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Everything posted by scook

  1. That is a messed up installation. Gloss EQ is the name of the Quad Curve EQ dll (the actual name is PCS-GlossEQM.dll). The QCEQ should appear in the ProChannel of all tracks and buses. It should not appear in the PC module menu.
  2. The per-track EQ feature pre-dates the ProChannel. It was added in SONAR 4. The Quad Curve EQ is an update to the original per-track EQ hosted in the ProChannel. The QCEQ cannot be removed.
  3. Above 24bit this is floating point too.
  4. That is right and it is easy to verify by checking the recorded clips. Unless one is processing the recording audio stream on the fly in the DAW, I doubt there is any advantage to recording higher than the audio driver bit depth.
  5. Record and render bit depth support up to 64bit. The audio engine is 32 or 64bit based on 64-bit Double Precision Engine setting. It has been this way for a very long time (2005).
  6. goes by @Steve Patrick
  7. It is hard to guess what is going on with interpreted error message. It may help to post an image of the error message. Without it, my best guess is something is interfering with file creation such as anti-virus software. I recall an anti-malware program called ByteFence causing problems with file creation. If this is installed, removed it.
  8. Yes, and there have been cases reported where devices that are supposed to automatically change sample rate fail to do so resulting in the audio recorded at the interface sample rate and audio clip headers reporting the DAW sample rate. To avoid surprises, when changing sample rate, it may be a good idea to verify the project and the interface are running the sample sample rate. If the audio interface is also used for Windows, this gets a little more complicated as Windows and the DAW should always be set to the same sample rate too.
  9. To set the sample rate for new projects (and project without audio) or change the sample rate of a project with audio see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=AudioPerformance.05.html
  10. The area is not part of the plug-in layout. It is a recently used list maintained separately in the registry - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Core\Recently Used Synths Delete the duplicates using regedit if you wish. They should naturally retire when other synths are used.
  11. The icons to the left of the names in the most recently used area are all VST2. Not sure how one doubles up entries in the MRU list like the image shows. I tried but could not replicate it.
  12. One solution is use aux tracks as buses. Make sure the sends feeding the sidechain inputs on the FX in aux track are pre-fader.
  13. FWIW... WASAPI Shared uses a buffer set by the OS and cannot be changed by CbB. All other driver modes have an adjustable buffer but some manufacturers do not support changing ASIO buffer size from the DAW. For these interfaces, the buffer must be adjusted with software supplied by the manufacturer.
  14. scook


    Hold down the SHIFT key for fine control
  15. Enable the Keystroke button on the right above the plug-in UI.
  16. Another possibility is the playback software is "enhancing" the signal. To see if the exported audio sounds like the original Cakewalk project, import the audio into a new project and play it. If it sounds like the original project, the problem is the playback software setup. If it sounds different than the original project, it may be a routing or export issue.
  17. The Pantheon plug-in bundled with SONAR Producer was DX format. It is registered when installed and does not get scanned by the VST scanner. A VST reset will not help. Looking in the "Sort by" layouts provided by CbB is good idea.
  18. These are included in CbB too, see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Plug-ins.1.html and http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Plug-ins.2.html#1765955 TH-U on the other hand is not bundled with CbB. It is not free.
  19. I found a related thread with a little more info
  20. I do not use Kontakt but my guess is the Zero Controllers When Play Stops setting is the issue.
  21. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab
  22. If it is an audio drop out in the traditional sense, CbB 2019.09 and newer display a toast message with a code and a link to the help page with table containing the code, cause and suggested remedy. If a toast is not being displayed, one cause of audio cutting out is one or more plug-ins running in demo mode. Being a new install, it may be worth making sure all the plug-ins are activated.
  23. IOW a plug-in issue. Knowing which plug-ins are involved may help. If it is a streaming vs. non-streaming sample issue, again knowing which plug-in would be useful.
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