above, to suppress the "Silent Buses" warning message set WarnSilentBuses to 0 in Preferences > File > Initialization File. To see "Initialization File" make sure the Advanced radio button is selected at the bottom of the Preferences dialog.
  2. As a rule all audio should be routed to the master bus. This is done the same way for tracks and buses by setting their output drop down to the master bus. There is no need to set an output to None and use a send instead of the track/bus output to route to the master bus. The current Media Browser Content Location menu selection is stored in the project or project template when saved and recalled when the project or template is re-opened.
  3. For this I would Add the synth using an instrument or audio+MIDI track pair Add MIDI Select all or part of the track(s) Bounce to Clip(s) from the Track View Tracks menu. Change preset/melody Repeat 3-5 until done Disconnect the synth
  4. This is wrong. Freezing disconnects the synth. The synth is removed from memory. Check the connection status by selecting the synth in the synth rack and open the synth settings menu or review the power button if the synth rack is floating or in the multidock. For info about the synth settings menu and what disconnecting a synth means see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x20234
  5. While using the preview function in the media browser the controls on the preview bus (and the rest of the DAW too) are accessible. Do not confuse the Import Audio dialog with the Media Browser Both can preview and import audio but the Media Browser is not a modal dialog like the Import Audio dialog.
  6. The project templates included with the DAW have three buses defined: Master, metronome and preview. If you elect to create your own project templates consider starting with one of the bundled templates. Make sure to save custom templates using different names than the ones included with with DAW or use a custom project template path. The project template path is set using the Templates entry in preferences.
  7. Try the media browser The preview setting is persistent The volume of the preview bus may be adjusted while previewing To import using the media browser drag files into the project Add paths to the browser to directly access folders on any HD attached to the PC
  8. I do not see this. In the Audio Import Preview Bus Drop down I see a list of the buses in the project followed by a list of the device outputs starting with --None--. There is nothing special about it. Right-click in the bus header area and create a new bus. Name it as you wish.
  9. As I noted above, I do not use the Import Audio dialog but if I did these would be my concerns the Preview Bus setting is not persistent and it is not in sync with the Media Browser AFAIK all the templates supplied with CbB have a dedicated preview bus. It is pretty easy to add one to custom templates. I keep the volume pretty low on that bus.
  10. While I don't use the the import dialog (I use the browser), I just tested the dialog and it worked as expected. When testing, there has to be a volume control somewhere in the path after the DAW and before the monitors. In my case there is a software mixer supplied by the interface manufacturer where I can lower the level coming in from the PC and/or lower the signal going out to the interface main outputs.
  11. When using the Input Audio dialog, the play function sends the audio to the Preview Bus selected in the Input Audio dialog. When importing using the Media Browser the preview bus is set using the menu on the Media tab , "B" in the image below. Set the volume on this bus.
  12. The Navigator pane is still at the top of the track view. The Arranger track is between the Navigator pane and the Track pane. The Navigator view loads into the multidock. Note the links for the pane and the view in my post above. These are not the same thing.
  13. scook

    Bundle File

    You may but if this is really a backup copy it probably should not be used as a working copy. Instead, copy the backup to another location used for active projects and work on it there. A working copy may be made by using Windows Explorer to copy the project folder to the active projects area or by using "Save As" in CbB. Backup the working copy as needed. Use "Save" to save the current project in its current location Use "Save As" or "Save Copy As" to Create new project files (cwp) in the current location. A project folder may contain multiple project files pointing to the same Audio folder. Before Mix Recall this was the way to keep multiple mixes or snapshots of a project. Create copies of the project in a new location. This type of copy has been the subject of this thread. The only difference between "Save As" and "Save Copy As" is "Save As" performs the copy, closes the old project and opens the new project. "Save Copy As" only performs the copy.
  14. I don't run CbB as administrator While I use Sontius plug-ins I have not saved a preset in some time. I just tried using the Sonitus Compressor and although it added the present and bank during the session it did not persist to the next session. In order to save the preset to C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Plugins\FxCompressorDX.ini I modified the permissions on the file by right-clicking the file opening Properties on the context menu adding Write for Users
  15. scook

    Bundle File

    Sounds right to me http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x2021C
  16. scook

    Bundle File

    Any audio clip regardless of how it was created is saved with "Save As" just like a bundle. Per-project audio folders have been the default for several years now. The preference setting was removed years ago.
  17. scook

    Bundle File

    Since the introduction of per-project audio folders 16 years ago, bundles have been redundant. The bundling feature is there for backward compatibility. It is a convenience feature suitable for sharing projects. Bundling is not a suitable format for archiving projects. IOW, do not rely on a bundle as the only source of a project. Instead save projects in individual folders with their audio in a folder beneath the project file, the default layout for projects with per-project audio folders. This is a suitable format for archiving. That said a bundle, just like creating a new project with a per-project audio folder using "Save As" with "Copy all audio with project" enabled, contains the all audio referenced in the project. Unlike the bundle, the project copy is ready to play. The bundle must first be unbundled to be playable. And there lies the risk.
  18. Most interfaces have a way to mix the direct signal with the signal from the DAW. If this is your interface https://www.m-audio.com/products/view/m-track-mkii The mix knob is above the +48v button. All the way to the left is direct signal only. All the way to the right is the usb signal only (IOW the DAW)
  19. The ASIO restriction is one I/O driver at a time, not one device. There are manufacturers that make ASIO drivers that support multiple devices. I am unaware of any manufacturer supplied driver that supports mixing hardware from different manufacturers. Other driver modes do not have this restriction. ASIO4All does not have this restriction either. This is because it is not an ASIO driver. It is wrapper for WDM drivers. It can aggregate multiple WDM drivers and present them to the host in a single "driver." If one has a dedicated audio interface with a decent manufacturer supplied ASIO driver, use headphones connected to the interface.
  20. While the Sonitus plug-ins have been around since the 1990's, as you noted the DX plug-ins were ported to 64bit allowing them to load into 64bit DX hosts. IIRC, they were some of the first native 64bit plug-ins ever, bundled with SONAR 5 released in 2005. The plug-ins are still supported and were last compiled in 2016. And while I am a fan, If they were not ported or supported I doubt we would be discussing them today. Unless the conversation were about finding suitable replacements.
  21. If you like Loom, this is 10% of the original upgrade price to Loom 2. Here is a video describing the differences along with an into to Loom 2. see https://www.airmusictech.com/product/loom-ii for more details
  22. Keep in mind all the plug-ins bundled with SHS 2002 are all 32bit and almost 20 years old. The DX format plug-ins will not load into 64bit DAWs and the 32bit VSTs may no longer be supported. Best to look for modern, supported 64bit replacements rather than holding on to outdated plug-ins. Updating everything but a few plug-ins is not a good idea.
  23. Navigator pane Navigator view click-drag the scrollbar
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